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‘Pakistan has been playing us all for suckers’

You again? Lol.. You do laugh at you don't you? anyways, rather than getting worried for 45% of India, don't you think that you should be worried of your own country which is in a big mess right now..?

And yeah, the reason you keep on giving 2 cents because you're getting it from your western master.. Its not your hard earned money but GRANTED.. This is why this thread exist..

Just let me know if you still don't understand..lol

If you are here to troll, then carry on.. it seems that after this India has "leaked" some laughing gas also.. you seem unable to stop laughing.. but it is good to laugh on one's own self.. first step towards sanity..

Another two cents for you mate..
Honor and integrity are "strings". The only 'strings' attached to our aid was that you don't stab us in the back! Is that such a big consideration?

For over half a century, the American taxpayer has given Pakistan but literally everything from cash to planes to missiles to food to medicines. In 1971, we sent the 7th Fleet to the Bay of Bengal in a desperate bid to save your forces. We supported you at every turn in the UN.

And in return, you harbored the man responsible for the killing of thousands of our countrymen! Following the rule of law is now considered some kind of obligation?

The sooner we end our handouts to Pakistan, the better off we will all be.

Son! you need to learn a LOT of YOUR history before telling us about "backstabbing".. Here is something for you to Ponder..

And after listening to this, do show me any proof that OBL was in that mansion in Abbottabad.. and i'm not taking any "word of mouth" for it..
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Not sure if the people in Pakistan fully realize the ramifiations of OBL hiding out in a safe house in Abbotabad. Sections that were long pro-Pakistan (e. g., Dana Rorhbacher) have decidedly turned against Pakistan. On the TV (John Stewart) are openly mocking the naivety of anyone trusting Pakistan.

We gave your country everything -- money, weapons, training, support in the UN and you repay us by shielding for years our most wanted terrorist. How long can Pakistan survive without our money? How long can you keep your weapons operational without our maintenance and spare parts? And I don't think China and Saudia Arabia are gong to be anywhere near as generous as we were.

The first part, we would love to check it out..

The second part, you don't give parts free of cost, you charge them..

Later section.. SA we don't need, it hasen't proven to be a friend.. China is our friend and a real one, they INVEST in the country, not bribe the leaders.. learn the difference..

Honor and integrity are "strings". The only 'strings' attached to our aid was that you don't stab us in the back! Is that such a big consideration?

This is part arrogance and part blindness.

Pakistanis just don't want to be blown up by drones. The aid comes with the following strings. You die we give you aid. It's cheap and whore-ish.

For over half a century, the American taxpayer has given Pakistan but literally everything from cash to planes to missiles to food to medicines. In 1971, we sent the 7th Fleet to the Bay of Bengal in a desperate bid to save your forces. We supported you at every turn in the UN.

The Americans did things for their own interests. The US wanted influence in Asia, Pakistan gave it some. The US didn't want Soviet influence to spread so supported Pakistan during that war. Sanctions were slapped on Pakistan when Pakistan showed India it had a nuclear bomb. The list is endless. The end result is that the US wasn't ever an ally of Pakistan, it just did things short term when it had interests in the region (compare with China's long term association).

Pakistan has been receiving aid though none of it seems to have gone to Pakistanis outside of the government. Again it's whore-ish. Most of the aid doesnt arrive anyway.

And in return, you harbored the man responsible for the killing of thousands of our countrymen! Following the rule of law is now considered some kind of obligation?

The sooner we end our handouts to Pakistan, the better off we will all be.

Even the US government doesnt say that and their version is subject to constant change and no evidence provision.

I think most Pakistan would like you to keep your aid. It's pointless. Most probably just want you to leave the region and to take the Wahhabism you introduced with you.
If you are here to troll, then carry on.. it seems that after this India has "leaked" some laughing gas also.. you seem unable to stop laughing.. but it is good to laugh on one's own self.. first step towards sanity..

Another two cents for you mate..

Troll? If you take the pain to check my first post in this thread, you will find out that all I wanted to do is to give my best wishes to Pakistan.. But you don't like that huh? You're so used to this stupid arguments that you can't even see that someone is giving wishes to your country.. and you talk about troll??

Now since you've started this.. just make sure that you are on topic.. don't go round and round.. you mentioned something about feeding 45% of India's population..?? You kidding me? You're having a hard time to feed your 180 million and you wanna talk about 45% of India? do you know what this 45% comes to what million? do you like to make fun of yourself or you just don't care of people laughing at you??

Rather than blaming others just try to find out why this thread exist.. my best wishes...
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