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Pakistan has been offered the Chinese 4th generation J-11 (SU27)

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That is why like any other modern day navy, PN too should have a air arm of its own which will eliminate the need for the PAF to provide cover and also the race between the two sides shifting the blame on each other for not coordinating with each other the way it was suppose to be done.

very unprofessional attitude from both navy and airforce for blaming each other.the airforce are the guardian of the skies and it is the navy or coastguard duty to inform any or every movement in the skies. very :what::angry::disagree: to hear this
Very interesting threads and topic discussions here. My idology is I think that, we should not say no to the US equipments and we should not even beg.
we should just change our buying habit and techniques specially with the US. Play their game on them, make them beg us. If they are giving us free equipment let it come, if they offer us more F16 we bargain for better. We should look in to getting full Tot of any equipment that we get from them using our bargaining chip. If they offer us more F16 we ask for A10 fighters with tot or missile technology, or chinnock helicopters, equipments that does not need to much of their assistance or euipment with full tot or just a one off deal like night visions etc etc. Thats how we should be doing Defence deals with the US.
pakistan should not go for any more F16 unless it is zero metre. paty pack. l would scan the plane to make sure that it will not stop on mid air with press of a button, dont think it will happen but who knows.

We should look into the 2 new platforms we have JF17 as a light weight multi role fighter. J10B as medium weight multi role fighter. If we have no problems what so ever in inducting the aircraft by the russians 3rd would be the J11. We have three great platforms to work with here plus F16.

Airforce will get its share of JF17. Army should get 50. JF17 as ground support.

What the Navy requires.

1) Pakistan Navy Needs to stablish it own aviation wing. where the fighters, helicopters and plane of navy and coast guard can be operated efficiently and formally.

2) PN should induct J11 only for the southern command consisting of 6 squadron of 16fighters total of 96 planes upgraded to our requirement. PN should maintain only 6 squadron for their J11 inventory and increase the numbers only if it is really required. Main focus should be on the JF17 upgrading/ new technology etc and J10B platforms.

3) four squadron should be placed under navy and dedicated to naval duties.

4) The naval wing of PN should be operated and administered by the airforce but should be working under the navy flag and reporting to naval command which is administered by both naval and airforce officers, so there is no complication, or mis communication between the two stablishments as read earlier on previous threads.

5) four squadron of mirages should be inducted until they are phased out by J11.

J11 will be a great learning curve for PN and PAF in every aspect and provide a much needed air superiority to PN in the arabian sea.
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You do realize that if the PRC sells the J-11 to Pakistan, it is going to face a lot of flak from Russia.

Plus, the first post is mere speculation and cannot be termed entirely credible.

I doubt PAF would get the J-11; it can procure the Sukhois directly from Russia though.


GREAT NEWS FOR PAKISTAN, F7PG, JF-17, F-16B52, J-10B'S AND J-11B's :pakistan::china::pakistan::china: :cheers:
Is it true?

j-11B for pakistan..wll russia wil allow china to do this?

If its true then J-11B will boost PAF air superiority and fighter capable against Indian MKI..
I think future procurements of any jet by PAF will depend entirely on the Indian MRCA winner.
I think future procurements of any jet by PAF will depend entirely on the Indian MRCA winner.

Pakistan answer to Indian MRCA will be J-10B, thats why J-10B procurement is set to 2015. By that time China will have its own engine to power the bird, and the equipment to bring it to close to match any MRCA winner.

Though how much China can improve on J-10B is yet to be seen, and there are few crashes around too. for me J-11 should go to PN.
Personally i think j-10B and the next variant of jf-17 will be ery similar..

So then upgrade jf-17 with very high upgrades is better then to buy j-10B

Pak should go for j-11B.which can easily face all MMRCA fighter and MKI.
In Future we can equipt j-11B with AESA..

GREAT NEWS FOR PAKISTAN, F7PG, JF-17, F-16B52, J-10B'S AND J-11B's :pakistan::china::pakistan::china: :cheers:

could you please provide proof for your hyperbole???
Personally i think j-10B and the next variant of jf-17 will be ery similar..

So then upgrade jf-17 with very high upgrades is better then to buy j-10B

Pak should go for j-11B.which can easily face all MMRCA fighter and MKI.
In Future we can equipt j-11B with AESA..
Not exactly , J-10 happens to be better than JF-17 in every aspect payload, speed,ceiling etc etc . J-10 with western avionics will become more lethal than it already is same goes for j-11, Jf-17 is in no way on par with J-10 or j-11. I think J-10b with an aesa radar, TVC engine, and advanced avionics will become one hell of a jet.besides PAF has thing against twin engines so j-11 is out of question
I think future procurements of any jet by PAF will depend entirely on the Indian MRCA winner.

I agree with you 100%! That is why the decision to go for the Chinese J-10 has been delayed.

Pakistan is wanting to keep its options open. Their gap filler is already being delivered in the shape of F-16's. The need for more high perfomance jets (quantity wise) will be fulfilled after the Indian award.

There will be a lot more understanding of Pakistani requirments by lets say, the French after they get rejected by the Indians!!!!:pakistan:
Not exactly , J-10 happens to be better than JF-17 in every aspect payload, speed,ceiling etc etc . J-10 with western avionics will become more lethal than it already is same goes for j-11, Jf-17 is in no way on par with J-10 or j-11. I think J-10b with an aesa radar, TVC engine, and advanced avionics will become one hell of a jet.besides PAF has thing against twin engines so j-11 is out of question

thunder cost is low as well.. this is where main difference lies.
JF17 with western equipment would be a lethal fighter and be able to match j10 not in every aspect but it would perform its required purpose gracefully, plus its a light weight multi role fighter an replacing all paf light weight fighters. j10 and j11 are medium and heavy fighters. different purpose an requirement altogether.
j11 should only be aquired for the PN navy, if PN cant aquire them then they should go
for j10 for PN aviation role.
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nice day dreaming:lazy:

why would it be a day dream!!!! if pakistan can make its own fighter can get nuclear bombs soo it can also talk with the french as they are already getting agosta 90, marlins from them. anything is possible buddy if you want or can. in paf situation they can give it a shot.:pakistan:
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This news came out two years ago and no confirmation on J11 purchase. based on the duration of this speculation, i will reach a conclusion that it was a false news and PAF will never for J11. Now, can we say the same thing for J10. i am not sure.
No matter how J-11 has been modified internally, it still looks like a Russian plane in its outer appearance. Thus, this would create a patent infringement issue with the Russian.

The best advice for PAKAF is to save more money in the near future for the coming J-XX which is 100% indigenous Chinese technology and won't have any problem with its copyright.
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