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Pakistan has become 'paapistan', says Maulana Kalbe Sadiq

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What is paap-istan? Does he not know the apposite of Pak is Na-Pak and not Paap? At any rate, what he says means nothing for in order to save his life and honor in Hindutva Bharat, he has to lick the toes of the Hindutvadis. Actually feel sorry for him.

Papi like a papi scene in bollywood movie. He himself is a papi in India. And by these statements he is trying to dhoying his paps.

On a serious note Congrats for TTShip.:tup:
Such as 'Ghar Waapsi'. Correct!
Yes.....and it is not forceful unlike in your country where daily bombing and terror incidents are now rampant and on top policy makers still not concentrating on addressing that issue
Well.. in that case three 3rd rate citizens have become Presidents of this country.

Care to share a similar comparison from the other side ?
A mere ceremonial position. The poor guy had to perform soorya pooja every morning to please his Hindu staff. Yeh auqat thi Musalman Sadar saheb ki.

Yeh bechara Kalb-e-Sadiq tou kisi qataar shumar hi mein nahin.

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Indeed Islam is dead in Pakistan!
Criminals and terrorists using Islam to justify their heinous deeds. Muslims in India enjoy much more personal and religious freedom.
We practice Islam whichever way we feel is good and the state has no say over it. We have equal opportunities and rights. As long as we have our constitutional rights, each and every Indian Muslim should be proud of our system. We in India lead a much more peaceful,democratic and Islamic life in India than in any country in the subcontinent.
Just one question.....What will say to All Mighty when u die? Would u say him that we 'practice' whatever part of islam we feel like practicing or we had submitted our will completely to u?
Indeed Islam is dead in Pakistan!
Criminals and terrorists using Islam to justify their heinous deeds. Muslims in India enjoy much more personal and religious freedom.
We practice Islam whichever way we feel is good and the state has no say over it. We have equal opportunities and rights. As long as we have our constitutional rights, each and every Indian Muslim should be proud of our system. We in India lead a much more peaceful,democratic and Islamic life in India than in any country in the subcontinent.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Just one question.....What will say to All Mighty when u die? Would u say him that we 'practice' whatever part of islam we feel like practicing or we had submitted our will completely to u?

Bro for them we are dead. Islam is dead in Pakistan by their moronic logic because people get killed (mainly because of their proxies), just look at the manhoos shakal of this Maulana and tell me if he looks any good to you.


And if killing of people is the basis of his statement, than what would he say about a country where female gets killed on a moving bus because some sexually frustrated thugs passed iron rods in her body just to please themselves?
Indeed Islam is dead in Pakistan!
Criminals and terrorists using Islam to justify their heinous deeds. Muslims in India enjoy much more personal and religious freedom.
We practice Islam whichever way we feel is good and the state has no say over it. We have equal opportunities and rights. As long as we have our constitutional rights, each and every Indian Muslim should be proud of our system. We in India lead a much more peaceful,democratic and Islamic life in India than in any country in the subcontinent.

Please post a picture next time you do the ritual of a Cow Qurbani.....just for posterity. :D
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Bro for them we are dead. Islam is dead in Pakistan by their moronic logic because people get killed (mainly because of their proxies), just look at the manhoos shakal of this Maulana and tell me if he looks any good to you.


And if killing of people is the basis of his statement, than what would he say about a country where female gets killed on a moving bus because some sexually frustrated thugs passed iron rods in her body just to please themselves?
Waqai, phitkaar par rahi hey is manhoos key moonh par.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Bro for them we are dead. Islam is dead in Pakistan by their moronic logic because people get killed (mainly because of their proxies), just look at the manhoos shakal of this Maulana and tell me if he looks any good to you.


And if killing of people is the basis of his statement, than what would he say about a country where female gets killed on a moving bus because some sexually frustrated thugs passed iron rods in her body just to please themselves?
not just that, they even kill their daughters when they are born. Thats why there is a shortage of female population in that country where as almost in the entire world the population's situation is reverse.
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