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Pakistan has arrested the alleged mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks


Sep 20, 2014
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They "arrested" a patsy as an eyewash to evade FATF greylisting, the LeT had no hand in the attacks whatsoever. They don't have the ability to do much besides guerilla warfare in Kashmir, and even they suck at that.
They "arrested" a patsy as an eyewash to evade FATF greylisting, the LeT had no hand in the attacks whatsoever. They don't have the ability to do much besides guerilla warfare in Kashmir, and even they suck at that.

The Pakistani establishment are digging a hole for themselves to appease an enemy that will never be appeased by sacrificing innocent Pakistanis.
The Pakistani establishment are digging a hole for themselves to appease an enemy that will never be appeased by sacrificing innocent Pakistanis.
What I wonder is why was the LeT even created to begin with? what good have they done for Pakistan and its society? the group hasn't achieved jack shit in Kashmir and is shit at fighting, they only tarnished the Kashmiri cause if anything. And to add on their presence gave the perfect scapegoat for Indian authorities to blame whenever a (self staged) terrorist attack would happen in their country. The group should have been shut down for good decades ago, but we know they will never do that.
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now to surrender them just to get some dollars is pathetic.
For an economically depleted country like Pakistan currently is, that 5 Million Dollar bounty sure sounds sweet and appealing. From their perspective if it means locking up some random Pakistani dude, then why not? they already have a shit ton of experience with that anyways.
We should have went the Iranian way rather than capitulating to this FATFBS. Morality aside these people served the nation and the state and now to surrender them just to get some dollars is pathetic. Even after all the sanctions Iran is better developed than Pakistan. We already have nuke, we share border with Iran and China, countries immune to western sanction Our people already hate America. So why? Unfortunately it seems like the legacy of colonialism is not going to leave us anytime soon.
Iran can go Iranian way because Iran got Iranian oil. You are right though. No one is stopping Pakistan from trading with Iran and getting way cheaper oil than Russia. But then that burns bridges with Saudis and Americans. But better for the region to rise as a whole so it stops a foreign bulllying nation like the US to have any control whatsoever.
Here goes one more propaganda (false flag) of Pakistani PDFians directly into drain. Now lick your own spit.
We all know this "arrest" is just a drama and eyewash to evade the greylist, none of us raised a single hair hearing this news. They simply named some senior LeT activist (with his permission) as the "mastermind" to give off an illusion that they actually give a shit about constant American and Indian bitching, there hasn't been a proper investigation of this attack from your side till this day. We all know the truth, we aren't obliged to do jack shit for you people and investigate the mess left by your false flag attack. We wouldn't want to interfere in your internal matters, that's what good neighbors do afterall
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We should have went the Iranian way rather than capitulating to this FATFBS. Morality aside these people served the nation and the state and now to surrender them just to get some dollars is pathetic. Even after all the sanctions Iran is better developed than Pakistan. We already have nuke, we share border with Iran and China, countries immune to western sanction Our people already hate America. So why? Unfortunately it seems like the legacy of colonialism is not going to leave us anytime soon.
Maybe Pakistan needs the $5 million bounty placed on Sajid Mir head.
🤣🤣🤣 Pakistan never seizes to entertain even slapping its own face. Will they now compensate the 26/11 victims, now that they are admitted guilty?☹️
We should have went the Iranian way rather than capitulating to this FATFBS. Morality aside these people served the nation and the state and now to surrender them just to get some dollars is pathetic. Even after all the sanctions Iran is better developed than Pakistan. We already have nuke, we share border with Iran and China, countries immune to western sanction Our people already hate America. So why? Unfortunately it seems like the legacy of colonialism is not going to leave us anytime soon.
Problem is that Iran has oil and China does not want to import the type of low value added goods that Pakistan can produce. Pakistan can economically be stable only by trading with US and EU. Ergo, FATF matters :cheers:
This is as fake as the fake mumbai attacks done by the indian RAW itself.
Who is going to believe that now, after Pakistan has arrested someone for doing it? Thank god for Pakistani army, it always delivers to the enemy.
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