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Pakistan has agreed to give Afghanistan trade access to India

The federal government has agreed to give Afghanistan trade access to India using Pakistani soil, while in response Afghanistan has agreed to give Pakistan trade access to Sher Khan Bandar, a border area of Tajikistan.

Sources said that one year ago, a proposed trilateral agreement had been drafted for land trade among Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan which had to be signed. At the time of the signature, Afghanistan wanted to put in the condition to include India in the agreement. However Pakistan opposed the Afghanistan’s condition. This made the future of the trilateral transit trade agreement uncertain. But the government has now agreed to give Afghanistan trade access to India.

“The government has agreed that the Afghan trucks can use the Wagah route, also allowing them to use the routes of Torkham and Chaman for transferring the goods. Similarly the Afghan government has agreed that Pakistan can use Sher Khan Bandar, a border of Tajikistan for trade purposes,” sources added.

Sources further said that the Afghan trucks have been allowed to export Pakistani products on returning from Wagah while Pakistani trucks will be permitted to export products on return from the Tajikistan border. The government of Pakistan has also agreed to consider the Afghan proposal to eliminate existing negative list for Afghan Transit Trade.

In this connection, Afghan Pakistan Transit Trade Coordination Authority (APTTCA)’s meeting was held on February 14 and 15 in Islamabad. In the meeting, the two countries agreed upon a number of matters, sources said.

Where is Kashmir Problem ?
but mate it's over.
Nope, it's not....... show is yet to begun.
. I think Pak needs to make peace with India and just simply eitheir confederate or go back to the days of the British Raj
No peace untill Kashmir issue is there.
i have a question and that is Are they also allowed Indian trade access to afghanistan ? or the trucks will come empty from india to afghanistan ?
Two way trade........
The federal government has agreed to give Afghanistan trade access to India using Pakistani soil, while in response Afghanistan has agreed to give Pakistan trade access to Sher Khan Bandar, a border area of Tajikistan.

Well played

Just occupy Afghanistan area we need end of story

you do live in dream land, don't you??

This is ONLY in the interest of nawaz sharif NOT in the interest of the Nation.

how is that??? in return you're being allowed to access Tajikistan areas
Unfortunately, people are more prone to emotional outbursts, rather than looking at the facts.
Same things were said back in early Musharaf era when NATO was given access to Afghanistan via Pakistan......
As result we picked 50K bodies......
Now same story is repeating and we will pick another 50K bodies........ while our intellectuals will keep sucking the lollipop of diplomacy and peace..........
Same things were said back in early Musharaf era when NATO was given access to Afghanistan via Pakistan......
As result we picked 50K bodies......
Now same story is repeating and we will pick another 50K bodies........ while our intellectuals will keep sucking the lollipop of diplomacy and peace..........
Its a win for Pakistan as Afghans earlier wanted indian transit that's indian goods going to Afghanistan through Pakistan .while in this case its only afghans goods going to india.
While the trucks you mentioned , their are basically not that many afghan truck, most of the trucks betwenn AF-PAK are Pakistani
And we suffered 50k casualties because of someone who was coward enough to go into what we are doing today, its not USA,Afghanistan or someone else fault.
Pakistan today is just a business franchise for the erstwhile upper and middle class English educated elite from Muslim minority areas of India like Utter Pradesh. This group has effectively colonised Karachi in almost Zionist way the Jews did in Palestine. They display the same chauvinistic superiority toward the native cultures and languages as the Jews did with the native Palestinian. They even make similar claims that "we turned the Karachi into powerhouse".

Islam was used to wax eloquent and fool the gullible masses. A imposed culture was equated with Islam as if that culture or language was Islam. In effect a Utter Pradesh India was carved inside the heart of Pakistan under the guise of Islam. Religion was used to secure this groups economic interests. The total hold over media (check where all the media in Pak is based) meant control over the population.

Along the way another power centre. The military from the GT road axis grabbed power. Over time this group also co-opted with the former and the same song has been sung since then with minor change here or there.

Given this reality all 1947 did was make another India Minor with veneer of false Islam sprayed on the facade. Given this it might well go bacxk to 1947. At least it would save billions of dollars on defence that might b e better used to improve the lives of the poor.

Mr. Jinnah must be rolling in his grave after reading your post....So, we colonized Karachi......:lol: Sir, why i have a feeling that you are frustrated and disappointed on something.

@Areesh we are now being compared with Zionists. :-) . I just wish if we could have the power like of Zionists. First thing we would have done is to bring back the capital to Karachi. A real capital made by Jinnah but was stolen by elite of country from "Zionists"

I feel sorry for you, sir. It is not our fault if your sindhi wadera and punjabi jageerdar exploited and are still exploiting your people.

We value this Pakistan more than your ethnicity.......Jab ek cheez mehnat kar ke hasil ki jaati hai na....tou uski qadar aur value ka ahsas hota hai.....We earned Pakistan by sacrificing our lives and you are comparing us with Zionists?.......Do you even know who Zionists are and how they operate? Your comment was the most ridiculous i have ever read on PDF

I can raise same questions.........Why capital was moved to Islamabad? Why, despite being educated, we struggle to find government jobs in Sindh? Zionists don't face discrimination, they do discrimination.

Have a good day.
Same things were said back in early Musharaf era when NATO was given access to Afghanistan via Pakistan......
As result we picked 50K bodies......
Now same story is repeating and we will pick another 50K bodies........ while our intellectuals will keep sucking the lollipop of diplomacy and peace..........
Case in point, emotion outburst.

The NATO situation and this are completely different. That was supplies for war, this is trade.

I can guarantee that the army approved this deal, with Chinese pressure.

Like it or not, this is good for Pakistan. Kashmir is unsolvable currently, so why should the rest of Pakistan suffer, because of it? If Gwadar is going to be a success, Pakistan NEEDS access to central Asia.

Im not telling ypu to like it, but please, just think clearly about it.
I got the info from another thread. The source said that India would be allowed to send certain products back to Afghanistan, but they would have to go through some inspections.
You gotto provide source for this claim.

If true it will go against the expectation of many posters here.
You gotto provide source for this claim.

If true it will go against the expectation of many posters here.
Yeah, so it turned out to be wrong. My apologize. Apparently, there was a misunderstanding.

Still, the very fact that Afghanistan is allowed to even send product to India is a big step.
No. Sorry for being vague. What I said is beyond the proxy war or other issues. It strikes at the very reason why Pakistan came about and even more importantly the trajectory it took after it's inception.

I will some other time address this issue properly but I think Pakistan came about as result of accident (nothing wrong with that as 99% of countries came about in same way) but then was hijacked by a narrow clique that set about laying a structure that would give them monopoly to service their elite economic position. Along the way they have co-opted others or bought them out to keep that monopoly intact. The mass of people have been fooled and have paid the price and will continue to pay the price.

1950s was critical time but Pakistan went on the wrong path.

Agree with few things, disagree with few other.

My opinion from what I have read about history, is that Pakistan was not "accident", it was carefully crafted, to be ruled by the elite, for the elite and of the elite. Long time back, one Indian member quite beautifully narrated it, I don't remember his name, but I had quoted it long back, here it goes.....

Pakistan was created because before the time of independence, elite Muslims were afraid of losing the power and influence they had. As democracy would have made sure they lost their clout. The common Muslims were sold the fear that Hindus and Sikhs would be out for blood in retribution for the Mughal rein, that Islam would be put in danger.

Elite Muslims wanted to be in power. (of course, who doesn't want power?) The elite Muslims had come to enjoy the power and wealth through Muslim rulers; and now, at the time of independence, the subcontinent was to become a democratic entity. This made them sure that their power and their elite status over people would decline and eventually their wealth too. To protect their own self interests, they demanded that they be given 50% of seats in parliament in return for their support to united India cause, but of course this idea was rejected by Indian leaders as parliament will be comprised of people who have been voted and elected by the people and not based on demands of some elite group. For this reason, the elite Muslims started selling the idea of Pakistan as a country were all Muslims could freely exercise their religion. But of-course, this was a tactic they employed to get support from south Asian Muslims for free independent state.

In short, my understanding is that Pakistan is of the elite, by the elite and for the elite Muslims.That is the reason we have seen so many dictators, coups and military generals acting for power. It was always for the power. And the poor, the downtrodden continue to remain uneducated while being fed with "Ideology of Pakistan" by elitists from army and the ruling class.

I was told by a Pakistani that the reason why so many road projects are undertaken while the railways has remained largely neglected for many years is because, many politicians and military generals, in some way or other, hold shares or own construction companies that become part of these construction of road infrastructure. They handout the projects to companies owned by their own people and hence end up becoming richer and richer, as a result, railways has remained in neglected state (in-comparison to India where railways form the backbone for the mobility of poor)

I'm just stating my opinion here, of-course, there might be some flaws of what I have stated here. Your opinion on what I stated is most welcome, I would like to know your particular view on what I have written
Its a win for Pakistan as Afghans earlier wanted indian transit that's indian goods going to Afghanistan through Pakistan .while in this case its only afghans goods going to india.

what you're saying!! Indian trucks would go empty from india to Afghanistan ????
If there are very secured air trade routes and Indian air bases at Tajikistan then why land route or land trade is so important.? It can be cost effective or can be beneficial for Pakistani business men or vice versa.
It is only a business deal between Hindu banias and Pakistani seths.
Pakistan agreed it before also but put condition of taxes and inspection of the cargo which India rejected, i want to know on what conditions we agreed, it is a great danger their leader already openly claimed that they will use proxies against us and they are using it. Not only they use our roads but also can deliver lethal weapons during 1000s of kilometer route.
We must put...
1. Heavy taxes for using our roads as maintains + duties.
2. Inspection of goods at any stage + transport must be Pakistani. India can bring their cargo to waga where it can be loaded into Pakistani truck and transported to Afghansitan

What we get....

1. Jobs and good for transport business.
2. Security and check what type of cargo / goods they are exporting and importing.

Without these conditions cargo must not be allowed to go through Pakistan.
what you're saying!! Indian trucks would go empty from india to Afghanistan ????
Cant you read, its written in quite simple words. Its afghan good exporting to india while india is not still not allowed to export good to afghanistan through Pakistan.

The rest is none our concern we got what we wanted from the deal but indians lost and afghans betrayed them too

Pakistan agreed it before also but put condition of taxes and inspection of the cargo which India rejected, i want to know on what conditions we agreed, it is a great danger their leader already openly claimed that they will use proxies against us and they are using it. Not only they use our roads but also can deliver lethal weapons during 1000s of kilometer route.
We must put...
1. Heavy taxes for using our roads as maintains + duties.
2. Inspection of goods at any stage + transport must be Pakistani. India can bring their cargo to waga where it can be loaded into Pakistani truck and transported to Afghansitan

What we get....

1. Jobs and good for transport business.
2. Security and check what type of cargo / goods they are exporting and importing.

Without these conditions cargo must not be allowed to go through Pakistan.
What are you guys talking about, their is no india in this deal, its only afghan product going into india and nothing is coming back from india.
Case in point, emotion outburst.

The NATO situation and this are completely different. That was supplies for war, this is trade.

I can guarantee that the army approved this deal, with Chinese pressure.

Like it or not, this is good for Pakistan. Kashmir is unsolvable currently, so why should the rest of Pakistan suffer, because of it? If Gwadar is going to be a success, Pakistan NEEDS access to central Asia.

Im not telling ypu to like it, but please, just think clearly about it.
Remember your words......
I will throw back these words to you when "fruit" of this deal will ripe.

This is just the beginning....... you are giving them opening and later you will not be able to handle it.......

Just don't forget Samjhota express......
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