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Pakistan has agreed to give Afghanistan trade access to India

How much Afghan and Pakistan government trust each others before giving this trade access to each other in order to connect south asia with central asia ? This step might increase the influence of India in affairs of Afghanistan and may bring security implications for Pakistan and there might be issues of smuggling and other misuses of the transit trade agreement
I will reiterate this is ONLY being done by a FEW for a FEW. Rest of the masses have nothing to gain from it.
Great news at least we are connecting with Pakistan and they with us through something... This will lead us to a path of peace and prosperity... How about TAPI once this goes operational..

How much Afghan and Pakistan government trust each others before giving this trade access to each other in order to connect south asia with central asia ? This step might increase the influence of India in affairs of Afghanistan and may bring security implications for Pakistan and there might be issues of smuggling and other misuses of the transit trade agreement

Currently Pakistan is intervening in their home affairs... be optimistic and stop scrutinizing everything on negative terms....
Well I have reason to feel the way I do and to make it fully explicable would require pages. However for now I will say it was (Pakistan) fraud that along the way got mixed with all sort of rubbish in the process made a cult for the benefit of a few. The masses have been duped and drugged.

Ever seen "Falling Down"? You know when he finds out right at the end that he is the bad guy. That's how I feel. Guess what? We are the bad guy's. We "been had".

So what you're saying is Pakistan started this proxy war? Explain yourself little more about it, sir. Please!
So what you're saying is Pakistan started this proxy war? Explain yourself little more about it, sir. Please!

No. Sorry for being vague. What I said is beyond the proxy war or other issues. It strikes at the very reason why Pakistan came about and even more importantly the trajectory it took after it's inception.

I will some other time address this issue properly but I think Pakistan came about as result of accident (nothing wrong with that as 99% of countries came about in same way) but then was hijacked by a narrow clique that set about laying a structure that would give them monopoly to service their elite economic position. Along the way they have co-opted others or bought them out to keep that monopoly intact. The mass of people have been fooled and have paid the price and will continue to pay the price.

1950s was critical time but Pakistan went on the wrong path.
Pakistan is agreeing to trade deal with a country that:

1. Doesn't recognize the western border.
2. Started 2 wars and uprisings against the State.
3. Proxies for anti-Pakistan organizations.
4. Has yet to take back any of the millions of refugees from 1980s.

Come on...
This will lead us to a path of peace and prosperity... How about TAPI once this goes operational..
Currently Pakistan is intervening in their home affairs... be optimistic and stop scrutinizing everything on negative terms....
Well you have no clue about who interfered where. It was Afghanistan who first started this policy of destabilizing the frontier region of Pakistan soon after its birth in 1947 but its another topic

I am not denying that this economic co-operation is good for region but negative implication cannot be ignore and there should be proper procedure to tackle them
@MaarKhoor thanks for tagging.

My observations to the brighter side and a critic view.

A million dollars question by you indeed though it looks like route is allowed only against use of Pakistan transport within Pakistan territory as a sign of economic benefits, as per contract that seems good picture from transporters to labour.

Such contract will help ease tension between these 3 countries and will be helpful economically to the people involved especially transport/labour class.

So also shows the sign from Pakistan side that we are indeed peace loving nation and wants to maintain a good relationships with all.

Critic view. ......

While on other hand there are doubts like are we going to give a route to more terrorism as no one can guarantee a fool proof security due to the current condition of security and stretched legs of Military yet will result in more burden on Military.

So also the question should be raised about such sudden change in mood towards one that never miss a chance to defame Pakistan and seems like the love of money in steel business and the mango/sari diplomacy.

Not to go long back in history but should have a look at recent blames upon Pakistan and all those observations and insecurity of defence purchases though there is a list to discuss.

Furthermore, recently one of Indian state refused to provide security to our cricket team for a match against India due to protests of local reasoning their martyrs which clearly indicates the blame upon Pakistan and our current leadership is not aware what happened herein and who did, how innocent. We remember our martyrs and confessions of criminals as well.

India has been expressing her intentions for Pakistan that will never miss a chance to destabilise us yet government is busy signing contracts with the same country behind the closed doors even without bringing in public knowledge or parliament/assembly but wait, it is the same government that came into power after mandate givenby Pakistanis.

What is the use of Sher Khan Bandar to Pakistan for trade with Tajikistan after the assurance of Afghan Government yet herself fighting a war for internal security but guarantees us.

On condition by Afghanistan to include India, see who demands, the Afghanistan which never miss a chance to blame Pakistan yet exports terrorism to our lands. Even US admits the Indian business of creating problems for Pakistan through Afghanistan but Afghan Government never expressed that to India in favour Pakistan.

We also need to keep in mind that there are elements in Afghanistan that dislike India and current Afghan government and the same can create problems for us just for favouring their enemies and taking sides and it would be wise to not make more enemies yet these 2 are enough for the moment.


It is the outburst against all the efforts and sacrifices of Military for peace and CEPEC that India openly opposed from day first. Here, not to forget that to the most extent, it was the efforts, sacrifices and assurance of Military that made CPEC possible but seems like NS couldn't stop that though favoured his business partners.

There could be more to add in brighter side of such contract to prove that it carries the weight but should be beneficial in practical and not like to fool people and to take political advantage. Also these critic views can be added with more realities and could be rebutted by NS government but on solid grounds other than diplomatic statements and never fulfilling promises.

Pakistan Zindabad
Whats the problem. We get two way trade with Tajik while Afg gets one way trade with India. I think its in our advantage big time.
Maybe it is Maybe it is not, But is the military doing business with indian steel makers? No.

Two different issues. Military may not be able to prevent someone from investing their assets but surely can control what comes-in and goes-out of the country.

If Military is not on board then this proposal is DOA.

Hence I interested to know Pakistan Military's view on this proposal.
Well you have no clue about who interfered where. It was Afghanistan who first started this policy of destabilizing the frontier region of Pakistan soon after its birth in 1947 but its another topic

I am not denying that this economic co-operation is good for region but negative implication cannot be ignore and there should be proper procedure to tackle them
AFPAK perhaps comes together go hand in hand with little trust... I am sure they will be prudent about things and proceedings..
Two different issues. Military may not be able to prevent someone from investing their assets but surely can control what comes-in and goes-out of the country.

If Military is not on board then this proposal is DOA.

Hence I interested to know Pakistan Military's view on this proposal.
we will find out soon enough. however i doubt the military will oppose only time will tell.
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