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Pakistan has agreed to give Afghanistan trade access to India

No idea where your from but rest assured no Brahmins or Khatris owned anything of my ancestors. If you carry some inferiority complex with regards to Brahmins that's your problem. Maybe they held sway over you. In the provinces of what is now Pakistan the so called Brahmins were in such a minority they would be sliced and diced faster than mincing machine chews up chicken meat. And in 1947 many were. Of course those living in Brahmin worshipping provinces got chewed up and what was left high tailed to seek refuge in the westerly provinces.

And now they act like Brahmins .....

And such is the bigotry of Pakistan. While India continues to host in excess of 200 million minorities the great nation of Jinnah revels in the acts of genocide
And now they act like Brahmins .....

I disgress.

Had they acted like Brahmins (and had intellectual firepower to act as such), Pakistan's educational and S&T sector would not be in as pathetic a condition as it is now.

The problem with Paksitan is that there is no one in Pakistan who could act like Brahmins, and thus its educational and technological outcomes are pathetic even in comparison to India.
But that's exactly how it'll work. You seem to misunderstand, just because the Afghan truck wont have Indian products, doesn't mean they'll go back to Afghanistan empty handed. The article even says that on their return they will be loaded with Pakistani product to send to Afghanistan.
Oh okay. Thanks for clarifying it. India is a very big market and hope Afghans utilise this opportunity well.
Tragedy is natural or unconsciously act while terrorism is cold blooded carefully designed act to harm humanity.
Uh no, that's not the definition of tragedy at all. In fact, I gave you the literal definition of tragedy.



The resulting consequences from one or more deaths can be seen as a tragedy. For example, if a large number of persons are killed in a terrorist attack, not only is life lost, but others may lose their sense of security, and this impacts the lives of others in other ways.
Uh no, that's not the definition of tragedy at all. In fact, I gave you the literal definition of tragedy.



The resulting consequences from one or more deaths can be seen as a tragedy. For example, if a large number of persons are killed in a terrorist attack, not only is life lost, but others may lose their sense of security, and this impacts the lives of others in other ways.
same thing someone killed them unconsciously or in a accident.....but terrorism is a designed act to kill. any ways Sir forget it and move on.
About to be launched again?
India and afghanistan bond will become more and more stronger as afghanistan depend on india to increase their export figure and prosperity.To get this afghanistan opened trade route with pakistan to connect central asian countries even though it's already connected through china.Aghanistan diplomatic victory is the background victory for india even though india need not export any thing to afghanistan because of very small market.

@Zarvan @Muhammad Omar @Zibago @Ammara Chaudhry

India is the biggest export for Afghanistan than neighbour pakistan(2013 figure).This will increase multiple times with open trade with india


@Sher Malang @A-Team
Long time back, one Indian member quite beautifully narrated it, I don't remember his name, but I had quoted it long back, here it goes.....
Could you tell who was it? On this forum?
This is a win situation mainly for afghanistan

1. India can import central asian and afghanistan goods
2. Afghanistan export growth improves
3. Afghanistan can connect india but pakistan already connected central asian countries through china
4. Afghanistan get bigger market access to country like india while pakistan get smaller
market access like central asian countries

It's a diplomatic victory for afghanistan.
What ever makes you happy , the only country who diplomatically won is Pakistan which forced afghans to keep indians out of Pak-afghan tansit agreement and now their will be no indian product going into afghanistan through Pakistan.
We will now connect afghanistan to CPEC too
wet dream of Ganga valley people :D

Yes afghanistan also told you the same that if you don't give them access, they will not give access to central asian countries through afghanistan.May be you can still make a very costly connection with central asian countries through china !


What ever makes you happy , the only country who diplomatically won is Pakistan which forced afghans to keep indians out of Pak-afghan tansit agreement and now their will be no indian product going into afghanistan through Pakistan.
We will now connect afghanistan to CPEC too

India already inaugurated Aghanistan parliament(Most important landmark) and that too done by none other than Modi.Afghanistan depends mainly on pakistan for its import's but when the relation comes they give more importance to india than pakistan and that's why they want an open transit route to india since india is a big market for them than pakistan.Can pakistan become like huge indian market, absolutely not.

There is a saying 'People will follow money and not other way around'
Yes afghanistan also told you the same that if you don't give them access, they will not give access to central asian countries through afghanistan.May be you can still make a very costly connection with central asian countries through china !


We are not reliant of on Afghanistan in anyways... neither we are begging for any thing from them, what we need is a secret op in Wakhan corridor, Pay billions, buy tribes and annex that land.. no need for China or Afghanistan both :D

The federal government has agreed to give Afghanistan trade access to India using Pakistani soil, while in response Afghanistan has agreed to give Pakistan trade access to Sher Khan Bandar, a border area of Tajikistan.

Sources said that one year ago, a proposed trilateral agreement had been drafted for land trade among Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan which had to be signed. At the time of the signature, Afghanistan wanted to put in the condition to include India in the agreement. However Pakistan opposed the Afghanistan’s condition. This made the future of the trilateral transit trade agreement uncertain. But the government has now agreed to give Afghanistan trade access to India. (again, no Indian Truck on Pakistani soil)

“The government has agreed that the Afghan trucks can use the Wagah route, also allowing them to use the routes of Torkham and Chaman for transferring the goods. Similarly the Afghan government has agreed that Pakistan can use Sher Khan Bandar, a border of Tajikistan for trade purposes,” sources added.

Sources further said that the Afghan trucks have been allowed to export Pakistani products on returning from Wagah while Pakistani trucks will be permitted to export products on return from the Tajikistan border. The government of Pakistan has also agreed to consider the Afghan proposal to eliminate existing negative list for Afghan Transit Trade.

In this connection, Afghan Pakistan Transit Trade Coordination Authority (APTTCA)’s meeting was held on February 14 and 15 in Islamabad. In the meeting, the two countries agreed upon a number of matters, sources said.


Source: https://defence.pk/threads/pakistan...n-trade-access-to-india.424528/#ixzz420WGBwJA
We are not reliant of on Afghanistan in anyways... neither we are begging for any thing from them, what we need is a secret op in Wakhan corridor, Pay billions, buy tribes and annex that land.. no need for China or Afghanistan both :D

Trade you are not dependent, but your countries security situation depends on relation with afghanistan.So you force to maintain good relation with them since the border is still open.
s they give more importance to india than pakistan

Yeah thats why India is not part of Afghan Peace talks :D they give value to your money only otherwise they used world like Bhangi, Kala, etc etc
India already inaugurated Aghanistan parliament(Most important landmark) and that too done by none other than Modi.Afghanistan depends mainly on pakistan for its import's but when the relation comes they give more importance to india than pakistan and that's why they want an open transit route to india since india is a big market for them than pakistan.Can pakistan become like huge indian market, absolutely not.

There is a saying 'People will follow money and not other way around'
All major afghans cities are on Pakistan side, they have families,buisnesses,education and Health facilities here in Pakistan and thy will continue to do rely on these facilities for the forseable future and in that future india cannot provide these.
You just focus on trading tomatoes and rice with nepal and bangladesh , while we will focus on Middle east,central asia and china for trade.

India has no role in future of afghanistan your role is replaced by china
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