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Pakistan has agreed to give Afghanistan trade access to India

Could you tell who was it? On this forum?

Unfortunately, I don't remember. Yes, it was on this very forum.

He was quite active among groups and a well known member.

But many members have gone silent now.
I told you, it's not matter for india if we include india or not unless we loose trade,diplomatic relation with afghanistan.You can use china or whatever route to central asia for your goods in which india does not care.Still afghanistan export more to india than china or pakistan,US holds its influence/military presence in afghanistan,India becoming a major power in global arena, pakistan remains helpless with the whole situation even if you like it or not.

Accept the reality and move on....

As i said u are an irrelevant nation, u can buy good will of Afghans but not influence... we have that and it shows in every important aspect of Afghanistan...

.Still afghanistan export more to india than china or pakistan,

from which route? data?

US holds its influence/military presence in afghanistan

they are trying to handover mess to China which they created hence China is part of Afghan peace process not some irrelevant country called India :D

pakistan remains helpless with the whole situation even if you like it or not.

Accept the reality and move on....

Yes we have accpeted the reality that whining Indians can only whine.. in reality they are irrelevant :D
Why do the Afghans need their trucks to go through Pakistan to get to india? Didn't the indians claim recently that they have other more viable and efficient ways to get to Afghanistan bypassing Pakistan? Or was that more lies and propaganda?

Anyways, I hope that this whole situation is another gimmick by the Pakistani politicians which will be shelved or ended once another incident occurs between Pakistan and india.
Why do the Afghans need their trucks to go through Pakistan to get to india? Didn't the indians claim recently that they have other more viable and efficient ways to get to Afghanistan bypassing Pakistan? Or was that more lies and propaganda?

they are just talk.. nothing more.. Iran has offered China to take part in Chabahar development and overall development of eastern province of Iran...
Well I have reason to feel the way I do and to make it fully explicable would require pages. However for now I will say it was (Pakistan) fraud that along the way got mixed with all sort of rubbish in the process made a cult for the benefit of a few. The masses have been duped and drugged.

Ever seen "Falling Down"? You know when he finds out right at the end that he is the bad guy. That's how I feel. Guess what? We are the bad guy's. We "been had".

As an indian, we always wanted to have peace with pakistan.but we are not who directly runs the country or take decisions.also we want corruption free india but its there and always will be..but it dosnt mean we love corruption.same is true for our relations. Also blaming others for ones own mistake only makes the matter worse. Try to dig the internet ,not everything is conspiracy against you guys.
You've always been connected to us through your covert terrorist activities in the country.
Though the Afghani rats who spoke in the favor of India have been successful. Great lobbying by the RAW snakes!!
The access means more smuggling, terrorist activities in the country.
All I can say is ... Start training more Hadleys...
As an indian, we always wanted to have peace with pakistan.but we are not who directly runs the country or take decisions.also we want corruption free india but its there and always will be..but it dosnt mean we love corruption.same is true for our relations. Also blaming others for ones own mistake only makes the matter worse. Try to dig the internet ,not everything is conspiracy against you guys.
I salute you for your first Post with positive intention....me also supportive of bilateral trade acitivties from both sides
But as a big country ...Onus is upon Bigger guys to form a peaceful environment....we are already tired of monotonous tone of throwing allegations
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Well its our win as indian has not been given access to Afghanistan. It is one way trade where afghanistan can export their products to india. On contrary we get tax free and duty free two way trade to Tajikistan and centeral asia.
Not giving trade access to some country who has given your country MFN status and counting these silly things as a win of yours. And then blaming others for deterioting relations. is this the correct way to improve relations?.and closing a path doesn't means that there is none other.soon india will start trading by surpassing you. But think whose loss is these?. And what both countries will get by this?
Not giving trade access to some country who has given your country MFN status and counting these silly things as a win of yours. And then blaming others for deterioting relations. is this the correct way to improve relations?.and closing a path doesn't means that there is none other.soon india will start trading by surpassing you. But think whose loss is these?. And what both countries will get by this?

India is bhemoth of cheap goods and if we give access to india then that will mean downing our own exports to central asia and afghanistan. It is not a rocket science that it takes so hard to understand simple things.
The federal government has agreed to give Afghanistan trade access to India using Pakistani soil, while in response Afghanistan has agreed to give Pakistan trade access to Sher Khan Bandar, a border area of Tajikistan.

Sources said that one year ago, a proposed trilateral agreement had been drafted for land trade among Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan which had to be signed. At the time of the signature, Afghanistan wanted to put in the condition to include India in the agreement. However Pakistan opposed the Afghanistan’s condition. This made the future of the trilateral transit trade agreement uncertain. But the government has now agreed to give Afghanistan trade access to India.

“The government has agreed that the Afghan trucks can use the Wagah route, also allowing them to use the routes of Torkham and Chaman for transferring the goods. Similarly the Afghan government has agreed that Pakistan can use Sher Khan Bandar, a border of Tajikistan for trade purposes,” sources added.

Sources further said that the Afghan trucks have been allowed to export Pakistani products on returning from Wagah while Pakistani trucks will be permitted to export products on return from the Tajikistan border. The government of Pakistan has also agreed to consider the Afghan proposal to eliminate existing negative list for Afghan Transit Trade.

In this connection, Afghan Pakistan Transit Trade Coordination Authority (APTTCA)’s meeting was held on February 14 and 15 in Islamabad. In the meeting, the two countries agreed upon a number of matters, sources said.

Government agrees to give trade access to Afghanistan | Pakistan Today
Pakistani will gonna be really angry
I salute you for your first Post with positive intention....me also supportive of bilateral trade acitivties from both sides
But as a big country ...Onus is upon Bigger guys to form a peaceful environment....we are already tired of monotonous tone of throwing allegations
Thanks :). Well i am a continuos reader of this forum from past 5 years and seen much.. i think with small steps any one can achieve big goals. But steps must be taken from both the sides :).

India is bhemoth of cheap goods and if we give access to india then that will mean downing our own exports to central asia and afghanistan. It is not a rocket science that it takes so hard to understand simple things.
If someone will go by your reason then india must stop trading with your country and take back its MFN status.right? Friend trading benefits both sides. And even if you dont want too by taxing the trade vehicles you can have enough.and about stopping the trade route- how long this strategy will work?
Well afterall i am saying that if both countries will support each other then both will enjoy good growth and ultimately it will help in reducing tensions and maintaing peace :)
Thanks :). Well i am a continuos reader of this forum from past 5 years and seen much.. i think with small steps any one can achieve big goals. But steps must be taken from both the sides :).

If someone will go by your reason then india must stop trading with your country and take back its MFN status.right? Friend trading benefits both sides. And even if you dont want too by taxing the trade vehicles you can have enough.and about stopping the trade route- how long this strategy will work?
Well afterall i am saying that if both countries will support each other then both will enjoy good growth and ultimately it will help in reducing tensions and maintaing peace :)

Only if it was that simple then we wouldnt have fought 3 wars over a piece of land. Taxing is not enough and i doubt mere taxing can generate billions of dollar that we are going to get with transit trade agreement through afghanistan. Unfortunately at least in short and medium term there wont be any compensation given to india in terms of transit trade. As for peace it is not as easy as every one makes it sound. If it was that easy then we wouldnt hae fought so many wars over a piece of land. I dont see any hope of peace at least in short or medium term but who knows in long term a miracle might occur. A common enemy which both countries hate more than each other will do the job
No idea where your from but rest assured no Brahmins or Khatris owned anything of my ancestors. If you carry some inferiority complex with regards to Brahmins that's your problem. Maybe they held sway over you. In the provinces of what is now Pakistan the so called Brahmins were in such a minority they would be sliced and diced faster than mincing machine chews up chicken meat. And in 1947 many were. Of course those living in Brahmin worshipping provinces got chewed up and what was left high tailed to seek refuge in the westerly provinces.

And now they act like Brahmins .....
They were few but holding people all over current Pakistan hostage to centuries of debt. Many would ride a 'ghori' into a village and people would run with the ghori so that he might not get offended and ask his money back. The village shop was almost always owned by a Khatri.
These conspiracy theories you profess about Pakistan are nothing new, they have been churned out in numbers. I wouldn't even like to go into those details.
Pakistan was a reality then and will be. Even if it didn't come into existence in 1947 it would have in future. The Central Indian muslim was infact at loss with creation of Pakistan. I met many Indian muslims and they all think creation of Pakistan weakened the muslims in India. They lost their businesses and were relocated to an alien land. I do not know what kind of history have you read or under what influence. Punjabis were expected to be dominant, after 47 there is no conspiracy in this. Compare it with other provinces in 47 and now and it shouldn't be a surprise. I can go on and on refuting you illogical conspiracy theories. I have read Pakistan movement from every angle and every bias. The idea of Pakistan was set in motion not by the Muslim Jageerdars or Hindustani businessmen but by the first muslim who sacrificed his life for it . Ideas cannot be held hostage. With all its faults Pakistan is a success story. Tribulations never occur in a place where stakes are low. I Remember the conversation of Hazrat Ali and the Yahhodi about Devil and his whisperings during Salaat.
In your reflection I see the "former" myself but mate it's over. My feeling about India will never change but it is time to move on.Time to accept reality. I think Pak needs to make peace with India and just simply eitheir confederate or go back to the days of the British Raj.

The problem is that there will never be peace under any circumstances. Even when Pakistan opens up every single border and door in its country. This is just for PR for the masses.
The problem is that there will never be peace under any circumstances. Even when Pakistan opens up every single border and door in its country. This is just for PR for the masses.
Pakistan will never see peace like Israel, maybe not for exact reasons. We are panicky disorganised sheep. Israel has embraced its fate. We are still confused between Chenoys and Qadris. The day we realised our destiny and moved on with the fact that Pak-India normalcy is a never event and with force profess the ideology of Pakistan, we will remain perched on the same very cross road forever.
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