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Pakistan gives on-arrival visa to elderly Indian

I think it is even better if we welcome those who have previously been hostile towards Pakistan. These are the kind of people, from both sides, who need to won over for the borders to be softened and liberty brought to those who suffer from them. Moreover, I firmly believe that all humans, no matter how enormous their crimes, are capable of redemption, and we must not be ungracious when we are given the chance to help them redeem themselves.

Bro sorry I have to say no here. Many of these people have murder and rape on their hands, having either taken part, supported it or backed the people doing it (majority). The thought of these ba$tards walking on the land my forefathers fought and won makes me sick and is an insult to our fallen. Let's just look at all the gestures Pakistan has done in the past few years, all of which were met with malice and venom by the Sanghis. Do remember that when Pakistan was offering peace gestures the Indian government was going about its plans to seal of the Kashmiris forever (removal of article 370), and as we speak our Kashmiri kin are still under the worst possible conditions.
No peace with them, not now, not ever. I also think the term human isn't applicable to them.

Haha, that is true. People tend to be their worst selves whilst hiding behind an anonymous internet identity. The same people will be far more gracious to you in real life when they see you as a human that you are and not a faceless representation of a particular political identity. Take all internet trolling with a pinch of salt. Thank god people are not actually what the pretend to be on the internet.

In real life they would just hide it, afraid of coming out with their views to avoid confrontation. Grace doesn't even come into it.
Bro sorry I have to say no here. Many of these people have murder and rape on their hands, having either taken part, supported it or backed the people doing it (majority). The thought of these ba$tards walking on the land my forefathers fought and won makes me sick and is an insult to our fallen. Let's just look at all the gestures Pakistan has done in the past few years, all of which were met with malice and venom by the Sanghis. Do remember that when Pakistan was offering peace gestures the Indian government was going about its plans to seal of the Kashmiris forever (removal of article 370), and as we speak our Kashmiri kin are still under the worst possible conditions.
No peace with them, not now, not ever. I also think the term human isn't applicable to them.

In real life they would just hide it, afraid of coming out with their views to avoid confrontation. Grace doesn't even come into it.
Friend, I would remind you not to assume such moral high ground when you have plenty of evidence not to. Some of my maternal people, not immediate relations, were likewise involved in the lootings, rapes, and massacres of 1947. The same happened all over Northern Punjab and on the fringes of the Frontier. I am reminded of all the subsequent rapes, witch-hunts, and mob-lynchings that minorities have been subjected to in the former and existing territories of Pakistan, which continue to this day. Once more, we find ourselves facing the question as to whether or not humans guilty of heinous crimes, from our tribe or another, are deserving of redemption. I for one would like to think they are because the alternative is very bleak for everyone.

And I pity anyone who thinks that men are so fallen as to be deserving of the treatment that is prescribed here.
so many indian terrorists are elder persons such as modi mohanbhagat etc
Bashing? are you mentally fine? Or exposure to indians for all these years has made you delusional apart from imitating them in hatred?

hmm..like indians?...


indians are like ......slap me around no problem

You seem to adopt the ENDian approach to me...

Me on the other hand ...have the Pakistani approach

for your visualization.. this how Pakistani handle trouble makers..

now that i put your pants down... tell me how do you plan on revoking my citizenship.... tell naa
Friend, I would remind you not to assume such moral high ground when you have plenty of evidence not to. Some of my maternal people, not immediate relations, were likewise involved in the lootings, rapes, and massacres of 1947. The same happened all over Northern Punjab and on the fringes of the Frontier. I am reminded of all the subsequent rapes, witch-hunts, and mob-lynchings that minorities have been subjected to in the former and existing territories of Pakistan, which continue to this day. Once more, we find ourselves facing the question as to whether or not humans guilty of heinous crimes, from our tribe or another, are deserving of redemption. I for one would like to think they are because the alternative is very bleak for everyone.

And I pity anyone who thinks that men are so fallen as to be deserving of the treatment that is prescribed here.

That happened in 1947 and I will remind you brother that per capita more Muslims were slaughtered than Sikhs and Hindus.
As for today things are immeasurably far better for minorities and we do not have a crazed, blood thirsty lot in charge of Pakistan like we do in India.
Let's set all the philosophical issues aside, they should never receive any such favours whilst our Kashmiri kin are under occupation. That's real and not having our heads in the clouds of having peace with an enemy that hates our very existence.

so many indian terrorists are elder persons such as modi mohanbhagat etc

Yep that's the reality, they're not these loveable pensioners who need hug from us.

The Sikhs are different and if you notice what is happening now we can already see the cracks appearing with the Sanghis who hate the idea of Kartarpur abusing Sikhs and making their life difficult and in return the Sikhs fighting back. This will only get worse now. I also noticed that there was a silence among Hindu social media users regarding the Kartarpur crossing, bar a a minority the only ones celebrating were the Sikhs. This shows the cultural disconnect going on i.e. for Sikhs Pakistan is holy land, for Hindus it means nothing at best and at worst it it is the land where the enemy resides.
That happened in 1947 and I will remind you brother that per capita more Muslims were slaughtered than Sikhs and Hindus.
As for today things are immeasurably far better for minorities and we do not have a crazed, blood thirsty lot in charge of Pakistan like we do in India.
Let's set all the philosophical issues aside, they should never receive any such favours whilst our Kashmiri kin are under occupation. That's real and not having our heads in the clouds of having peace with an enemy that hates our very existence.
Are numbers even relevant at this point? If the number of any one minority in Pakistan was as high as it is in India, we would have been just as bloodthirsty - both now and in 1947. Kashmiris can only be liberated through these concessions. There is no other way. Even the establishment seems to be of this view. The only way to isolate Indian extremists and by doing so desist them from expunging the rights of Kashmiris is to provide concessions to the rest of the country.
Are numbers even relevant at this point? If the number of any one minority in Pakistan was as high as it is in India, we would have been just as bloodthirsty - both now and in 1947. Kashmiris can only be liberated through these concessions. There is no other way. Even the establishment seems to be of this view. The only way to isolate Indian extremists and by doing so desist them from expunging the rights of Kashmiris is to provide concessions to the rest of the country.

Yes they are i.e. their partition violence was planned piece meal by state and even senior government figures, not the mob attacks seen in Pakistan back then, anyway off-topic.
No concessions to them at all, they see it as a weakness. Kartarpur is fine the rest won't see even the light of day. Pakistanis certainly don't want to give concessions to them in light of the Kashmiris.
Do you want to be mocked in their media all day all night long? That's what they do when you show kindness.
A fine and noble gesture. To respect innocent elder citizens of even an enemy state is a magnanimous act.
Do you want to be mocked in their media all day all night long?
Let them mock this - they will only be deceiving themselves. This is not the same as say for example Modi requesting fly over rights. That was correctly rejected, just like this was correctly approved.

Every case to be judged on its merits.

If we accepted Modi's next request for fly over, I would join the Indian media in mocking Khan.
How is 65 elderly?

This government recently increased the age of retirement yet somehow think 65 year olds are elderly.

Its a national security issue this foreign funded government of Pakistan
What the hell is wrong with your ugly shit you carry inside you?

You want us to be beating the elderly people for their desire to visit their birth places before they die? What are you some low life tryna be some mojo?

Starting with folk who imitate indians in heart and speech on our side including you :)

What's an 82 year old going to do. Have a heart.

Are you insane ? This is the most intelligent diplomatic policy adopted by Pakistan. Objectives:

  1. TO create soft international image of Pakistan.
  2. To create soft corners in Sikh community who are living next to Pakistani border. Sikh are brave community and case of war there is a risk that local people will also join start supporting Indian army that will give them multiplier effect but with the current policy in long run Sikh can become soft towards Pakistan and may choose to remain neutral.
  3. Far fetched but a possibility is that Indian start negative action against Sikh just like the muslim and Khalistan movement become even more strong then it will give us a great long term advantage.
  4. In independent Sikh state will also benefit the Kashmir movement.
  5. Indian armed forces are full of Sikh people but with favors extending to them there could also be a soft corner in some of the Indian forces after all they are humans. Look at the Abhinandan episode. The good gesture we extended to him resulted in his refusal to be part of Indian propaganda machine and he never make any claim of downing F16 and ultimately Indian propaganda machine had to be remained silent.

First of all Sikhs were responsible for their own losses they can thank their Master Tara Singh - who started chanting Death to Pakistan - these 60+ years old lived during that time and supported the slaughter of Muslims - we didn't start it first, it was him stirring the can which unleashed violence on both sides. The only reason these Sikhs are acting nice is because the *** whopping Indra Gandhi gave them during the Golden Temple Siege - and how Neru played them by promising a Sikh homeland and they got nothing, had it not been for that they'd still lick Hindu Gand like those Aman Ki Asha Patwari's we have in Pakistan.

Listen I'm not against creating a soft corner for these Sikhs but their is a limit until you see some reciprocal steps from the other side - Imran Khan is trying to open Pakistan like McDonalds Archs where you just push to come in, no fucking sane country does that.

How many times we have sent back captured fisher men but they never release any of ours in a similar gesture - yet when they do its' in a casket.

For that one poster who said aren't Hindu's Human being - the answer **** No they aren't those who eat and drink shit are shit... end of story.

@War Thunder

What I'm saying is being a realist nothing to do with your stupid thought on "mojo" - how many peaceful gestures we've made in the past through multiple administrations that have ruled Pakistan and were always met with a slap by these Hindus'.

@ Alternatiiv

An 80 or 90 year old can do many things - our religion has a soft spot for elderly and intelligence agencies can easily slip these sort of people in with funding to create a base or mix into local areas. And 65 isn't an age where these motor skills suddenly die down - retired intel officers can be used to infiltrate and create havoc -

Bro sorry I have to say no here. Many of these people have murder and rape on their hands, having either taken part, supported it or backed the people doing it (majority). The thought of these ba$tards walking on the land my forefathers fought and won makes me sick and is an insult to our fallen. Let's just look at all the gestures Pakistan has done in the past few years, all of which were met with malice and venom by the Sanghis. Do remember that when Pakistan was offering peace gestures the Indian government was going about its plans to seal of the Kashmiris forever (removal of article 370), and as we speak our Kashmiri kin are still under the worst possible conditions.
No peace with them, not now, not ever. I also think the term human isn't applicable to them.

In real life they would just hide it, afraid of coming out with their views to avoid confrontation. Grace doesn't even come into it.

Waz bro we have way to many libtards and Aman Ki Asha Patwaris' in Pakistan they wouldn't even know when the rug is being pulled from under their feet because their so called mohabat giving blocks their eyes and minds.

Yes they are i.e. their partition violence was planned piece meal by state and even senior government figures, not the mob attacks seen in Pakistan back then, anyway off-topic.
No concessions to them at all, they see it as a weakness. Kartarpur is fine the rest won't see even the light of day. Pakistanis certainly don't want to give concessions to them in light of the Kashmiris.
Do you want to be mocked in their media all day all night long? That's what they do when you show kindness.

We should have stopped after Kartarpur. Problem is some of our members aren't read about local politics that was played like Master Tara Singh - and many others. We forget our history - while the other side remembers.

Even after we returned Abinandan the Gangu media went on a rampage saying we threatened Pakistan to return our pilot or face more consequences we should've kept him longer and used him as a bargaining chip to release Pakistani's who accidentally crossed over to Indian side or our fishermen, but none of that shit happened. We played our hands weak, both the civil and military are to blame for this -
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Waz bro we have way to many libtards and Aman Ki Asha Patwaris' in Pakistan they wouldn't even know when the rug is being pulled from under their feet because their so called mohabat giving blocks their eyes and minds.

We should have stopped after Kartarpur. Problem is some of our members aren't read about local politics that was played like Master Tara Singh - and many others. We forget our history - while the other side remembers.

Even after we returned Abinandan the Gangu media went on a rampage saying we threatened Pakistan to return our pilot or face more consequences we should've kept him longer and used him as a bargaining chip to release Pakistani's who accidentally crossed over to Indian side or our fishermen, but none of that shit happened. We played our hands weak, both the civil and military are to blame for this -

Bro the whole thing is utterly stupid. On one hand Pakistan let go of their fishermen, their pilot, opened up x,y and z and what we got in return was the removal of article 370, the deliberate killing of our civilians in Azad Kashmir and outright hostility. It's very much a one way street.
But ok let's just look at some of their 'elderly';

Here's one ba$tard the CM of Haryana talking about getting the Kashmiri girls;

Do people think he's a one off or rarity? Go have a look at the BJP, RSS, Shiv Sena rallies, there are as many old people as young there. The old people are also their primary vote banks. Yet we want them to have pleasure walks in Pakistan! Hell no.

It's best to keep it at Kartarpur and I have outlined my reasons why earlier. No need for anything else.
Bro the whole thing is utterly stupid. On one hand Pakistan let go of their fishermen, their pilot, opened up x,y and z and what we got in return was the removal of article 370, the deliberate killing of our civilians in Azad Kashmir and outright hostility. It's very much a one way street.
But ok let's just look at some of their 'elderly';

Here's one ba$tard the CM of Haryana talking about getting the Kashmiri girls;

Do people think he's a one off or rarity? Go have a look at the BJP, RSS, Shiv Sena rallies, there are as many old people as young there. The old people are also their primary vote banks. Yet we want them to have pleasure walks in Pakistan! Hell no.

It's best to keep it at Kartarpur and I have outlined my reasons why earlier. No need for anything else.

Indeed, and that video is a very small example, I've seen much worse - right here in U.S. also from these Indians.

Sadly, I have also come across Pakistani's who even say Pakistan shouldn't have been created - and we were better of with India. This to after the remove of Article 370 and knowing full well how Muslims are treated in India.

But I'm also reminded of my fathers words why say something to someone else when your own house is bad and complicit in certain acts.

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