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Pakistan gives cold response to SAARC satellite project

buddy relax. I wasnt keen to this idea either the day i saw that news for the first time some months ago. It might risk our national security.

Its basically an indian project good for the indians who seek regional dominance and hegemony.

Faceplam, like China seeking in Pakistan? LoL

BTW, describe what national security would be at risk?

Pakistan however has made this clear that its not going to accept that at any cost since its directly against our national interests.
Yeah like, RISAT , CartoSat, flying day in and day out over Pakistan, and thats not national security breach? Right?
We should not share anything with india even if they fund our share in this satellite project.
You are exactly saying what is prevalent in your country. We have a concern with the pakistan to the extent they harm us through their thousand cut policy and prevention of that. We have not nourished our generations on hater and blaming cone country for all the failure.

Because your foreign policy is unable to protect your national interest. You would have got Much needed sophisticated satellite capability at almost free of cost.

How are our pigeon and camel spies?

Who bothers about Pak??Just launch the sat and rename it SAARC(-P) Sat.why so much fuss about it??the whole project is India funded,and we should decide who we're going to provide access to it.

Ah nope.. It's funded by all SAARC countries ... (Check the previous pages).. With Pak being the second largest contributor.

Thank god,, you r okey. I was start to afraid.

On the other thing,,you said nothing new, these are the same idiocies that prevailing in Pak since 1947.

So, no worry.

Sir . In india .. Pak bashing gets your votes... In India your people hate Pak (PEW research).. In India you have officer holders threatening war and calling for nuclear war... In India you have a defence minister who admits about supporting terrorism in Pak.. Do I need to say more?

Interesting given the fact Pakistan significantly funded sub-body responsible for this.

Source of fund

The budget of SMRC has three components:

a) Capital Cost Budget : 100% borne by the host country.
b) Institutional Cost : This cost is borne by the SAARC Member countries in the following ratio:

Sl. # Country Share of Contribution
1. Afghanistan 3.00%
2. Bangladesh 46.43%
3. Bhutan 3.00%
4. India 18.19%
5. Maldives 3.00%
6. Nepal 6.43%
7. Pakistan 13.52%
8. Sri Lanka 6.43%
Total 100%

c) Programme Cost Budget : The Programme cost is shared by the SAARC Member countries as per following ratio:

Sl.# Country Share of Contribution
1. Afghanistan 5.00%
2. Bangladesh 10.72%
3. Bhutan 5.00%
4. India 30.32%
5. Maldives 5.00%
6. Nepal 10.72%
7. Pakistan 22.52%
8. Sri Lanka 10.72%
Total 100%

SMRC | SAARC Meteorological Research Center

Ultimately its Pakistani monetary loss

@GR!FF!N stop embarassing yourself.

Pakistan too has millions under poverty and far higher percentage of poor & illiterate population.

Non existant middle class what non sense

Far higher percentage of poor? Lmao .. What at you smoking ?

And yes you have a non existant Middle class ... Pak has a 45% strong middle class .. Poverty rate is much lowered compared to india... despite the ailing economy and under a state of war meanwhile india grows economically but suffers from unequal distribution of wealth.
**** india

We are enemies, whats the point of joint projects

LMAO They can keep their sh!tty projects to themselves... Would rather join Chinese projects where we can actually learn something.
Far higher percentage of poor? Lmao .. What at you smoking ?

And yes you have a non existant Middle class ... Pak has a 45% strong middle class .. Poverty rate is much lowered compared to india... despite the ailing economy and under a state of war meanwhile india grows economically but suffers from unequal distribution of wealth.

No of hungry people in India falling but rising in Pak: Report | Business Standard News

45% middle class ? Nice joke.

'suffers from unequal distribution of wealth' ? Check the GINI quotient

Your literacy rate is far less than ours,so is you per capita income & HDI

Ah nope.. It's funded by all SAARC countries ... (Check the previous pages).. With Pak being the second largest contributor.

that's the only thing you can contribute

LMAO They can keep their sh!tty projects to themselves... Would rather join Chinese projects where we can actually learn something.

lol your country wouldn't be able to undertake such projects even in 2050...

What have you learned from joint programs for example from the Paksat project ?

We should not share anything with india even if they fund our share in this satellite project.

What do you have to share in case of space technology ?? Badr-B technology :omghaha:
No of hungry people in India falling but rising in Pak: Report | Business Standard News

45% middle class ? Nice joke.

'suffers from unequal distribution of wealth' ? Check the GINI quotient

Your literacy rate is far less than ours,so is you per capita income & HDI

that's the only thing you can contribute

lol your country wouldn't be able to undertake such projects even in 2050...

What have you learned from joint programs for example from the Paksat project ?

What do you have to share in case of space technology ?? Badr-B technology :omghaha:

Fix the rape endemic in your country. Feed the poor and provide toilets. LMAO @ Indians launching satellites...
Fix the rape endemic in your country. Feed the poor and provide toilets. LMAO @ Indians launching satellites...
lol coming from a country with huddod law ! by the way how is polio factory ding in land of pure ?
lol coming from a country with huddod law ! by the way how is polio factory ding in land of pure ?

What don you know about Hudod ordinance .. I'm very interested in your retarded theories .. Specially being a lawyer myself..

LMAO Go and rape something man... Stop wasting my time.


Indian government condemned for plans to make rape victims undergo a ‘two-finger test’ to see if they were sexually active

Indian government condemned for plans to make rape victims undergo a ‘two-finger test’ to see if they were sexually active | Daily Mail Online

2 finger test WTF is this for real!

So what's the poverty level in India and Pak ?:lol:

Most of the World's Poorest People Live in India

45% middle class ? Nice joke.

Pakistan Becomes Majority Middle Class Country | Page 2

'suffers from unequal distribution of wealth' ? Check the GINI quotient

Your literacy rate is far less than ours,so is you per capita income & HDI

Guess what's the per capita of both countries and the Middle class difference lol.

that's the only thing you can contribute

hahaha .. Bloody clown.

lol your country wouldn't be able to undertake such projects even in 2050...

What have you learned from joint programs for example from the Paksat project ?

What do you have to share in case of space technology ?? Badr-B technology :omghaha:

Forget about space tech .. Teach your people about basic sanitation and personal hygiene .. instead of improving the situation is in deep shit (literally).
Ah nope.. It's funded by all SAARC countries ... (Check the previous pages).. With Pak being the second largest contributor.

@GR!FF!N stop embarassing yourself.

Perhaps you should study more about funding.there is no source where it is mentioned that smrc is going to bear the cost.India proposed to "gift" it to saarc.so till you provide any other source,it is a India sponsored sat going to be launched by isro and it is them who will make control center and train techies in other countries as well which was mentioned beforehand.
Perhaps you should study more about funding.there is no source where it is mentioned that smrc is going to bear the cost.India proposed to "gift" it to saarc.so till you provide any other source,it is a India sponsored sat going to be launched by isro and it is them who will make control center and train techies in other countries as well.
Why don't you shut up and check the source (SAARC website).
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