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Pakistan gives cold response to SAARC satellite project

Ministry of Science & Technology
13-October, 2017 18:59 IST
India Announces Several Capacity Building Scholarships For Neighbouring Countries

S&T Ministers Conclave at IISF 2017, Chennai

Science Diplomacy

India throws open its Science & Technology (S&T) Institutions to its friendly neighbouring countries and announces a slew of R&D programs for capacity building in these countries.

The Scientific Ministries and Departments of the Government of India have active international collaboration in science and technology both at the bilateral and regional level. Today India is engaged in active R&D cooperation with more than 44 countries across the globe including advanced, emerging and developing nations.

As a part of India’s foreign policy initiatives of the present government like “Neighbours First”, “Act East”, and “India-Africa Partnership”, India has now embarked upon a visible path of developmental diplomacy using science, technology and innovation that will not only help towards capacity building in R&D but also address the needs of the people through the application of science technology and innovation. To this end, for the first time, a Science and Technology Ministers Conclave was organised as a part of the 2017- India International Science Festival (IISF) being held in Chennai from 13-16 Oct. Invites were extended to S&T Ministers from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

Inaugurating the Conclave, Dr. Harsh Vardhan, informed that the purpose of the S&T Ministers Conclave was to build and strengthen partnership between the countries by identifying the priorities, needs and mechanisms that will enable a fruitful cooperation through sharing and complementing each other’s strength and resources. Afghanistan Minister of Higher Education, Abdul Latif Roshan, Bangladesh Minister of Science and Technology, Yeafesh Osman and Minister of State for Science and Technology and Earth Sciences, Shri Y. S. Chowdary, outlined the priorities, challenges and opportunities in science and technology in their respective countries.

The common denominators for the scientific cooperation which emerged from the Conclave included the need to address societal challenges through application of science and technology in emerging areas such as Affordable Health care, Water security, Climate change adaptation, Agricultural science, Renewable energy, Information & Communication Technology and Natural disaster prediction and management. Dr. Harsh Vardhan informed that this would be achieved by sharing best practices access to scientific opportunities in India to individuals from across our neighbourhood nations who desire and deserve it, promote connectivity and capacity building by fostering research and education linkages with scientific and academic institutions of India and facilitate transfer of such knowledge and technologies from India which are affordable and accessible for larger public and societal good in our neighbourhood countries.

In order to enable active collaboration, the Minister also announced that the Ministry of Science and Technology would offer concrete programs supported by India for desiring and deserving neighbouring countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

The bouquet of schemes announced by Dr. Harsh Vardhan includes:

(1) For human capacity building in S&T, the 2018-India Science and Research Fellowship (ISRF) scheme will provide a fully paid fellowship to researchers, scientists and academicians from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka to undertake research and development work of their choice at any premier research and academic institution in India upto a period from 3 to 6 months.

(2) In order to address the need to support PhD students, a new element has been added in the 2018-India Science and Research Fellowship. The scheme for the first time will also include doctoral students in science, engineering and medical fields to undertake project related research work in any premier research and academic institution in India upto a period of 6 months. This will help to connect the next generation of the scientific community with India. The Department of Science and Technology will support this Fellowship scheme.

(3) Towards Training of Researchers the science agencies in India including CSIR, DBT, MOES, IMD, DST and SERB organizes tailor made hands-on training programs and advanced schools for Indian researchers. India would like to throw open these specialized training programs to participants from our desiring and deserving neighbouring countries to participate in these. 200 travel slots every year was announced for the researchers from these countries to be supported by the Department of Science and Technology to enable them to make the best use of these advanced training programs offered by India. This would help in capacity building and will also foster research networks with Indian scientific institutions.

(4) For institutional capacity building and technical assistance in Science and Technology a twinning program between Indian institution and a R&D or Academic institution in the neighbouring country was also committed by India. It was informed that a successfully model between the Institute of Biotechnology in Bangladesh with ICGEB, Delhi where scientists from Bangladesh undertake regular research and training immersions and Indian scientists travel to Bangladesh to assist in setting up the technical infrastructure of the new laboratory in making is being implemented. On a similar fashion, thiswill be replicated in other desiring countries in atleast one such institution in each of the mentioned neighbouring countries.

(5) One of the key aspects agreed was a mechanism for knowledge transfer and adoption for societal development. India offered a Technology Transfer Program, the objectives of which will be to match the socio-economic needs of our neighbouring countries by linking the public and private enterprises with leading edge Indian technologies and innovations. India will share a basket of demonstrated and validated Indian technologies and innovations developed by our scientific institutions. A need based select list of such technologies can be transferred using a Business to Business or Business to Government model of joint venture through a process of adaption and adoption. It will replicate the model which we are already implementing in African countries like Ethiopia, Rwanda and South Africa. The joint ventures created will deliver sustainable social enterprises that will stimulate economic impact development including the components of skilling, training, mentoring along with capacity building and business planning in our neighbouring countries.

It is expected that these schemes will help to develop a close and robust partnership in science, technology and innovation with our friendly neighbouring countries based on the principles of mutual trust, friendship and goodwill. The visiting Ministers were also exposed to the Science Park in IIT-Madras where technology start-ups are being incubated, at CLRI where clean technologies for leather industry are being developed and were showcased the advanced marine technologies at NIOT, Chennai.


funny coming from a 10th grader

These religious people are more educated




Ministry of Science & Technology
13-October, 2017 18:59 IST
India Announces Several Capacity Building Scholarships For Neighbouring Countries

S&T Ministers Conclave at IISF 2017, Chennai

Science Diplomacy

India throws open its Science & Technology (S&T) Institutions to its friendly neighbouring countries and announces a slew of R&D programs for capacity building in these countries.

The Scientific Ministries and Departments of the Government of India have active international collaboration in science and technology both at the bilateral and regional level. Today India is engaged in active R&D cooperation with more than 44 countries across the globe including advanced, emerging and developing nations.

As a part of India’s foreign policy initiatives of the present government like “Neighbours First”, “Act East”, and “India-Africa Partnership”, India has now embarked upon a visible path of developmental diplomacy using science, technology and innovation that will not only help towards capacity building in R&D but also address the needs of the people through the application of science technology and innovation. To this end, for the first time, a Science and Technology Ministers Conclave was organised as a part of the 2017- India International Science Festival (IISF) being held in Chennai from 13-16 Oct. Invites were extended to S&T Ministers from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

Inaugurating the Conclave, Dr. Harsh Vardhan, informed that the purpose of the S&T Ministers Conclave was to build and strengthen partnership between the countries by identifying the priorities, needs and mechanisms that will enable a fruitful cooperation through sharing and complementing each other’s strength and resources. Afghanistan Minister of Higher Education, Abdul Latif Roshan, Bangladesh Minister of Science and Technology, Yeafesh Osman and Minister of State for Science and Technology and Earth Sciences, Shri Y. S. Chowdary, outlined the priorities, challenges and opportunities in science and technology in their respective countries.

The common denominators for the scientific cooperation which emerged from the Conclave included the need to address societal challenges through application of science and technology in emerging areas such as Affordable Health care, Water security, Climate change adaptation, Agricultural science, Renewable energy, Information & Communication Technology and Natural disaster prediction and management. Dr. Harsh Vardhan informed that this would be achieved by sharing best practices access to scientific opportunities in India to individuals from across our neighbourhood nations who desire and deserve it, promote connectivity and capacity building by fostering research and education linkages with scientific and academic institutions of India and facilitate transfer of such knowledge and technologies from India which are affordable and accessible for larger public and societal good in our neighbourhood countries.

In order to enable active collaboration, the Minister also announced that the Ministry of Science and Technology would offer concrete programs supported by India for desiring and deserving neighbouring countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

The bouquet of schemes announced by Dr. Harsh Vardhan includes:

(1) For human capacity building in S&T, the 2018-India Science and Research Fellowship (ISRF) scheme will provide a fully paid fellowship to researchers, scientists and academicians from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka to undertake research and development work of their choice at any premier research and academic institution in India upto a period from 3 to 6 months.

(2) In order to address the need to support PhD students, a new element has been added in the 2018-India Science and Research Fellowship. The scheme for the first time will also include doctoral students in science, engineering and medical fields to undertake project related research work in any premier research and academic institution in India upto a period of 6 months. This will help to connect the next generation of the scientific community with India. The Department of Science and Technology will support this Fellowship scheme.

(3) Towards Training of Researchers the science agencies in India including CSIR, DBT, MOES, IMD, DST and SERB organizes tailor made hands-on training programs and advanced schools for Indian researchers. India would like to throw open these specialized training programs to participants from our desiring and deserving neighbouring countries to participate in these. 200 travel slots every year was announced for the researchers from these countries to be supported by the Department of Science and Technology to enable them to make the best use of these advanced training programs offered by India. This would help in capacity building and will also foster research networks with Indian scientific institutions.

(4) For institutional capacity building and technical assistance in Science and Technology a twinning program between Indian institution and a R&D or Academic institution in the neighbouring country was also committed by India. It was informed that a successfully model between the Institute of Biotechnology in Bangladesh with ICGEB, Delhi where scientists from Bangladesh undertake regular research and training immersions and Indian scientists travel to Bangladesh to assist in setting up the technical infrastructure of the new laboratory in making is being implemented. On a similar fashion, thiswill be replicated in other desiring countries in atleast one such institution in each of the mentioned neighbouring countries.

(5) One of the key aspects agreed was a mechanism for knowledge transfer and adoption for societal development. India offered a Technology Transfer Program, the objectives of which will be to match the socio-economic needs of our neighbouring countries by linking the public and private enterprises with leading edge Indian technologies and innovations. India will share a basket of demonstrated and validated Indian technologies and innovations developed by our scientific institutions. A need based select list of such technologies can be transferred using a Business to Business or Business to Government model of joint venture through a process of adaption and adoption. It will replicate the model which we are already implementing in African countries like Ethiopia, Rwanda and South Africa. The joint ventures created will deliver sustainable social enterprises that will stimulate economic impact development including the components of skilling, training, mentoring along with capacity building and business planning in our neighbouring countries.

It is expected that these schemes will help to develop a close and robust partnership in science, technology and innovation with our friendly neighbouring countries based on the principles of mutual trust, friendship and goodwill. The visiting Ministers were also exposed to the Science Park in IIT-Madras where technology start-ups are being incubated, at CLRI where clean technologies for leather industry are being developed and were showcased the advanced marine technologies at NIOT, Chennai.


A farm in Kilinochchi. File photo | Photo Credit: LANKA FOOD CRISIS


The Agriculture and Engineering departments of the Killinochchi campus of University of Jaffna will benefit
India on Wednesday provided equipment and vehicles worth USD 585,000 to a university in Sri Lanka’s Tamil-dominated north as part of its development partnership with the country in the field of higher education.

The assistance package was given to develop agriculture as well as an engineering faculty on the Killinochchi campus of University of Jaffna, Indian High Commission said in a statement.

The material worth USD 585,000 (SLR 90 million) is part of the USD 3.9 million (SLR 600 million) development project to develop the agriculture and engineering departments of the university.

“In addition to provision of equipment, vehicles, the Government of India will also provide support for curriculum development, faculty exchanges, training and research,” the statement said.

“The project will benefit students pursuing professional courses in Agriculture and Engineering by providing them better facilities and improved learning environment,” it added.

India has also constructed a 200-bed hospital ward complex costing USD 13 lakh in Sri Lanka’s Tamil-dominated former war zone in the north. The project in the northern district of Vavuniya has been implemented under full grant assistance of the Government of India.

The assistance package was given to develop agriculture as well as engineering faculty on the Killinochchi campus of University of Jaffna, Indian High Commission said in a statement. Image courtesy Twitter/@SriLankaTimes

India today provided equipment and vehicles worth USD 585,000 to a university in Sri Lanka's Tamil-dominated Jaffna city as part of its development partnership with the country in the field of higher education.

The assistance package was given to develop agriculture as well as engineering faculty on the Killinochchi campus of University of Jaffna, Indian High Commission said in a statement.

The material worth USD 585,000 (SLR 90 million) is part of the USD 3.9 million (SLR 600 million) development project to develop the agriculture and engineering departments of the university.

"In addition to provision of equipment, vehicles, the Government of India will also provide support for curriculum development, faculty exchanges, training and research," the the statement said.

"The project will benefit students pursuing professional courses in Agriculture and Engineering by providing them better facilities and improved learning environment," it added.

India has also constructed a 200-bed hospital ward complex costing USD 13 lakh in Sri Lanka's Tamil-dominated former war zone of North.

The project in the northern district of Vavuniya has been implemented under full grant assistance of the government of India.
Ministry of Finance
17-November, 2017 18:46 IST
The Steering Committee of the South Asia Regional Training and Technical Assistance Center (SARTTAC) met in national capital today and applauded the work done by the Center at a faster pace since its inauguration; Endorses the Center’s Fiscal Year 2018 Work Plan.

An Interim Meeting of the Steering Committee of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s South Asia Regional Training and Technical Assistance Center (SARTTAC) was held here today in national capital to assess the Center’s activities since its inauguration in February 2017 and to review the Fiscal Year 2018 Work Plan. The Committee had met earlier on February 13, 2017 after the inauguration of the Center. Officials from all Six (6) Member countries attended, together with the Development Partner representatives (the European Union, the United Kingdom, Australia, and USAID), and IMF staff.

In his Opening Remarks, the Chairman, Shri Dinesh Sharma, Special Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Government of India noted that “for building SARTTAC to meet its potential, a convergence of bright, right and positive minds are needed”. The Steering Committee Members welcomed the speed with which SARTTAC has become operational and the array of capacity development (training and technical assistance), the Center has delivered across all work streams in a short space of time. They strongly supported the demand-driven principles embedded in the preparation of the Work Program. The Committee appreciated the range of training delivered to Member countries, including in-country training and the inclusion of subnational officials from India. There was an appreciation for the efforts being made to blend the training with technical assistance, leveraging the unique design of the Center that allows it to deliver both the types of support. The Committee also recognized the efforts, the Center has been making to customize training that is tailored to the unique needs of the South Asia’s economies.

The Committee took note of the large demand from member countries to work with SARTTAC on their capacity development needs; this includes growing interest from India’s subnational Governments. Recognizing resource constraints on the center’s operations, it supported calls to prioritizing rigorously and continuing to demonstrate results. The Committee members also recognized the high resource costs of customization and agreed that scope to customize all activities was constrained. At the same time, the Committee expected SARTTAC’s Budget’s to be managed flexibly to ensure the Center was able to respond in an agile way to meet members’ needs. Members also took note of the actions required to support and strengthen the selection of training participants to ensure maximum impact.

The Committee endorsed the FY 2018 work plan. It also approved a new work area in Government Finance and Public Debt Statistics, where members have expressed strong demand, and work is underway to plan future technical assistance and training. The Committee welcomed progress in securing over 90 percent of the financing for SARTTAC’s first five-year (2017-2022) Phase. SARTTAC was encouraged to continue its dissemination of results, its coordination with external partners in the region, and its outreach activities. The next Steering Committee meeting will take place in Sri Lanka in May, 2018.

The South Asia Regional Training and Technical Assistance Center (SARTTAC), which was inaugurated in February 2017, is the first IMF Regional Capacity Development Center to fully integrate training and technical assistance activities. Located in New Delhi, India, SARTTAC works with Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Member countries finance two-thirds of the Center’s Budget, with additional funding from the European Union, Korea, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

The IMF’s capacity development efforts are part of its core mandate and help Governments modernize their economic policies and institutions. A global network of Regional Capacity Development Centers anchor IMF support for economic institution building and are complemented by global thematic funds for capacity development. They are financed jointly by the IMF, external development partners, and member countries.

SARTTAC website

IMFCapDev on Facebook

IMFCapDev on Twitter

Ministry of Information & Broadcasting
19-December, 2017 17:27 IST
Year End Review- 2017: Ministry of I&B

2 new Shortwave Solid State digital transmitters of 100 KW to broadcast across the border for Afghanistan- Pakistan region announced.

New website of DD News launched.


The Acting Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Eng. Syed Ahmad Shah Sadat informed regarding the deployment of the second satellite, Afghan Sat-2 into the orbit.

He told reporters that China has pledged to support Afghanistan in this regard.

Afghanistan’s first satellite was deployed into the orbit under the name of Afghan Sat-2 earlier in 2014.

The officials had then said the satellite was deployed with an aim to provide digital broadcast.

The satellite was deployed into the orbit by Eutelsat Communication under a multi-year agreement signed by the former Afghan Telecommunication and Information Technology Minister Amirzai Sangin.

Afghan Sat-1 delivers full national coverage and extensive reach of Central Asia and the Middle East, under the multi-year agreement, according to the former officials of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.

The satellite also supports a wide range of services including broadcasting, mobile telephony back-haul and IP connectivity.
Ministry of Finance
05-February, 2018 13:41 IST

The Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs, Shri ArunJaitley stresses on the importance of procedural fairness in public procurement and award of contracts ;

States that this can be ensured through transparency and fairness that enable a State to act in the best interest for its citizens in terms of price, quality and service delivery and help avoid elements of nepotism and corruption in public procurement;The Finance Minister, Shri Jaitley inaugurates the Fifth South Asia Region Public Procurement Conference in national capital.

The Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs, Shri ArunJaitley stressed on the importance of procedural fairness in public procurement and award of contracts. The Finance Minister said that this can be ensured through transparency and fairness that enable a State to act in the best interest for its citizens in terms of price, quality and service delivery and help avoid elements of nepotism and corruption in public procurement. The Finance Minister highlighted the special measures taken by the Government of India to bring in greater transparency, fairness and efficiency in public procurement through a series of measures including launch of the Government e-Marketplace (GeM) for online purchases of common use items. The Finance Minister mentioned that in addition to having its own rules and regulations relating to public procurement in the Government, the layers of accountability at various levels in the Government have also been tightened. The Finance Minister, Shri Jaitley was delivering the Inaugural Address after inaugurating the 5th South Asia Region Public Procurement Conference here in New Delhi. He noted the evolution of public procurement in the last century and emphasized its significance in delivery of public services in democratic societies in the larger interest of the citizens. Shri Jaitley said that as South Asia is the fastest growing region, the relevance of public procurement is of key importance to all. Mr. Jaitleywished the Conference a success and hoped that the deliberations would be of mutual interest and benefit to all the participants. On a finishing note Mr. Jaitley expressed his interest in the best practices that would emerge from the deliberations between the participants. He congratulated the World Bank, Asian Development Bank(ADB) and other partners for organising such an event.

This Conference is being attended by the Senior Government Officials of South Asian countries in addition to the World Bank (WB), Asian Development Bank(ADB), Islamic Development Bank(IDB) and other agencies. Earlier, Shri. Ajay Narayan Jha, Secretary (Expenditure) delivered the welcome address on this occasion. The Government of India (GOI), through the Public Procurement Division (PPD) of the Ministry of Finance and All India Management Association (AIMA) are hosting the Conference.

The objective of the Conference is to enable the Heads of Public Procurement and other key stakeholders in the eight South Asian countries to meet and learn from one another and from experts in the field of public procurement. The knowledge thus acquired would help various South Asian Governments to consider enhancements and innovations in their public procurement systems, enabling efficient utilization of public resources, ensuring quality and timeliness in delivery of services. The Conference is held under the auspices of the South Asia Region Public Procurement Network (SARPPN), which is sponsored and facilitated by the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and Islamic Development Bank.

The First Conference was held in Kathmandu in 2010, the second in Islamabad in 2014, the third in Dhaka 2015 and the fourth in Sri Lanka 2017. All the Conferences helped achieve the above mentioned mutual knowledge exchange and learning objectives. In between these annual events, the World Bank facilitates, via Video Conferences, meetings of the SAR Heads of public procurement for continuous exchange of knowledge and experiences through discussions of topics of interest.

The World Bank has also been sponsoring country knowledge exchange programs for the SAR heads of public procurement. Such programs have already been successfully organized in Brazil and Mexico (2014), Australia (2016), and USA (2017). These knowledge exchange programs not only provide an opportunity for the heads of public procurement to learn from the countries with well-advanced public procurement systems, but also to learn from one another.

The Fifth South Asia Region Public Procurement Conferencebeing held in New Delhi, February 5-7, 2018, will continue with the SARPPN overarching goal of providing a learning and networking platform to SAR heads of public procurement and procurement professionals and to exchange their knowledge and experiences on topics that would help them improve their public procurement systems.

The theme of the Fifth Conference “Public Procurement and Service Delivery” is appropriate and timely as the governments of all the countries in the region strive to improve their public procurement to ensure timely and quality delivery of public services. All eight SAR countries spend approximately US$550 billion equivalent on public procurement of goods, works and services, which eventually convert to public services. The Fifth Conference will deliberate upon key aspects of public procurement that help ensure delivery of these services; and identify and address areas that need improvement. Procurement of health and education services, enhancing oversight in public procurement through complaints mechanism, audits, etc., role of ICT and PPP in public procurement, etc., will figure in various sessions in this 3 day conference. Government officers in charge of public procurement will also share their country experiences during the conference, enabling discussion on best practices.

About 100 participants who include senior government officials responsible for public procurement and related fields, are attending the Conference. The representatives of Development Partners (DPs) active in South Asian countries and resource persons are also among the participants.

During the Conference, the SARPPN along with ADB, WB, IsDB and Procurement iNET is holding a ceremony to honor the winners of the South Asia Procurement Innovation Awards (SAPIA) 2017 for their winning submissions.


The Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs, Shri Arun Jaitley at the 5th South Asian Regional Procurement Conference, in New Delhi on February 05, 2018. The Secretary, Department of Expenditure, Shri Ajay Narayan Jha and other dignitaries are also seen.

The Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs, Shri Arun Jaitley releasing the publication at the 5th South Asian Regional Procurement Conference, in New Delhi on February 05, 2018. The Secretary, Department of Expenditure, Shri Ajay Narayan Jha and other dignitaries are also seen.


The Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs, Shri Arun Jaitley addressing at the 5th South Asian Regional Procurement Conference, in New Delhi on February 05, 2018.


The Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs, Shri Arun Jaitley addressing at the 5th South Asian Regional Procurement Conference, in New Delhi on February 05, 2018.


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The Vice President, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu dedicating the Insurance Regulatory Authority of India Building to the nation, at the valedictory session of the 4th South Asian Insurance Regulatory Meet and International Insurance Conference, in Hyderabad on February 11, 2018. The Deputy Chief Minister of Telangana, Shri Mohammad Mahmood Ali and other dignitaries are also seen.

The Vice President, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu addressing the valedictory session of the 4th South Asian Insurance Regulatory Meet and International Insurance Conference, in Hyderabad on February 11, 2018.

The Vice President, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu addressing the valedictory session of the 4th South Asian Insurance Regulatory Meet and International Insurance Conference, in Hyderabad on February 11, 2018. The Deputy Chief Minister of Telangana, Shri Mohammad Mahmood Ali and other dignitaries are also seen.


After its two diplomatic communications with Pakistan and a promise made by the country at the Saarc working group meeting failed to evoke a positive response, India has now planned to step up heat on its neighbour to pay its share for the South Asian University (SAU), a joint project of all South Asian countries, officials familiar with the development said.

The university is operational since 2010 in New Delhi and Pakistan is the only nation in the eight-member South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation group which is yet to make any financial contribution, an official said requesting anonymity.

New Delhi now plans to raise the issue again at the Saarc working committee meeting, board meeting of the SAU besides taking the matter up bilaterally.

Pakistan had agreed to foot 11.83% of the operational cost as against India’s 51.8% share.

At the meeting of the SAU board on November 28, 2016 in Dhaka, Pakistan was urged to clear the US$7,850,000 dues and the matter was later discussed at the Saarc working council meeting in February in Kathmandu.

During the same period, all other countries in Saarc made the contribution, an official pointed out. In a reply to the MEA, Pakistan through a note verbale dated February 21, 2017, said it would soon make the payment.

With no luck, Indian High Commission in Islamabad again took up the matter with Pakistan foreign ministry on August 2, 2017. The matter was again taken up during another working committee meeting of the Saarc.

Another Indian official said the government has now earmarked another ~260 for the completion of the SAU’s new campus at Maidan Garhi.

“But the issue here is that yet another Saarc initiative is running into an obstinate Pakistan,” the second official said, referring to an earlier South Asia connectivity plan that had run into Pakistan’s resistance so was the SAARC satellite project.

A Pakistan High Commission spokesperson in New Delhi didn’t reply to HT’s queries till the filing of the report.

Once it is fully operational, the SAU will have 12 post-graduate science and non-science faculties, as well as Faculty of Undergraduate Studies. At full strength, the SAU will have 7000 students and 700 teachers. A flagship Institute of South Asian Studies will also be established in the University.

Students of the University will be predominantly from the eight SAARC countries.
28-March, 2018 19:53 IST
Cabinet approves MoU between India and South Asia Cooperative Environment Programme for Co-operation on the response to Oil and Chemical Pollution in the South Asian Seas Region

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and South Asian Cooperative Environment Programme (SACEP) for cooperation on the response to Oil and Chemical Pollution in the South Asian Seas Region.


The MoU intends to promote closer cooperation between India and other maritime nations comprising the South Asian seas region namely Bangladesh, Maldives and Sri Lanka for protection and preservation of marine environment in the region.


Indian Coast Guard (ICG) will be the Competent National Authority and national operational contact point for implementation of "Regional Oil Spill Contingency Plan" under the MoU and shall respond to oil and chemical spills on behalf of Government of India. Further, ICG Maritime Rescue Coordination Centres (MRCCs) will be the national emergency response centre for marine incidents.


In order to promote and support protection, management and enhancement of the environment in the South Asian region, the Governments of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka established the SACEP in 1982 in Sri Lanka. The SACEP jointly with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) developed a "Regional Oil Spill Contingency Plan" to facilitate international co-operation and mutual assistance in preparing and responding to a major oil pollution incident in the seas around the Maritime States of Bangladesh, India, Maldives and Sri Lanka.


27-November, 2018 18:10 IST
Gandhi Smriti to Organise ‘South Asia Regional Youth Peace Conference’ in New Delhi this month to mark celebration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti (GSDS), functioning under Ministry of Culture, Government of India will be organising a 3 day ‘South Asia Regional Youth Peace Conference’ in partnership with UNESCO- MGIEP and Standing Together to Enable Peace from November 28-30, 2018. The conference will be held at Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat, Delhi, India. The conference is being organized to mark the beginning of celebration of 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.

Shri Shrikrishna G Kulkarni, great grandson of Mahatma Gandhi and member of Government of India’s Committee to celebrate 150th birth anniversary of Father of the Nation will be the Chief Guest in the Inaugural Session which will start at 5.30 p.m. in Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat, tomorrow.

This conference focuses on building a network for young leaders from South Asian countries working on various social issues, to identify avenues for partnership and collaboration, support and show solidarity towards each other’s initiatives, nurture relationships and promote global citizenship to work towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The thematic thrust areas include Gender; Interfaith issues; Food Security in the context of Gandhian vision of village economy; Digital Media; Arts, Democracy and Dialogue. An action plan in the form of Declaration will be developed at the end of the three-day conference.

Youth from different South Asian countries and various parts of India are expected to be participate in the Event.



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