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Pakistan gave OBL location to the US.


Apr 28, 2011
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Zee Media Bureau/Supriya Jha

Islamabad: In the aftermath of US journalist Seymour Hersh's explosive revelations on 2011 US raid, reports in Pakistani media have made public the name of the intelligence officer who informed the CIA about the secret hideout of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad.

According to a report in the Pakistani news site, the News Intenational, journalist Aamir Mir has revealed that the Pakistani walk-in who sold the crucial Osama secret to the CIA for $25 millions was a retired ISI officer named Brigadier Usman Khalid.

The report adds that he also persuaded Dr Shakil Afridi, a Pakistani physician, to conduct a fake polio campaign in the Bilal Town area of Abbottabad to help the Central Intelligence Agency hunt down Osama.

The report also cites previous media reports in which ISI chief General Ziauddin Butt had claimed that “Osama’s stay at Abbottabad was arranged by Brigadier (R) Ijaz Shah on Musharraf’s orders”.

General Pervez Musharraf has denied that he had any knowledge about Osama staying in Abbottabad.

Mir's report that has cited “well-informed intelligence circles in Rawalpindi” as its source gives further credence to Seymour Hersh's account that claimed that the US did not act alone in conducting Osama raid and was assisted by Pakistani military and ISI who had kept Osama as a prisoner in Abbottabad since 2006 to gain “leverage against al Qaeda and the Taliban”.

In a story published in the London Review of Books, Pulitzer-prize winning US investigative journalist Hersh rejects the US claim that it got information on Osama by tracking his couriers.

Instead, Hersh's account says, the CIA got to know about Osama's hideout by a Pakistani walk-in, who ratted on his fellow ISI colleagues and bartered the crucial information for

$25 mn and a US citizenship.

Hersh’s report said that this officer along with his family was relocated to Washington, DC and now works as a consultant for the CIA.

Earlier, an AFP report too, cited senior Pakistani military officials as confirming that a defector from an intelligence had assisted the US in its hunt for Osama bin Laden, but they denied the two countries had officially worked together.

Hersh's account, that claimed that America lied about the raid details, has stirred a hornet's nest in the US with the White House reiterating its rebuttal of the report.

Adding to the speculations was a recent comment by US Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, who hinted that some ISI officials might have been in the know of the Osama raid in advance.

Speaking to MSNBC, he said, “What we've said is it is possible that there were elements within the ISI who may have had some inkling of bin Laden's whereabouts. But we've never seen hard evidence that that's the case”.

The White House has however remained adamant that the US acted unilaterally and that the secret Operation Neptune Spear was carried without the knowledge or assistance of the government of Pakistan.
Pak ISI officer who sold Osama secret to CIA identified as 'Brigadier Usman Khalid' | Zee News
the news serves no purpose but to encourage trolling......you know it & i know it......the news is based on an unverified account of incredible Journo.....

Zee Media Bureau/Supriya Jha

Islamabad: In the aftermath of US journalist Seymour Hersh's explosive revelations on 2011 US raid, reports in Pakistani media have made public the name of the intelligence officer who informed the CIA about the secret hideout of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad.

According to a report in the Pakistani news site, the News Intenational, journalist Aamir Mir has revealed that the Pakistani walk-in who sold the crucial Osama secret to the CIA for $25 millions was a retired ISI officer named Brigadier Usman Khalid.

The report adds that he also persuaded Dr Shakil Afridi, a Pakistani physician, to conduct a fake polio campaign in the Bilal Town area of Abbottabad to help the Central Intelligence Agency hunt down Osama.

The report also cites previous media reports in which ISI chief General Ziauddin Butt had claimed that “Osama’s stay at Abbottabad was arranged by Brigadier (R) Ijaz Shah on Musharraf’s orders”.

General Pervez Musharraf has denied that he had any knowledge about Osama staying in Abbottabad.

Mir's report that has cited “well-informed intelligence circles in Rawalpindi” as its source gives further credence to Seymour Hersh's account that claimed that the US did not act alone in conducting Osama raid and was assisted by Pakistani military and ISI who had kept Osama as a prisoner in Abbottabad since 2006 to gain “leverage against al Qaeda and the Taliban”.

In a story published in the London Review of Books, Pulitzer-prize winning US investigative journalist Hersh rejects the US claim that it got information on Osama by tracking his couriers.

Instead, Hersh's account says, the CIA got to know about Osama's hideout by a Pakistani walk-in, who ratted on his fellow ISI colleagues and bartered the crucial information for

$25 mn and a US citizenship.

Hersh’s report said that this officer along with his family was relocated to Washington, DC and now works as a consultant for the CIA.

Earlier, an AFP report too, cited senior Pakistani military officials as confirming that a defector from an intelligence had assisted the US in its hunt for Osama bin Laden, but they denied the two countries had officially worked together.

Hersh's account, that claimed that America lied about the raid details, has stirred a hornet's nest in the US with the White House reiterating its rebuttal of the report.

Adding to the speculations was a recent comment by US Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, who hinted that some ISI officials might have been in the know of the Osama raid in advance.

Speaking to MSNBC, he said, “What we've said is it is possible that there were elements within the ISI who may have had some inkling of bin Laden's whereabouts. But we've never seen hard evidence that that's the case”.

The White House has however remained adamant that the US acted unilaterally and that the secret Operation Neptune Spear was carried without the knowledge or assistance of the government of Pakistan.
Pak ISI officer who sold Osama secret to CIA identified as 'Brigadier Usman Khalid' | Zee News
How frequently it happens that a pakistani brigadier works for CIA as a consultant ?
the news serves no purpose but to encourage trolling......you know it & i know it......the news is based on an unverified account of incredible Journo.....
So, what is the real version according to you...
How frequently it happens that a pakistani brigadier works for CIA as a consultant ?

So many times that you will lose count.... and that is without accounting for 2,3 and 4 stars.
Off the record of course........
Pakistan should be ashamed itself for hiding such terrorists. Instead of that they are best at blaming others.
Another bitch from India.....you and your country are angels, guess what we love to bleed angels, we have found the cure of our bleeding, it's time for you to figure.
So many times that you will lose count.... and that is without accounting for 2,3 and 4 stars.
Off the record of course........

That's fine but that's the norm, how can the brigadier joining CIA ranks be indicative of him being a sellout ?

That runs contrary to the claims in the article isn't it ?
This shows how desperate Pakistanis are to cover up their messes.Always blame others using offensive language & also shows they are easy to be sold to foreigners.India does not create vault for such terrorists else India would have been different.
Keep living in denial, your obsession with Pakistan will not take you anywhere, I spite of all this difficulties we are still surviving and surviving well, always remember what goes around comes around, our problems are about to finish it's your turn now.

Yes Indian are difficult to be sold, cause they were born as sold entities, no wonder why ISI penetrates every now n then get valuable info, should I start copypasting the history of sold Indians.
So what? This drama still continuing?
Its over, get over it.
CHey Kandhi Khushaligi Pa Jamo Ke Nazayegi
Da Khaplo Khurayano Sara Har Zai Ta Rasegi
Osama Dhe, Osama Dhe, Mama Dhe, Osama Dhe
Osama Dhe, Osama Dhe,Osama Dhe, Osama Dhe
People yet fail to understand that the whole thing was a set up. I stated it again and again that it was mutually beneficial for both countries. Using a retired officer was an obvious choice.
We created a cause to end war in our backyard.

In a Sense its right but , i dont see this war is going to end soon ? cause the Taliban is changing forms isnt it ?
After AQ its ISIS who are trying to Penetrate into Afghanistan .. will this not be a Direct threat to Our border areas ?
and of course not to forget those Indians sitting in Afghanistan /
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