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Pakistan gave OBL location to the US.

People yet fail to understand that the whole thing was a set up. I stated it again and again that it was mutually beneficial for both countries. Using a retired officer was an obvious choice.
I don't understand how it was beneficial to Pakistan. It only exposed Pakistan as a country that back-stabbed US by providing shelter to OBL.
People yet fail to understand that the whole thing was a set up. I stated it again and again that it was mutually beneficial for both countries. Using a retired officer was an obvious choice.
I agree it was set up there is no doubt but i have no believe on forces now. They have become a gang to do the things what they think is right and call it honour. Sad but true.
People yet fail to understand that the whole thing was a set up. I stated it again and again that it was mutually beneficial for both countries. Using a retired officer was an obvious choice.
I have a question
If all this was set up then why is shakil afridi in jail ?
What benefit we ( Pakistan ) got from this Drama Sir ? except Humiliation and Embarrassment ?
I think this is the point where Seymour Hersh accused US GOVT to deviate from Plan they agreed upon with Pakistan. They were suppose to declare this achievement a week later and maybe by showing it result of drone strike in tribal belt.
I don't understand how it was beneficial to Pakistan. It only exposed Pakistan as a country that back-stabbed US by providing shelter to OBL.

We provided OBL on a plate at the right time. It benefited us because we created an excuse for the US exit strategy from our backyard.

You are free to believe whatever you want but facts remain the same. You think US would approve almost $2 billion worth of Arms sales if they thought we 'backstabbed' them?

We had a mess, we cleaned it, move on.

I have a question
If all this was set up then why is shakil afridi in jail ?

An idiot who's no longer useful. He joins the list of idiots who tried to outsmart ISI and CIA at the same time.
We provided OBL on a plate

You can't be serious !!

Assuming this to be correct how does a nation justify harbouring the worlds most wanted man and alongside .. siding with those seeking him ?

@rockstar08 has asked a very valid question.
In a Sense its right but , i dont see this war is going to end soon ? cause the Taliban is changing forms isnt it ?
After AQ its ISIS who are trying to Penetrate into Afghanistan .. will this not be a Direct threat to Our border areas ?
and of course not to forget those Indians sitting in Afghanistan

Created the 'Islamic' Republic of Afghanistan, got superpower interests ejected from our region to fight the war at our terms?

You can't be serious !!

Assuming this to be correct how does a nation justify harbouring the worlds most wanted man and alongside .. siding with those seeking him ?

@rockstar08 has asked a very valid question.

Just like beef is frozen in the freezer to be cooked later at an appropriate time when the guests arrive.
Created the 'Islamic' Republic of Afghanistan, got superpower interests ejected from our region to fight the war at our terms?

Afghanistan is still not able to walk on its own , probably never will ..
we cant just let this issue ruined Pakistan forever ? the thing is because of this one incident we ( Pakistani ) will be watched as Suspects for ever .. unless USA come forward and convince the world ...
An idiot who's no longer useful. He joins the list of idiots who tried to outsmart ISI and CIA at the same time.

If things are as what has been said it sounds like he was setup and railroaded. He wouldn't be needed to do any test since Osama's location was already a given.

So he was setup as a cover. He was jailed for nothing
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If things are as what has been said it sounds like he was setup and railroaded. He wouldn't be needed to do any test since Osama's location was already a given.

So he was setup as a cover. A man sits in jail for nothing

He was easier to sell to the public in both the US and Pakistan than selling them the fact that the SEALs were working from the biggest SPECOPs base Ghazi, in Tarbela with SSG.

I also don't believe that Blackhawks took off from Jalalabad, flew into Abbottabad, loitered on hot fuel for like an hour and went back without refueling. They don't have enough range to do that. It is likely that they took off from Tarbela, because it's our biggest helicopter base for Special Operations Task Force, hence it holds all of the needed infrastructure.
He was easier to sell to the public in both the US and Pakistan than selling them the fact that the SEALs were working from the biggest SPECOPs base Ghazi, in Tarbela with SSG.

I also don't believe that Blackhawks took off from Jalalabad, flew into Abbottabad, loitered on hot fuel for like an hour and went back without refueling. They don't have enough range to do that. It is likely that they took off from Tarbela, because it's our biggest helicopter base for Special Operations Task Force, hence it holds all of the needed infrastructure.

You have no problem with the ISI searching for some doctor to do door to door vaccinations with the ultimate goal of having him be the unwitting fall guy of some "secret" USA plot to kill Osama?
People yet fail to understand that the whole thing was a set up. I stated it again and again that it was mutually beneficial for both countries. Using a retired officer was an obvious choice.

It could have been mutually beneficial but the way it was played out by the US, it totally ****** us!
Afghanistan is still not able to walk on its own , probably never will ..
we cant just let this issue ruined Pakistan forever ? the thing is because of this one incident we ( Pakistani ) will be watched as Suspects for ever .. unless USA come forward and convince the world ...

Being seen with suspicion is better than killing him ourselves and taking all of the blowback from OBLs lieutenants. They can hit us but they can't hit the US.

SSG killed Adnan Al Shukrijuma, the global operations chief of AQ last year. We could have killed OBL too but it wouldn't have had strategic impacts I.e getting the US to announce an exit strategy in return for giving them OBL, which meant an election victory for the Democrats.

It could have been mutually beneficial but the way it was played out by the US, it totally ****** us!

I'm pretty sure we knew that they were going to rape us in the global media for maximizing Obama's hormonal imbalance. We must be careful the next time they wish to work with us on a plot like this.
We could have killed OBL too but it wouldn't have had strategic impacts I.e getting the US to announce an exit strategy in return for giving them OBL, which meant an election victory for the Democrats.

that makes a lot of Sense :tup:
You have no problem with the ISI searching for some doctor to do door to door vaccinations with the ultimate goal of having him be the unwitting fall guy of some "secret" USA plot to kill Osama?

He got paid for it, being the bait comes at a price. :D
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