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Pakistan gave OBL location to the US.

We provided OBL on a plate at the right time. It benefited us because we created an excuse for the US exit strategy from our backyard.

You are free to believe whatever you want but facts remain the same. You think US would approve almost $2 billion worth of Arms sales if they thought we 'backstabbed' them?

We had a mess, we cleaned it, move on.
If Pakistan had conducted the operation by itself, it would have given Pakistan and its armed forces immense respect in the international community. It would have still given the US a reason to exit, only this time with a confidence that you got their back.
Your only problem would have been the fundamentalist backlash. But you face that backlash even now.
lmao what i love to ask is how do the american people feels all that BS that they where fed about the OBL raid? i guess they are too dam busy with why the patriots cheated
If Pakistan had conducted the operation by itself, it would have given Pakistan and its armed forces immense respect in the international community. It would have still given the US a reason to exit, only this time with a confidence that you got their back.
Your only problem would have been the fundamentalist backlash. But you face that backlash even now.

Respect at the cost of thousands more Pakistanis to be killed by AQ in response? It defies reason.

Wait, if Pakistani military was using Osama to stop Al-Qaeda attacks against it, doesn't it mean he was a useless tool in the process? I mean Al-Qaeda still attacked airbases and trained TTP. Shouldn't the ISI have killed this punk itself?

OBL was not in the command any longer. He was the FACE of 9/11. That was his real worth.
Seymour Hersh's account is far more credible than Obama's grand American triumphalist narrative. Seriously, how can you expect people to believe that Osama built a mansion right in the middle of a Pakistani garrison town without being detected?

Real Question: Why is this story being told now?
Answer: 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections

The other day, a colleague and I were discussing how Hillary Clinton winning in 2016 will be bad news for Pakistan. She takes a more hardline approach to Pakistani nuclear weapons. This provides ammo to other candidates to attack Hillary in her Presidential run since she was part of this scheme.

This is my opinion, of course.
Respect at the cost of thousands more Pakistanis to be killed by AQ in response? It defies reason.
I'll have to disagree there. If Pakistan indeed made such a pact with US, AQ would know about it.
I doubt if AQ has so much capacity over PA. They may cause some problem, but I cannot imagine it being larger than what Pakistan is facing right now.
I guess its a matter of opinion. Lets agree to disagree.

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