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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Not Pakistan’s- TuAF and their vipers carry HARMs
Hi to me pilot not even Tuaf probably not even Pakistani
usually Tuaf pilots are fair skin dont take my sentence as a racism coz fingers out of glove resemble With darker skin colour
thank you
Hi to me pilot not even Tuaf probably not even Pakistani
usually Tuaf pilots are fair skin dont take my sentence as a racism coz fingers out of glove resemble With darker skin colour
thank you
In Pakistan u find all types of skins.......lots of "faired skin" ppl here.
A PAF Viper Driver once quoted "If you take out Link-16 from F-16, you lose about 50% of the jets combat capability" Munitions & Aerodynamic Performance are no more game changers, the actual secret lies in the data fusion and sharing capabilities of a fighter jet.
In Pakistan u find all types of skins.......lots of "faired skin" ppl here.
Hi so basically you might be backing me about the pilot
identity coz my thought is he is not a Pakistani pilot, can be a Qatari or Saudi pilot with Sudanese background
what’s your take
thank you
Pakistan has heavily relied on the Falcon, too. Pakistani operators used the F-16 during the Soviet-Afghan War – shooting down Su-22s, Mig-23s, and An-26s; Pakistan flew over 5,500 F-16 sorties against the Taliban; more recently, the Pakistanis have used the F-16 to shoot down Indian aircraft, including a UAV, a Mig-21, and a SU-30MKI, during skirmishes over Kashmir.

PAF F-16C Block-52+ will its full Air Superiority Might Many think biggest strength of F-16 is its AMRAAM capability. Whereas, actual strength lies in its aircrew interface which enables Viper Drivers the best info management & data link integration in the region
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That's a scary beast! Such pictures put the SU-30 and Mirage pilots an extreme unease across the border.
Do we have some sort of American imposed restriction on acquiring a system that may used to refuel our Vipers mid-air ??
really .... how so

That's honestly a question? Read up on Feb events. Read up on a whole squadron of the IAF refusing to fly against the PAF and read up on their Mirgae-2000's calling "technical failures" in radars when asked to get into combat with the PAF. It's this loadout that scares them. Not the picture of an F-16. And if you are about to troll the thread, I'd suggest you don't do that.

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