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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

I don't know 'bout that, but it seems rather adventurous/ambitious for PAF to be making those kind demands...knowing full well that US* would never sign off on it.

*The very same that killed !srael's F-16 Sale to Croatia a year back.

Apparently, the same Croatia went ahead & bought a dozen used Rafales from France.

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Most of us still have our feet firmly grounded on Planet Earth.

That is not a standard move.
The question that US will ask is IF they don't sign off on the F-16s then what will happen
and the answer is Pakistan will look else where,
which would imply Pakistan slipping out completely out of US control.

Would US want that to happen or not,is something only they can answer.
That is not a standard move.
The question that US will ask is IF they don't sign off on the F-16s then what will happen
and the answer is Pakistan will look else where,
which would imply Pakistan slipping out completely out of US control.

Would US want that to happen or not,is something only they can answer.
That is already happening... The window of opportunity for USA is shrinking fast. By inducting j10p ... Pakistan has literally closed the doors on any new f-16 .... However if USA offered jsf on favourable terms, PAF might consider. Chances of it happening is very low
That is not a standard move.
The question that US will ask is IF they don't sign off on the F-16s then what will happen
and the answer is Pakistan will look else where,
which would imply Pakistan slipping out completely out of US control.

Would US want that to happen or not,is something only they can answer.
pakistan have self imposed ban of buying us weapons from 6 years now
pakistan have self imposed ban of buying us weapons from 6 years now

Sir we have done everything short of begging and many pdf users even did that but we still didnt get engines for T129.
Sir ji ...Nawaz lost the opportunity to buy F16 ...needed 550 million to pay the planes, but ...was more busy in money laundering, buying houses in UK ....
Dar got money for Geo & Dunya not for F16s ironic part was LM offered PAF we will make jets from our funds and delivered Portugal U can pick up from there by paying money but Dar was busy with money laundering refused even with that offer by LM means LM was ok pay later thing as well
With those 8 today we have 26 two Sqdns blk52s 13 each
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