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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Can our F16s fire AIM 120 C7? 120 D is not realistic and would be great if we can even get some c7s.
They can fire all AMRAAM variants but the D's will require an additional upgrade tape to take full advantage of the capabilities.
These F-16s are likely the last US fighter and their weapons stock is also the last US weapon to be used by the PAF for a long time.
Pakistan is now on the ignore or threat side of the US foreign policy and considered a redland.
They can fire all AMRAAM variants but the D's will require an additional upgrade tape to take full advantage of the capabilities.
These F-16s are likely the last US fighter and their weapons stock is also the last US weapon to be used by the PAF for a long time.
Pakistan is now on the ignore or threat side of the US foreign policy and considered a redland.
If the US even as much as not threaten maintenance of these aircraft (software and hardware), I’d consider it a huge favor. For now. But yes; otherwise, US will not sell any more offensive weaponry to Pakistan.
If the US even as much as not threaten maintenance of these aircraft (software and hardware), I’d consider it a huge favor. For now. But yes; otherwise, US will not sell any more offensive weaponry to Pakistan.
No - the United States knows the exact balance it has to play to get its interests in Pakistan. Therefore the US support personnel and spares are readily available to Pakistan and if they do want to extend the life of these aircraft it will be permitted as well. There is a calculus between India and Pakistan that will be allowed and regardless of RAND or other cockamiemie think tanks coming up with fanciful scenarios of US invading Pakistan or attacking Pakistan, it will be the first country to immediately step into an Indo-Pak conflict to calm things down.

The nuclear weapons are out of reach and that has been flatly understood by all true strategists and thinks here in the US so the best track is to use media and diplomatic influence to keep Pakistan exactly where it is today - a disjointed country barely held together by its military and the military kept up by dealings and support. If that calculus suggests that AH-1Zs or even 32 Viper upgrade kits be released the US "state" will talk to its representatives and other folks to get them to vote a narrow "YEA" and keep that balance afloat.
No - the United States knows the exact balance it has to play to get its interests in Pakistan. Therefore the US support personnel and spares are readily available to Pakistan and if they do want to extend the life of these aircraft it will be permitted as well. There is a calculus between India and Pakistan that will be allowed and regardless of RAND or other cockamiemie think tanks coming up with fanciful scenarios of US invading Pakistan or attacking Pakistan, it will be the first country to immediately step into an Indo-Pak conflict to calm things down.

The nuclear weapons are out of reach and that has been flatly understood by all true strategists and thinks here in the US so the best track is to use media and diplomatic influence to keep Pakistan exactly where it is today - a disjointed country barely held together by its military and the military kept up by dealings and support. If that calculus suggests that AH-1Zs or even 32 Viper upgrade kits be released the US "state" will talk to its representatives and other folks to get them to vote a narrow "YEA" and keep that balance afloat.
That actually makes sense.
Apparently we were offered both the Danish and Norwegian F-16AM/BM but PAF was keen on C/D airframes.
I don't know 'bout that, but it seems rather adventurous/ambitious for PAF to be making those kind demands...knowing full well that US* would never sign off on it.

*The very same that killed !srael's F-16 Sale to Croatia a year back.

Apparently, the same Croatia went ahead & bought a dozen used Rafales from France.
“F-16V with AIM-120D have landed in Jacobabad and flying CAPs already!
AH-1Zs are coming on new PAF C-130Js right now on flight radar!!!!!…”
(selected) PDF'ers in multiverse.

Most of us still have our feet firmly grounded on Planet Earth.
How will they give us the go ahead when our own
AH1Zs are in storage due to difference over payments. I agree the AH1Zs and C130Js would be a God send. Worth acquiring if the US is willing.
How will they give us the go ahead when our own
AH1Zs are in storage due to difference over payments. I agree the AH1Zs and C130Js would be a God send. Worth acquiring if the US is willing.
Yes I know I meant if things get smooth PAA should look used Marine C
Maybe if they had met the PAF Boss but since it was confined to the Army Chief, lets build our hopes on MRAPs, Abrahams maybe Zulus as side dish. Maybe they even brought some goodies with them as they never arrived in a civilian airliner.

View attachment 800559
U mean Abraham tanks? Yeh Santa is here
We procured 500 (-2 from SWIFT RETORT) AIM-120C5 AMRAAMs from US, this is not a small number. Was looking at some news articles and Raytheon actually gives pretty extensive after sales support to its customers and this includes software updates as well as upgrades to missile components. Even if we are not getting any major new additions I think it would be pretty likely that they could at least be updated to C7+ without any mention in news as the amount involved wouldn't be much and Raytheon would like to keep its good track record for its products in future use. If so The F-16s+Erieye combo will remain very relevant even against Meteor.
No - the United States knows the exact balance it has to play to get its interests in Pakistan. Therefore the US support personnel and spares are readily available to Pakistan and if they do want to extend the life of these aircraft it will be permitted as well. There is a calculus between India and Pakistan that will be allowed and regardless of RAND or other cockamiemie think tanks coming up with fanciful scenarios of US invading Pakistan or attacking Pakistan, it will be the first country to immediately step into an Indo-Pak conflict to calm things down.

The nuclear weapons are out of reach and that has been flatly understood by all true strategists and thinks here in the US so the best track is to use media and diplomatic influence to keep Pakistan exactly where it is today - a disjointed country barely held together by its military and the military kept up by dealings and support. If that calculus suggests that AH-1Zs or even 32 Viper upgrade kits be released the US "state" will talk to its representatives and other folks to get them to vote a narrow "YEA" and keep that balance afloat.
I suspect the PAF itself isn't too interested in upgrading the A/Bs to V. Those are old airframes and the V upgrade would literally cost more than the aircraft themselves, but for a limited life-cycle thereafter. However, the 18 Block-52s are a totally different story. Not only would the V-upgrade be a big operational boost for those F-16s, but you get an amazing DACT asset long-run for training JF-17 crews. That said, there's a lot of value in grabbing EDA F-16C/Ds and putting them through the OEM 6K-8K SLEP + V too.
I suspect the PAF itself isn't too interested in upgrading the A/Bs to V. Those are old airframes and the V upgrade would literally cost more than the aircraft themselves, but for a limited life-cycle thereafter. However, the 18 Block-52s are a totally different story. Not only would the V-upgrade be a big operational boost for those F-16s, but you get an amazing DACT asset long-run for training JF-17 crews. That said, there's a lot of value in grabbing EDA F-16C/Ds and putting them through the OEM 6K-8K SLEP + V too.
Correct, i second your opinion on EDA but this is where Pak foreign affair bungled up... Indians love to kiss *** and be omni-present outside US senators... If you cannot beat them then learn from them and counter their ways of lobbying.
I suspect the PAF itself isn't too interested in upgrading the A/Bs to V. Those are old airframes and the V upgrade would literally cost more than the aircraft themselves, but for a limited life-cycle thereafter. However, the 18 Block-52s are a totally different story. Not only would the V-upgrade be a big operational boost for those F-16s, but you get an amazing DACT asset long-run for training JF-17 crews. That said, there's a lot of value in grabbing EDA F-16C/Ds and putting them through the OEM 6K-8K SLEP + V too.
Unfortunately the VERY mixed messages coming from Pakistan in terms of the true state of the economy along with the VERY vague messages from the US in terms of where the future of the relationship lies are indicators that the F-16 saga is likely over for the PAF. It does remain the lowest hanging fruit in terms of boosting operational capabilities but the farthest on in terms of whatever limited options available to Pakistan both from a diplomatic and financial perspective.

Pakistan is a has-been topic for US lawmakers in general other than some Indian lobby paid ones looking to push sanctions. The “friends of Pakistan” don’t have influence on the floor because the people they would influence are either busy with China or domestic issues.
The democrats are struggling and it is a divided senate and house.

So, unless the US government makes it a priority (which it isn’t ) and Pakistan comes up with hard cash right now for a significant number(36 new Vs + EDA vipers upgraded) which it won’t; I believe energies are best spent on the other platforms PAF is working on. The F-16 has done its part for the PAF from being this mythological killer in the 80-90s, to providing unbeatable CAS during the anti-terror campaigns and finally being a serious &proven A2A threat during the first half of this century.

But its done and it’s ok to let this relationship go now.
I suspect the PAF itself isn't too interested in upgrading the A/Bs to V. Those are old airframes and the V upgrade would literally cost more than the aircraft themselves, but for a limited life-cycle thereafter. However, the 18 Block-52s are a totally different story. Not only would the V-upgrade be a big operational boost for those F-16s, but you get an amazing DACT asset long-run for training JF-17 crews. That said, there's a lot of value in grabbing EDA F-16C/Ds and putting them through the OEM 6K-8K SLEP + V too.
Were these block 52 EDA are available?
On the Tr3other hand Egyptians or Iraqi non brv block 52 are present only of we have enough pocket and lobbying to get them
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