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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

You are right with regards to Egypt, but Qatar and Saudi have always stood by Pakistan. It insults them if you put them under the same hat as Egypt or UAE
Saudi ? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA hand palm.


The most battle worn F-16 I have seen
Now if (and that's a big IF) - the United States were to convince India to drop the S-400, they could be in a position to sell the F-35 to India.

Given current events and Indian actions recently i very much doubt the S-400 deal being derailed anytime soon so it will make for an interesting dilemma for the U.S as to what action they will take next in regards to India.
We're approaching the 1000-page mark and the only good thing that has come out of it is a few pictures and occasional videos.

We lost Windjammer - who occasionally had some news to reveal. EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it.

Truth be told, its just been an emotional roller-coaster ride discussing everything from used F-16's to F-21.

But coming back to the Topic at hand (yet again)...

Lets say for the sake of argument and hypothetical situation..., why would the United States all of a sudden cozy up to Pakistan, now? What's in it for them?

They aren't gonna engage Pakistan out of the goodness of their heart. What's the angle?

- Does it have anything to do with Afghan Peace Process?
- Are they (finally) convinced that Pakistan has finally decided that we don't need their equipment and can now deal with China and look at their more advanced equipment and/or co-develop future 5th Gen Jets?
- Has CoVID-19 put such a dent in their Orders that they're looking for Cash?
[Seriously..., Pakistan?!!]
- Or is this a tactic to bring the F-35* in the equation?

*Its clear as day that India has given everyone the finger as far as the MRCA 2.0 is concerned. The US also know that India is not interested in their Boeing F-18 Super Hornet, nor, is it impressed by the newly packaged F-21. Now if (and that's a big IF) - the United States were to convince India to drop the S-400, they could be in a position to sell the F-35 to India.

Now all this may not pan out as I may have stated, but selling the F-35 shouldn't be that big of a deal 'cause lets face it - they're offering it to the Czech Republic. And India has deep pockets to place a big order.

This is where Pakistan and the F-16 could come in the equation. By selling F-35's to our adversaries - they would need to maintain a balance in the region. This is where they could offer us certain options.
1. Buy from 'em directly.
2. Assembly Line in Pakistan - although, I think it would be a deal similar to the one that was offered to India. Wings - Vertical Stabilizer (Tail section) with TATA Industries.

Lets see how it pans out in the coming days, but i'm not convinced...

As I alluded to in another post, the Yanks would have loved to sell the F-35 and the F-21 production line to the indians, but then they shot themselves in the foot with CAATSA and the indians buying the S-400. They can't eject the Turks and deny them access to the F-35 and its technologies because they acquire the S-400, only for the US to then do the complete opposite with the indians. It would effectively make a mockery of US foreign policy, even more than it already is, and send the wrong signals to the other allies of the US.
"...need to maintain a balance in the region." is a Cold War mentality that has become outdated. It's clear as day the US no longer seeks any balance in the region but is clearly tilted toward India. And China is the region. Just look at the pro-India and anti-China statements over the Galwan border clash.

India is a unique position in that it can have warm relations with both Russia and the US. Sure, US doesn't like the S-400 deal but it's not going to make a stink as it did with Turkey (a NATO ally). India may never buy a US fighter jet but still has bought billions in other military equipment. No way US will rock that ship.
please keep indian away from PAKISTAN F-16 thread .

@The Eagle please clear it now otherwise you have to clean so many pages once its started
It was upgraded by us, not them.

I am referring to the days when it was used as a logistics and SOF base and the Americans had to set up even basic toilet facilities for their troops. All of it is well documented. You are talking about upgrades done after arrival of our F-16s.

Anyway my query remains unanswered
I am referring to the days when it was used as a logistics and SOF base and the Americans had to set up even basic toilet facilities for their troops. All of it is well documented. You are talking about upgrades done after arrival of our F-16s.

Anyway my query remains unanswered
You rightly said it, they did it for themselves, so why bring something irrelevant like that into the conversation?
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