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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2


Inshallah all these myths built up around the PAF will shatter in front of the countrymen to really reveal the combination of luck/prayers and plain hard work that keeps it as effective as it has managed so far.
This idea that we deserve attention and respect because we are indispensable to other nations is a cancer to national mentality.

The only way Pakistanis will wake up is when everyone abandons Pakistan and there is no savior left except themselves. No Arabs “owing” us favors, no Chinese “mountain high” friendships... etc

India failed in its isolation attempts but they really would have been good to the general population in the long run - when the only options would be to cannibalize each other, commit hara kiri or finally take charge and move up.
Allama SQ8.
As always a brilliant post. The Pakistani mentality stems out of Had harami and needs the nation to be woken up. I am no soothsayer but it will need a big catastrophy to possibly wake this lazy nation up. They now have a PM who exercises daily in the AM. I hope he can instill this idea into the nation. Life is not about returning from work( having sat there and discussing politics interspersed with SOME WORK) eating and dunking your wick( if they can and are not affected by the various illnesses doing the rounds) before snoring the house down.
Allama SQ8.
As always a brilliant post. The Pakistani mentality stems out of Had harami and needs the nation to be woken up. I am no soothsayer but it will need a big catastrophy to possibly wake this lazy nation up. They now have a PM who exercises daily in the AM. I hope he can instill this idea into the nation. Life is not about returning from work( having sat there and discussing politics interspersed with SOME WORK) eating and dunking your wick( if they can and are not affected by the various illnesses doing the rounds) before snoring the house down.
I think the poor are still living in a catastrophy its the educated middle class and upper class that needs an awakening
The so called educated middle class is stuck between the mullah and modern education....confused and directionless that is why love to embrace all conspiracy theories and Sazish syndrome. See the COVID-19 response by the general public. The middle class led the campaign of "Kidhar hai corona? Hum nay tu nahee dekha!"

I believe that there are three types of people in this world, One who make things happen, two who see things happening and then there is the third kind who wonder what happened!! We as a nation belong to the last two!!
Pakistan or whatever nation / peoples, or whatever organizations they constitute (PAF / PA / PN), all human being deserve attention and respect.

Just hear the sound of the reverse - deserving being ignored and disrespect unless you are some kind of golden goose.

Every human beings deserves respect and to be heard. It has nothing to do with being indispensable - that mindset is the colonized mindset - as if one needs to do something amazing to please the white master so that he will give him attention or respect.

Anyways, I think this is all off topic so I will just reply to this and later delete this post - but I thought this needed correction - as it is based on the wrong premise.
This idea that we deserve attention and respect because we are indispensable to other nations is a cancer to national mentality.
Will there be a problem or no problem if PAF wanted to acquire used F-16s from Venezuela with US approval?
Will there be a problem or no problem if PAF wanted to acquire used F-16s from Venezuela with US approval?

Couple of things like whether we need them or those air-frames are what we are looking for etc etc (especially the block wise) but then comes the apparent problem that are those frames worth the money asked for and how much we have in our pockets to pay upfront.
Will there be a problem or no problem if PAF wanted to acquire used F-16s from Venezuela with US approval?
it seems these F-16s also dont have BVR capability so they are pretty much useless just like the F-16 ADF which we got from jordan
A more logical argument is why would Pakistan even consider Venezuelan F-16s.
I mean if you really wanted to destroy Pak-US relationship that is the deal you would like to pull.
It's not like Pakistan is desperate to keep it's fleet of F-16s airworthy and want to induct those for cannibalisation.
That could have been an idea before the US lifted sanctions. But nowadays even to consider such a decision would be the height of stupidity.

Will there be a problem or no problem if PAF wanted to acquire used F-16s from Venezuela with US approval?
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