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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

No then term is wrong, only US didn't beat up Germany at WW2, but Real term should needed to define is ALLIED (US+ MOST OF THE EUROPE) did beat up Germany @undertakerwwefan :disagree:

Still does not take away the fact that the US sacrificed half a million men and killed hundreds of thousands of well equipped German soldiers. US bombing was responsible for destruction of German infrastructure.

Still does not take away the fact that the US sacrificed half a million men and killed hundreds of thousands of well equipped German soldiers. US bombing was responsible for destruction of German infrastructure.

But US was not alone most of the EU were with them, so you sentence that "ONLY US BEAT UP GERMANS" at WW2 is not true/real @undertakerwwefan
But US was not alone most of the EU were with them, so you sentence that "ONLY US BEAT UP GERMANS" at WW2 is not true/real @undertakerwwefan

The US wasn't fighting Germany only either. What about Japan? What about Italy? Those ain't pushovers. Taliban has no weapons. They can't even make a bullet. You think the US can't beat up Taliban?
The US wasn't fighting Germany only either. What about Japan? What about Italy? Those ain't pushovers.
Don't twist your words you are only saying about Germany and yes you're right Germans was had an allies within EU but compare to Allied forces, this gang (Germany and its Allies) worth nothing just 2-3 countries were German allies @undertakerwwefan
The US wasn't fighting Germany only either. What about Japan? What about Italy? Those ain't pushovers. Taliban has no weapons. They can't even make a bullet. You think the US can't beat up Taliban?


If Taliban had SA missiles---the US would have been out with its tail between the legs---.

US has no troops to fight a war at 8000 feet plus elevation---. It tried to for a short time---but the casualties got heavy---and supply lines stayed broken---.

Taliban can make bullets and guns as well---.
The US has a lot of fire power, correct. Now, can you tell me what is the most obvious weakness of the US, as highlighted in the war against Taliban?
I did say so that they are not good in unconventional warfare also they don't even want to win in Afghanistan then they will have no excuse to stay

If Taliban had SA missiles---the US would have been out with its tail between the legs---.

US has no troops to fight a war at 8000 feet plus elevation---. It tried to for a short time---but the casualties got heavy---and supply lines stayed broken---.

Taliban can make bullets and guns as well---.
one needs to see Ken Burn's vietnam series to understand. I watched it two months back and it is gut wrenching
The US didnt fight Germany alone. The turning point was the russians from the east front. Had Germany won the battle against the russians the US forces would never have been able to win in the western front.
The US didnt fight Germany alone. The turning point was the russians from the east front. Had Germany won the battle against the russians the US forces would never have been able to win in the western front.


Your assessment is incorrect---. The germans had no answer for the USAF---.

The germans had no answer for the 24 hour assembly lines running in the uniteds states producing thousands of aircraft---.

The germans had no chance against theUS industrial might---.

" In 1939, total aircraft production for the US military was less than 3,000 planes. By the end of the war, America produced 300,000 planes. No war was more industrialized than World War II. It was a war won as much by machine shops as by machine guns".

Your assessment is incorrect---. The germans had no answer for the USAF---.

The germans had no answer for the 24 hour assembly lines running in the uniteds states producing thousands of aircraft---.

The germans had no chance against theUS industrial might---.

" In 1939, total aircraft production for the US military was less than 3,000 planes. By the end of the war, America produced 300,000 planes. No war was more industrialized than World War II. It was a war won as much by machine shops as by machine guns".

Who is talking about the USAF??
Wars are not won by air superiority alone!!

U need to come up with another argument bro....
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