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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

It failed to meet our performance requirements though. Even the Brazilians pointed out performance problems with the aircraft.

The F-16's peaked with the Block 50/52. Beyond that, they are just piling on whatever they can on top of everything in order to keep it relevant. The engine has been able to keep up with the weight increase, but the fuel load has not changed.
Nope. The IAF test pilots I met loved the aircraft for its performance. It was an issue of source code and limited license production keys that were being handed over due to fears of spare parts being sold on the black market through India....

Brazil were chasing a jet that would bring them the maximum benefit and best license production contract.
Nope. The IAF test pilots I met loved the aircraft for its performance. It was an issue of source code and limited license production keys that were being handed over due to fears of spare parts being sold on the black market through India....

Brazil were chasing a jet that would bring them the maximum benefit and best license production contract.

You’re replying to made up lines. Typical for this poster whose sole purpose is jingoistic B.S no matter how he has to twist it.

The IAF has flown the F-16 for many years via the Singaporeans and loved the platform. A primary reason for rejection was Pakistan and that we were technically more experienced on the jet versus them trying to make it their medium backbone.
And the current F-16 benefits from that 40+ years of knowledge. It is still being tested and improved by the Flight Test Squadrons at Edwards AFB and Eglin AFB for experimental and operational tests respectively.

Not many have come close to duplicating its performance (as a Viper guy I maybe biased....closest I have seen that may be better is the Rafale...that machine can perform).....

Cheers !!!


No---you are not biased---. The F16 is an out of this world machine---.

There is a reason that people want to know---what is "hidden" in area 51---. What makes the US fighter aircraft engine and aircraft technology so far out ahead of anyone else on this planet that 40 years old american design with modern upgrades can take out modern designs of other nations---.
You’re replying to made up lines. Typical for this poster whose sole purpose is jingoistic B.S no matter how he has to twist it.

The IAF has flown the F-16 for many years via the Singaporeans and loved the platform. A primary reason for rejection was Pakistan and that we were technically more experienced on the jet versus them trying to make it their medium backbone.
Not to mention their test pilot graduates from USAFTPS have flown in F-16s as part of their test pilot course (ironically in former PAF birds).
Sir respectfully please mind your language thank you,
What I was merely trying to imply is that as of now US fire power is too much for any nation to bear, this may or may not change in the near future however as of now facts point in this direction,
As much as I'd like to claim that Pakistan can take the Americans on easily I can't, however the weakness of the Americans is sub conventional warfare and that happens to be Pakistan's forte,
Don't address me disrespectfuly again please unless I have done the same to you, criticise my statements that's welcome but not calling me a virgin with her husband on the first night


There was a senior mod on this board who used to brag about taking on the US military---I forget his name---.

After the Salala post incidence---he ran away from this board with his tail between his legs---.

There are many pothers in the Think Tank and mods / admins who used to come on strong---can't even show their faces---.
Sir I would like to disagree with you guys ...

In my opinion the events we are quoting are history as at that time US was protected naturally ... None of the countries was able to launch any attack on US mainland ... Max Japan could do even after modernization was attacking pearl harbor... But now things have changed ... First of all if US attack any of the major power; than they can retaliate by attacking back on US mainland ,,, furthermore, Chinese do not want any military campaign against US as they know US is much more power however, they have gathered enough firpower to protect their own mainland ...

But the most important part which was never done before is economic supremacy of China ... In past US was the manufacturing hub of the world ... The great wealth accumulated by US was due to the fact that when all the world was manufacturing weapons and consuming them in WW1 and WW2, US was manufacturing weapons and selling them rather than consuming them and was also making other factories ... Furthermore, when whole of the Europe, China and Japan were completely destroyed, US was the only country with infrastructure and was able to supply manufactured products to the world ...

But currently China owns the debt of US ... Any military or economic attack on China means China can dump US treasury bonds into the market resulting in severe devaluation of US Dollars and no one will prefer to trade internationally with an unstable currency and whole world will go into financial crisis with economic destruction of US ...

Hence destroying China is a suicide mission for US ...


That is what most people don't understand---it was indeed the firepower that subdued soviet russia---.

The real killer was the Book " The Hunt For Red October "---that showed the russians how impotent they were---. Clancy laid the russian subs and US technology out in the open---.

Hardly anyone knows about the US air strikes on russia in 1951---. The US air force smashed a russian air base and the russians took it silently---without even a whimper---maybe a 100 russian aircraft destroyed on the high side---and not a breath of a leak about the strike---.

the US fire power is monstrous---

The US wanted trade with japan---the japanese emperor refused at first---then Commodore Perry bombed the naval port and city from his ships---the japanese were helpless---they bowed down and signed----.
Mr khan was not quoting world war 2 jap us war rather the 19th century when the US basically showed up with powerful galleys and battleships with massive cannons , in a Japan where the meiji reforms had not yet taken place and all other weapons except swords were banned, the Japanese had a isolated economy then no trade was allowed with foreigners but the Americans basically said open up your trade and trade with use or we will bomb you to kingdom come, this then triggered Japan to modernise and arm itself and it then still failed to defeat the US in world war 2 , the US single handedly fight the entire world alone , they invest 1 trillion a year in defence , the tech they have they are researching computers which can use more numbers than common binarys 0 and 1 , opening computational power never before even imagined
Sir I would like to disagree with you guys ...

In my opinion the events we are quoting are history as at that time US was protected naturally ... None of the countries was able to launch any attack on US mainland ... Max Japan could do even after modernization was attacking pearl harbor... But now things have changed ... First of all if US attack any of the major power; than they can retaliate by attacking back on US mainland ,,, furthermore, Chinese do not want any military campaign against US as they know US is much more power however, they have gathered enough firpower to protect their own mainland ...

But the most important part which was never done before is economic supremacy of China ... In past US was the manufacturing hub of the world ... The great wealth accumulated by US was due to the fact that when all the world was manufacturing weapons and consuming them in WW1 and WW2, US was manufacturing weapons and selling them rather than consuming them and was also making other factories ... Furthermore, when whole of the Europe, China and Japan were completely destroyed, US was the only country with infrastructure and was able to supply manufactured products to the world ...

But currently China owns the debt of US ... Any military or economic attack on China means China can dump US treasury bonds into the market resulting in severe devaluation of US Dollars and no one will prefer to trade internationally with an unstable currency and whole world will go into financial crisis with economic destruction of US ...

Hence destroying China is a suicide mission for US ...
With over a trillion T-bills in China's hand, just dumping a 1/3rd of it immediately make US currency useless. Both countries know it; unfortunately TIT has no clue as he has shown complete lack of economics.
Sir respectfully please mind your language thank you,
What I was merely trying to imply is that as of now US fire power is too much for any nation to bear, this may or may not change in the near future however as of now facts point in this direction,
As much as I'd like to claim that Pakistan can take the Americans on easily I can't, however the weakness of the Americans is sub conventional warfare and that happens to be Pakistan's forte,
Don't address me disrespectfuly again please unless I have done the same to you, criticise my statements that's welcome but not calling me a virgin with her husband on the first night

First of all, drop the 'Sir' act. Second, what I despise even more than brain dead, thunderstruck fanboyism is when people start twisting words instead of owning up like a man. Your post was childish and exuded a defeatist mentality. Don't try to defend it. Third, I am going to reply to your posts, whenever I wish to reply and quote as I please.
A Pyrrhic victory - and unrealistic.
I agree that the possibility of releasing those promisory notes is remote and the consequences would not be catastrophic for the US but for the whole world. The Chinese will not do it unless there is no other option left. It may start the 3rd world war so it is not a responsible act and the one thing we have learnt about the Chinese is that in your face k8nd of confrontation is not their modus operandi ---yet!!
Learn from the Chinese ................ They never cross the threshold line of American infact always maintain a little gap in every front.
I agree that the possibility of releasing those promisory notes is remote and the consequences would not be catastrophic for the US but for the whole world. The Chinese will not do it unless there is no other option left. It may start the 3rd world war so it is not a responsible act and the one thing we have learnt about the Chinese is that in your face k8nd of confrontation is not their modus operandi ---yet!!
This is hedge of China to make sure US do not make any stupid move ... Any agressive move could be suicidal and mutually destructive
First of all, drop the 'Sir' act. Second, what I despise even more than brain dead, thunderstruck fanboyism is when people start twisting words instead of owning up like a man. Your post was childish and exuded a defeatist mentality. Don't try to defend it. Third, I am going to reply to your posts, whenever I wish to reply and quote as I please.
I never said not reply , it's not being a defeatist it's being a realist, tell me when 1000 modern fighter jets of the usaf start coming our country what will we do? Do a bit of research first, and I call people sir out of respect it's not a act
I never said not reply , it's not being a defeatist it's being a realist, tell me when 1000 modern fighter jets of the usaf start coming our country what will we do? Do a bit of research first, and I call people sir out of respect it's not a act

The US has a lot of fire power, correct. Now, can you tell me what is the most obvious weakness of the US, as highlighted in the war against Taliban?
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