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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

the only reason trump won was he flipped three states penn, Wisconsin and Michigan, all three the lead was less then 0.8%. hiliary won majority last time as well..

so whats the situation in these three states..biden leads all of them by almost double digits.. in other words there is no math to victory for trump..

trump won on the promise of bringing back jobs..that never happened..now biden is running on the sloga..bringin back jobs"..he has several proposals in already..

20% of early votes have been casted..trump is finished..

Pakistan should focus on getting maximum benefits "from the president" any proposal involving congress or too much time should not be pursued..

that means

1. get debt written off instead of waiting for CSF to come
2. Ask for waiver to get third country f16s..this waiver is unlikely to be reversed by the new admin . Used f16 is very inticing avenue. There are several 100s of them available and parts are suppose to be available for foreseeable future ..upgrades can be done at multiple places and we hav a good infrastructure setup already ..advance weapon systems are available(if approved)

I totally agree, used F-16 sales should be a no brainer for US Administration. Helps Pakistan and also very likely that the seller (if say Norway, Netherlands, Belgium) can use the money to buy a couple of more F-35s.
If Dems win - Pak loses - unfriendly government that cuts up anything for Pak that could possibly come. Jumps on board with India and the Kamala Harris link.

The logic here is quite simple. Try to think strategically and not the inconclusive way Pak has always done.
What do you guys think about Pakistan buying ex-turkish F-16s once they start replacing them?
If Dems win - Pak loses - unfriendly government that cuts up anything for Pak that could possibly come. Jumps on board with India and the Kamala Harris link.

The logic here is quite simple. Try to think strategically and not the inconclusive way Pak has always done.
Bro, matter of fact is that both are equally bad for us. Trump will continue to support India, cut military aid to us, while the democrats, meh we already know how they act with us.
If Dems win - Pak loses - unfriendly government that cuts up anything for Pak that could possibly come. Jumps on board with India and the Kamala Harris link.

The logic here is quite simple. Try to think strategically and not the inconclusive way Pak has always done.
my vote for dems hope US stop supplying even screw drivers :P
What do you guys think about Pakistan buying ex-turkish F-16s once they start replacing them?

Bro, matter of fact is that both are equally bad for us. Trump will continue to support India, cut military aid to us, while the democrats, meh we already know how they act with us.

Turkey has nothing to replace F-16s with. In any case, will require US approval. The problem isn't sourcing used F-16s, the problem is getting approval. Something that can easily be done by January with Trump. Now. Not later. Now when Biden shows up.
my vote for dems hope US stop supplying even screw drivers :P

Pak does not need screw drivers, it needs F-16s. If you need a screw driver, PM me, I'll give you my range of screw drivers. But you will have to come and pick them up from Turkey.

Trump, whether he wins or loses, can approve used F-16s before January. This is an opportunity missed.
If Dems win - Pak loses - unfriendly government that cuts up anything for Pak that could possibly come. Jumps on board with India and the Kamala Harris link.

The logic here is quite simple. Try to think strategically and not the inconclusive way Pak has always done.

Trump is already flirting with India and cut military aid to Pakistan.

He's hardly been a positive for Pakistan.
Turkey has nothing to replace F-16s with. In any case, will require US approval. The problem isn't sourcing used F-16s, the problem is getting approval.
They have the TF-X coming soon by 2025, we can get a hold on TX-F along with a few F-16s to fill the numbers.
my vote for dems hope US stop supplying even screw drivers :P
By that mentality, relay your message to PAF to stop getting flight suits, helmets, material for flight jackets, ejection seat harnesses including the ones being used on JF-17s and start moving to mediocre equipment as long as they're non-American.
By that mentality, relay your message to PAF to stop getting flight suits, helmets, material for flight jackets, ejection seat harnesses including the ones being used on JF-17s and start moving to mediocre equipment as long as they're non-American.
good idea we should stay away from USA fully
Turkey has nothing to replace F-16s with. In any case, will require US approval. The problem isn't sourcing used F-16s, the problem is getting approval. Something that can easily be done by January with Trump. Now. Not later. Now when Biden shows up.

Pak does not need screw drivers, it needs F-16s. If you need a screw driver, PM me, I'll give you my range of screw drivers. But you will have to come and pick them up from Turkey.

Trump, whether he wins or loses, can approve used F-16s before January. This is an opportunity missed.
no more US made equpment not even screws . US made military equipment is curse .
For as long as I can remember, every page has more or less the same conversation 'bout Pakistan's chances of acquiring additional* F-16's.

* I say additional because there is also the debate about New or Old/Used.

Regardless. the Americans have always played hardball and now realize that Pakistan is getting better at the game too.

Getting more F-16's a debate that can only be addressed after the 2020 Elections.

Pakistan is in no position to pay full price for new Block 70/72. On the flip side, i'd be interested to know what the asking price (per unit) would it cost to get some Block 25/30.
USA would prefer us paying 70m a piece for new block 80(dropped from 100m a piece)

Indonesia got 24 upgraded to latest standard at 700m dollars including training and spears

So around 20-25m at most or even cheaper
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