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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Bolhari is an air superiority base to be taken by F16s
which F-16 sqn is there? i think its only 19 sqn which flies bvr less F-16s that makes them only slightly better then F-7. air superiority in 2020 with a bvr less air craft is difficult to understand. may be in war F-16s from other squadrons will be reloacted to bohlari or an entire JFT squadron as F-16s will most likely be deployed in the north as well. PAF has around 180 BVR capable jets which will be covering the entire air space from north to south against around more then 400 BVR capable IAF jets.
Cause they r based on russian designs so china cant sell them.
Hi so can they sell j15s then
Thank you

In case Pakistan doesn't get the F-16V package there is a another upgrade potential down the pipeline. The Turkish radar itself is supposed to be ready by 2021 and 2022-3 for deployment. I personally think PAF will get it's F-16s upgraded eventually with US approval once CSF fund issue resolved, but new ones are a big question mark.

Either way F-16s will likely have a really long future with PAF just like Mirages where we will still be flying and maintaining them even after OEM ceases support. Similar to how US allows third party support and upgrades for F-4 and F-5s.


ASELSAN’s new AESA radar for F-16s
defencepoint | 03/05/2019 15:05


Aselsan introduced another new technology at the IDEF 19 in Istanbul, which started on April 30. The Turkish company showcased an active electronically scanned array (AESA) design that is being pitched for integration on the Turkish Air Force’s F-16 fleet.

According to the company, the radar will be able to perform non-co-operative and automatic target recognition, while also featuring protection against radar frequency jamming, and has electronic support and electronic attack functions.

Aselsan sees the radar competing with systems such as Northrop Grumman’s APG-83 external link Scalable Agile Beam Radar on the domestic and export market.
Hi a Q here is integration of Turkish radar for f16 why will USA let Turkish make money on their sole property to integrate something on which American can do easily by themselves
I have asked this Q few months back with a reputed Turkish member on this forum but no
Reply about Turkish radar integration on a American plane without giving anything to USA
Out of this deal it looks to me the same case like ATAK with USA engines
Your input will be appreciated
Thank you

Fully agree on the F16 point. Most sensible acquisition. However the US arms sales are an extension of its foreign policy and so our experience has not been a good one with embargoes and reneging on agreed terms. If US was a bit more reliable then I would wholeheartedly support your reasoning. I still agree that 2 squadrons plus 20 OLDER 42s airframes with upgrade package for the 52s that we have plus the 42s. Radars and other bits from our 52s can go into the ADFs.

That maybe the case but if the sale to third party is not sanctioned by the russians that would be a problem for us. As the poster said J10 is more likely than J15 but I still think that these rumours are targetted misinformation to get another platform.
Hi sir I think here the point of interest for the Russians are keep on selling the engines
Now I’m not competing with your knowledge but you will agree with me on jf17 issue that
Once Chinese satisfied Russians about the engine sale / supply to Pakistan infact I think ordered
Advance 500 engines that’s what I read somewhere on this forum in J series twin engines also
We shouldn’t consider the Russian problem of baring Chinese not to sell them to pakistan(only)
If China or Pakistan want to trade this for limited planes with Russian engines I’m sure russsians
Also making money out of it
Your input will be appreciated
Thank you
Hi so can they sell j15s then
J-11, J-15, J-16 are ALL developed from Sukhoi.

Below is a post of mine from the previous page which outta shed some lite.
O yaar. Mairay bhai.

There is no J-15/16 coming in our direction.

C-130's (maybe).
F-16's (maybe - someday - after playing hardball - and selling our soul, yet again).
J-10C/E (you never know).

But the whole J-15/16 is falling in the conversation of kayali pulao.

[Pakatay raho - pakatay raho, aur akhir may jal he jaey ga]

My advice to you and some of our brothers that may be getting information from other forums is that 'thanday dil say' just think about the complications and ratifications that could unfold attempting to acquire a jet that belongs to another Nation.

Yes, China pulled it off and the Russians aren't all to pleased about it - but that is where the buck stops. Only China can get away with it 'cause Russia needs them. But even Russia won't allow for China to start selling their designs off to other Nations. And I do not care if our fellow Chinese Members start selling the narrative that those are their own designs (respectfully).

Yeah, the J-10, J-20, Y-20 and even the FC-31* are fair game - but lets not beat about bush that there is even the slightest possibility that we'll get the J-15/16.

The PAF knows better. If they want those jets, then go through the proper channel - Russia. And quite frankly speaking, I have a better shot of getting a date with Jessica Alba (at my age) then that happening.

*A so-called esteemed Member (currently on PDF) claimed that the US Congress had/has warned China not to go ahead with the FC-31 Program. Yeah well, they've already announced that the new and improved version is going to making its First Flight next year. So much for empty threats. Ab wo Member jaey aur US Congress kay bahir cholay bachaey.
Fully agree on the F16 point. Most sensible acquisition. However the US arms sales are an extension of its foreign policy and so our experience has not been a good one with embargoes and reneging on agreed terms. If US was a bit more reliable then I would wholeheartedly support your reasoning. I still agree that 2 squadrons plus 20 OLDER 42s airframes with upgrade package for the 52s that we have plus the 42s. Radars and other bits from our 52s can go into the ADFs.

That maybe the case but if the sale to third party is not sanctioned by the russians that would be a problem for us. As the poster said J10 is more likely than J15 but I still think that these rumours are targetted misinformation to get another platform.
The same goes for China or any other "ally". Chinese made aircraft in PAF service also come with strings attached. Block 32s/42s would be a great idea. Even standard 52s instead of the 52+ option. Once again depends on the US Congress. It is more of a trust issue as both governments have betrayed each other in the past.
which F-16 sqn is there? i think its only 19 sqn which flies bvr less F-16s that makes them only slightly better then F-7. air superiority in 2020 with a bvr less air craft is difficult to understand. may be in war F-16s from other squadrons will be reloacted to bohlari or an entire JFT squadron as F-16s will most likely be deployed in the north as well. PAF has around 180 BVR capable jets which will be covering the entire air space from north to south against around more then 400 BVR capable IAF jets.
isn't all of PAF F16s BVR capable and upgraded to block52 standards after MLU?
@Bilal Khan (Quwa) is it true that those Jordanian ones don't have BVR capability?

They have BVR capability. All ADFs are designed to carry 6 AMRAAMs. The problem is the Jordanian F-16s we got are like basic Block 10 versions that never went through any upgrades so they can't fire the AIM-120Cs that PAF has. They can fire older AMRAAMs which we don't have.
They have BVR capability. All ADFs are designed to carry 6 AMRAAMs. The problem is the Jordanian F-16s we got are like basic Block 10 versions that never went through any upgrades so they can't fire the AIM-120Cs that PAF has. They can fire older AMRAAMs which we don't have.
Has Pakistan got any option to upgrade those ADF's from Turkey? Those ADF's seemed pretty used up when they arrived in Pakistan. Wonder how much hours are remaining in these air frames?
Has Pakistan got any option to upgrade those ADF's from Turkey?
You know the Car Air-Fresheners you see hanging in the Rear View Mirror...


Yeah well, we can't even get that in any of our F-16's without the approval from the US.

If it were that easy, we would've gotten Viper upgrades for all of 'em including AESA from Turkey.

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