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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Griffins on Finals.

With the US recently reporting progress in talks with the Taliban, progress should be expected in fulfillment of defense contracts with US - and the possibility of more F16s if PAF still wants more than a hundred of these fighters. I remember a high level team of PAF meeting PM last year and it would be safe to assume important decisions regarding replacement of F7s and Mirages would have been made. I believe - and it is just an opinion - that PAF is highly likely to procure more fighters (be it F16s or otherwise) as complete replacement of old fighters with JF17 is not getting done fast enough. I may be wrong and PAF may have decided to sit tight.
With the US recently reporting progress in talks with the Taliban, progress should be expected in fulfillment of defense contracts with US - and the possibility of more F16s if PAF still wants more than a hundred of these fighters. I remember a high level team of PAF meeting PM last year and it would be safe to assume important decisions regarding replacement of F7s and Mirages would have been made. I believe - and it is just an opinion - that PAF is highly likely to procure more fighters (be it F16s or otherwise) as complete replacement of old fighters with JF17 is not getting done fast enough. I may be wrong and PAF may have decided to sit tight.
All depends on the progress and evaluation of block 3 and Progress on Project Azm in my view. However PAF may not be averse to older frames which could be upgradeable.
With the US recently reporting progress in talks with the Taliban, progress should be expected in fulfillment of defense contracts with US - and the possibility of more F16s if PAF still wants more than a hundred of these fighters. I remember a high level team of PAF meeting PM last year and it would be safe to assume important decisions regarding replacement of F7s and Mirages would have been made. I believe - and it is just an opinion - that PAF is highly likely to procure more fighters (be it F16s or otherwise) as complete replacement of old fighters with JF17 is not getting done fast enough. I may be wrong and PAF may have decided to sit tight.
There are hundreds used airframe for sale 28 from Norway Jordan even US herself if PAF and Govt play smart Get as many as they can to replace mirages and F7 and ask US Govt to upgrade whole PAF fleet to V we looking Billions here too for US old F16s are quick and cheap replacement for these F7and mirages
There are hundreds used airframe for sale 28 from Norway Jordan even US herself if PAF and Govt play smart Get as many as they can to replace mirages and F7 and ask US Govt to upgrade whole PAF fleet to V we looking Billions here too for US old F16s are quick and cheap replacement for these F7and mirages

You need US approval if they blocked Jordan last time they can do same again

Bottom line Chinese options is best way its no strings attached and it’s also req $$$ for used ot new options and so far jf program has full focus there is now way paf can order more than sqn per year even usaf cannot replace their old airframes per their wishes and has to live within their budget

End of story there are lot of paper tigers on this forum who all day long propose solutions with no check book
You need US approval if they blocked Jordan last time they can do same again

Bottom line Chinese options is best way its no strings attached and it’s also req $$$ for used ot new options and so far jf program has full focus there is now way paf can order more than sqn per year even usaf cannot replace their old airframes per their wishes and has to live within their budget

End of story there are lot of paper tigers on this forum who all day long propose solutions with no check book
Chinese options do have strings attached. Otherwise J-10s would've been flying in Pakistani skies with Western incorporated modifications.
You need US approval if they blocked Jordan last time they can do same again

Bottom line Chinese options is best way its no strings attached and it’s also req $$$ for used ot new options and so far jf program has full focus there is now way paf can order more than sqn per year even usaf cannot replace their old airframes per their wishes and has to live within their budget

End of story there are lot of paper tigers on this forum who all day long propose solutions with no check book
Pak needs a good diplomacy and also help US in Afghanistan plus Pak is very crucial for West and Mideast when Iran comes So far we catering on all fronts let's hope deal happens between US and Talibs So CSF issue resolve along military deals.
Pak should go after F15E or F18 super Hornet 35 - 45 with Pratt Whitney engines along Used F16 Get whole fleet upgrade to V this will give Pak space for blk 3 and Azam induction. Boeing is looking for potential buyers and in crisis also one reason for offering F15E to PAF. We should stay optimistic and also use diplomacy to get what we want not assumptions. I believe decisions already made what Pak is after when IK along Hafeez Sheikh visited AHQ what Pak is after I believe its US plane and it would be surprise if CSF issue resolved it Won't be a problem for Pak to induct US jets.

Chinese options do have strings attached. Otherwise J-10s would've been flying in Pakistani skies with Western incorporated modifications.
Also we should not all the eggs in same basket China is good but not alternate to US. We need US on our side for trade and tech.
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Pak needs a good diplomacy and also help US in Afghanistan plus Pak is very crucial for West and Mideast when Iran comes So far we catering on all fronts let's hope deal happens between US and Talibs So CSF issue resolve along military deals.
Pak should go after F15E or F18 super Hornet 35 - 45 with Pratt Whitney engines along Used F16 Get whole fleet upgrade to V this will give Pak space for blk 3 and Azam induction. Boeing is looking for potential buyers and in crisis also one reason for offering F15E to PAF. We should stay optimistic and also use diplomacy to get what we want not assumptions. I believe decisions already made what Pak is after when IK along Hafeez Sheikh visited AHQ what Pak is after I believe its US plane and it would be surprise if CSF issue resolved it Won't be a problem for Pak to induct US jets.

Also we should not all the eggs in same basket China is good but not alternate to US. We need US on our side for trade and tech.

I am tired of these wet-dreams. Where is the money? How long can Pakistan pretend to be important for USA or anyone else, when own home is in such disorder? Where is the growth? where is the HDI? where is the hope to be able to pay for F-15E & F-18 Super Hornet & what-not? Come on man, get real. JF-17 is all that there is & not much else for now.

Pakistan lacks the well-ordered institutional framework that may help Pakistan progress. Neither is there any hope to improve labor (agriculture, manufacturing, services) productivity. These are the two things needed for economic growth. There is no hope for anything beyond a sustained 3-4% growth as things stand (even much lower now), even if PA takes a back-seat in policy & decision-making. Stop touting Pakistan's strategic location (read: Afghanistan's nuisance value, Chinese proximity, & India's access to its immediate West) because Pakistan already has what it can get out of the first two & leveraging the third would require peace & change in policy (not happening anytime soon).

Forget F-16s. Any old ones coming PAF's way would be a bonus. That is it.
Chinese options do have strings attached. Otherwise J-10s would've been flying in Pakistani skies with Western incorporated modifications.


Pakistanis never knew how to talk to either the chinese or the americans---. The J10 B was available a few years ago---. The C is available if Paf wants it---. The problem is with the Paf and not china---.
From what I can tell, PAF wants to avoid, until the last moment, the additional expenses involved with adding an entirely new aircraft type to Pakistani ORBAT. Specially when capability set offered is not massively different from what they already have.

They want used / new F-16s primarily cos we can absorb them better. And they are waiting until the air clears up, to see where we stand with the Americans. But yes, do think we'd have a decision on this by mid-year. They can only delay it as much.
From what I can tell, PAF wants to avoid, until the last moment, the additional expenses involved with adding an entirely new aircraft type to Pakistani ORBAT. Specially when capability set offered is not massively different from what they already have.

They want used / new F-16s primarily cos we can absorb them better. And they are waiting until the air clears up, to see where we stand with the Americans. But yes, do think we'd have a decision on this by mid-year. They can only delay it as much.
Thanks Sir Hafeez Sheikh is key man here as FM.His visit along PM was V important I don't think PAF would go Russian or EU option. Italian EF taken by Eygpt along Navel vessels I don't know what they are up too? From where they getting money Faloss??Italy eygpt total weapon package is about 9 billions$$ including EF
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Pakistanis never knew how to talk to either the chinese or the americans---. The J10 B was available a few years ago---. The C is available if Paf wants it---. The problem is with the Paf and not china---.

Maybe they are waiting for this.

Pakistanis never knew how to talk to either the chinese or the americans---. The J10 B was available a few years ago---. The C is available if Paf wants it---. The problem is with the Paf and not china---.

Pakistan do not need j10 when they have tailor made jf17 which is almost as good as a j10. Two planes with overlapping characteristics is not worth it.

Jf17 block 3 is on its way to be a more capable fighter than f16.

What pakistan need is j31. Unfortunately, current j31 bleeds energy when it comes to STR. Hence, project Azm which in my opinion will be j31 with PAF specific enhancements.

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