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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

using AMRAAM in wingtips. Interesting.

Hence PAF strategy is to engage more and more in BVR combat and to not things move to WVR combat

The focus of modern aerial combat has indeed shifted more towards BVR but I do not believe that is the philosophy behind the AIM-120s on wingtips. It's definitely not about the outright replacement of WVRs with BVRs since we see AIM-120s on wingtips with AIM-9s on inner stations all the time.

The further a given load is from the fuselage (pivot/fulcrum) the more stress/force it will exert on the the wing (lever arm) during maneuvers and, hence, the more it will effect said maneuvers. Coupling this with the fact that you are more likely to launch your BVRs before your WVRs, it just makes a lot more sense to load the AIM-120s on the outermost stations and work your way inwards, with the AIM-9s loaded on the innermost available stations. In an ideal scenario, this allows you to engage the enemy in BVR, launch your AIM-120s from outwards to inwards, removing loads from the most taxing stations first, and then merge with your AIM-9s on your innermost available stations. Gives you that extra little bit of maneuverability for the 'dogfight' than if you had your AIM-9s on your wingtips. We see this configuration on F-16s across the world these days.



This is my personal understanding on the matter. Someone please correct me if I've read too much into it.
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Study conducted on Research Gate:
On the use of AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) Radar and IRST(Infra Red Search & Track) System to Detect and Track Low Observable Threats

1.Estimated detection ranges vs scan angle against a target of 1 m² RCS, for the radars APG-68(V)9, APG-83 and APG-80. At high off-boresight angles, the AESA APG-83 becomes less effective than the MSA APG-68(V)9 in terms of range.

F-16 radars.JPG

2. Estimated maximum detection ranges vs off-boresight angle against a stealth target of 0.01 m² RCS (e.g., the F-35), for the APG-68(V)9, APG-83 and APG-80 radars, as well as for a modern LWIR IRST system (front view, Narrow Field Of View, clean atmosphere).

F-16 radars 1.JPG
A Fully Armed Viper Returns After another CAP Mission.

View attachment 604147
Ufff :smitten::smitten:

Need a front shot, just after landing, the beauty of F-16 is fron the front and top and the bottom

Interesting picture. A 4+2 configuration of AAMs. This is what we have been talking about. I wonder if a respectable Indian member will put up a photograph of an MKI on cap to compare.
Do we have AIM-7 ?
Interesting picture. A 4+2 configuration of AAMs. This is what we have been talking about. I wonder if a respectable Indian member will put up a photograph of an MKI on cap to compare.
Comparable load out from the MiG-29 UPG(2+2+2):

Su-30MKI will have more flexibility due to more HPs and no drop tanks.

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