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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Perfect time to order more F-16s once it becomes clear that India is not going to ... they would be running out of orders anyways once the token block 70 sales to Bahrain are done.
Perfect time to order more F-16s once it becomes clear that India is not going to ... they would be running out of orders anyways once the token block 70 sales to Bahrain are done.
That what I think to get used surplus F16s we need to buy new F16 s as well.Americans wants to keep theior F16s line hott beacuse its theior hott sell product. India not gonna buy F16s I don't think so for pak with new F16 mix with v upgrades would be great Under Trump it won't be a problem

That what I think to get used surplus F16s we need to buy new F16 s as well.Americans wants to keep theior F16s line hott beacuse its theior hott sell product. India not gonna buy F16s I don't think so for pak with new F16 mix with v upgrades would be great Under Trump it won't be a problem
it will be hard sell to sell 100m dollars f16 when f35 is chunning at the same cost now

Especially if this f16 comes with so many restrictions ..no antiship missles, no cruise missles, no SEAD missles, no refuelers, no aim9x and no aim120D

I mean its better to pay 150m instead of 100m and buy typhoon/rafale instead of new f16s or buy steath fighters from china..

This is probably why PAF backed out of 8f16s
it will be hard sell to sell 100m dollars f16 when f35 is chunning at the same cost now

Especially if this f16 comes with so many restrictions ..no antiship missles, no cruise missles, no SEAD missles, no refuelers, no aim9x and no aim120D

I mean its better to pay 150m instead of 100m and buy typhoon/rafale instead of new f16s or buy steath fighters from china..

This is probably why PAF backed out of 8f16s
You got a point make sense ok F35 is not a good dog fighter has a lot critic if Pak has money then can go EF or F15 even isreal buying more F15 nor happy with F35 though getting free who cares.
You got a point make sense ok F35 is not a good dog fighter has a lot critic if Pak has money then can go EF or F15 even isreal buying more F15 nor happy with F35 though getting free who cares.

Eurofighter is essentially an "Air Superiority," for now. They are still working on Eurofighter becoming a true multi-role fighter. Last I read about this development was they had integrated Paveway Bombs to be launched from Eurofighters. Being truly multi-role, would mean Eurofighters have ALCM, JDAM, HARM and ASW.

Besides not being truly multi-role (for now), the Eurofighter is very expensive $100 million a pop. Not counting weapons, support systems, training aids and logistical stock. (40) Eurofighters would cost Pakistan $5-6 billion easily. If it is a platform other than F-16s or JF-17s that Pakistan Air Force wants, then for $5 billion Pakistan Air Force can get (50) Su-35 Flanker-Es. Which is far better procurement than Eurofighters, since the latter WILL BE liability due to sanctions.
Eurofighter is essentially an "Air Superiority," for now. They are still working on Eurofighter becoming a true multi-role fighter. Last I read about this development was they had integrated Paveway Bombs to be launched from Eurofighters. Being truly multi-role, would mean Eurofighters have ALCM, JDAM, HARM and ASW.

Besides not being truly multi-role (for now), the Eurofighter is very expensive $100 million a pop. Not counting weapons, support systems, training aids and logistical stock. (40) Eurofighters would cost Pakistan $5-6 billion easily. If it is a platform other than F-16s or JF-17s that Pakistan Air Force wants, then for $5 billion Pakistan Air Force can get (50) Su-35 Flanker-Es. Which is far better procurement than Eurofighters, since the latter WILL BE liability due to sanctions.
typhoon trench 3 is multirole while trench 1 update 3 have made them multirole as well
Eurofighter is essentially an "Air Superiority," for now. They are still working on Eurofighter becoming a true multi-role fighter. Last I read about this development was they had integrated Paveway Bombs to be launched from Eurofighters. Being truly multi-role, would mean Eurofighters have ALCM, JDAM, HARM and ASW.

Besides not being truly multi-role (for now), the Eurofighter is very expensive $100 million a pop. Not counting weapons, support systems, training aids and logistical stock. (40) Eurofighters would cost Pakistan $5-6 billion easily. If it is a platform other than F-16s or JF-17s that Pakistan Air Force wants, then for $5 billion Pakistan Air Force can get (50) Su-35 Flanker-Es. Which is far better procurement than Eurofighters, since the latter WILL BE liability due to sanctions.
Su family tried and tested by PAF both 27 and 35 rejected by PAF according to Ahmed tipu on twitter.
J10 or F16 if we hand we can have F15 eagles both new and old in stocks.
Su family tried and tested by PAF both 27 and 35 rejected by PAF according to Ahmed tipu on twitter.
J10 or F16 if we hand we can have F15 eagles both new and old in stocks.

Are you telling me that Pakistan Air Force has tried and tested the Su-35 Flanker-E? I do not this is possible as the Su-35s are brand new, they are very different a far more advance in capabilities to the Su-27s or Su-30s.
Are you telling me that Pakistan Air Force has tried and tested the Su-35 Flanker-E? I do not this is possible as the Su-35s are brand new, they are very different a far more advance in capabilities to the Su-27s or Su-30s.
That's what I read on twitter by Ahmed tipu guy is pretty real deal these r his words .
Su family tried and tested by PAF both 27 and 35 rejected by PAF according to Ahmed tipu on twitter.
J10 or F16 if we hand we can have F15 eagles both new and old in stocks.

The Su-27/SM3 is known to be more than a match for the F-15s, as demonstrated during various intercepts performed by the Su-27/SM3 of USAF J-STARS, Aries-llls and Posiedons. Where F-15s were sent in to support their surveillance aircraft. The SM3s gave the F-15s a run for their money on several encounters. The Su-35s have also proven themselves to be distinctly superior to the F-15Cs, which became very evident in Syria. Heck the americans even brought their F-22s to Syria, dunno whether it was due to the Su-35s spanking those F-15s all over the Syrian sky. But what we do know is the USAF deployed Raptors after several Su-35 encounters with F-15s. The Russian of course responded in kind, when they deployed Stealth Fighters of their own (b/w 2-4) Su-57s prototype aircraft, in Syria. So I doubt that Pakistan Air Force could've rejected the Su-35s. It could be that the Russians didn't want those indiots wet their dhotis upon hearing the news of Su-35 sale to Pakistan. They are tracking the indians to gauge which way they will swing. I doubt the indians can dance around much longer. As the Russians will be deciding on them pretty soon. I still do think Su-35s are the best choice for Pakistan Air Force.
The Su-27/SM3 is known to be more than a match for the F-15s, as demonstrated during various intercepts performed by the Su-27/SM3 of USAF J-STARS, Aries-llls and Posiedons. Where F-15s were sent in to support their surveillance aircraft. The SM3s gave the F-15s a run for their money on several encounters. The Su-35s have also proven themselves to be distinctly superior to the F-15Cs, which became very evident in Syria. Heck the americans even brought their F-22s to Syria, dunno whether it was due to the Su-35s spanking those F-15s all over the Syrian sky. But what we do know is the USAF deployed Raptors after several Su-35 encounters with F-15s. The Russian of course responded in kind, when they deployed Stealth Fighters of their own (b/w 2-4) Su-57s prototype aircraft, in Syria. So I doubt that Pakistan Air Force could've rejected the Su-35s. It could be that the Russians didn't want those indiots wet their dhotis upon hearing the news of Su-35 sale to Pakistan. They are tracking the indians to gauge which way they will swing. I doubt the indians can dance around much longer. As the Russians will be deciding on them pretty soon. I still do think Su-35s are the best choice for Pakistan Air Force.
Su35 overpowering f15 is a myth ... at best both aircrafts must have their day ...

However its logical that even if there is a chance of 20% probablity that su35 will win against f15 i.e. 1 out of 5 battle USA will bring f22 to keep the air superiroity intact ...

This is the rule of the game and logical choice ... why to put asset and pilot at risk even if you have 80% chance of winning when it can be increased upto 99%
Su-35 overpowering F-15 is a myth.

The myth is that Pentagon wouldn't admit to it even if their life depended on it. The Su-35s have engaged the F-15s over the Southern Syrian area of At-Tanf. The only ISIS pocket closest to Damascus, 250km distance. The american air force has been covering this area in particular, as when Syrian Military destroys this ISIS pocket. Then Syria will have full control over its entire Jordanian-Iraqi border, all the up till Abu Kamal, where River Euphrates cuts through the Syrian Iraqi border.

The Su-35s won these engagements, successfully forcing the F-15s to back off. In one instance the one in the pair of Su-35 locked on the F-15, trailing for a good part of a minute. It was only due to descelatory hotline set-up between the americans and Russians, did the two disengage.

The only myth is the americans still barking about their superiority over everyone else. The only advantage usaf has over RuAF, is numerical. Where are far more F-15s than there Su-35s. Russian Aerospace Forces are more concentrate with modernized and deadly fighters, rather than bulked out with a old junk. As time goes on, Su-35 production will ramp up. At present RuAF has less than 100 Su-35s. In time the numbers will rise to meet adequate numerical strength.
The myth is that Pentagon wouldn't admit to it even if their life depended on it. The Su-35s have engaged the F-15s over the Southern Syrian area of At-Tanf. The only ISIS pocket closest to Damascus, 250km distance. The american air force has been covering this area in particular, as when Syrian Military destroys this ISIS pocket. Then Syria will have full control over its entire Jordanian-Iraqi border, all the up till Abu Kamal, where River Euphrates cuts through the Syrian Iraqi border.

The Su-35s won these engagements, successfully forcing the F-15s to back off. In one instance the one in the pair of Su-35 locked on the F-15, trailing for a good part of a minute. It was only due to descelatory hotline set-up between the americans and Russians, did the two disengage.

The only myth is the americans still barking about their superiority over everyone else. The only advantage usaf has over RuAF, is numerical. Where are far more F-15s than there Su-35s. Russian Aerospace Forces are more concentrate with modernized and deadly fighters, rather than bulked out with a old junk. As time goes on, Su-35 production will ramp up. At present RuAF has less than 100 Su-35s. In time the numbers will rise to meet adequate numerical strength.
Where did this info come from. Sounds interesting.
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