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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

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i did but this has not been discussed explicitly.. if i am missing something you help me out.. and in my opinion this thread is best place to discuss it.. how is it derailing the thread. ?? lol
i did but this has not been discussed explicitly.. if i am missing something you help me out.. and in my opinion this thread is best place to discuss it.. how is it derailing the thread. ?? lol

This thread is to discuss anything related to f-16s in PAF service. While the issue of kill switch includes that, since it has not been verified, it cannot be discussed as a fact here. It's a big topic on its own and that's why there were separate discussions on it. Try searching for f-16 kill switch in the search function, you'll get results. Please don't ruin the current discussion going on here. You are free to open a new thread on this topic, otherwise it will attract Indian trolls just like ants go after honey.

Please keep the thread related to only F-16s in PAF service. Don't bring other topics here.
Two are Air refeullers one attack heli . We will never have our frontline fighter aircraft from united states .

Bro, thats not air-refuellers, C-130 is medium Transport aircraft, and C-17 is strategic airlifter.
USA can block the navigation system(s) or jam other electronics remotely, as and when required. GPS navigation can for sure, be blocked and it is possible technically. Let's suppose Pakistan has to attack some base in India with these F-16s and USA is not happy with that and black outs the F-16s then what is the use?

How true is that and what is PAF's counter strategy?
Sorry Haider but this is not realistic. Although theoretically possible no country would like to see its product loosing out especially a world renouned product. Do you realise what a bad influence it would have on US defence industries if its pride and joy lost out to some other country, s fighters/missiles. They would go bankrupt. Secondly they will only end up gaining from a real encounter between MKIs and F16s and even Rafales. So tbeoretically possible but practically a bad move. We are NOT going to go against the US and as long as we dont nothing of the sort will happen. What is likely is embargoes which the western world would impose on both the parties to force them to stop fighting and severe international pressures would be applied for the 2 countries to come to tbe negotiating table.
I discussed this with an ex army aviation engineer, now days my colleague after retirement, and he confirmed this.. it is true that as soon pakistan crosses the red line (conflict of interests with USA) the F-16s shall not be of any use... i believe for this very purpose India don't use American jets..


That ex army aviation engineer is an idiot of the third degree---. L M is a private industry and it does not take that kind of stupidities into consideration.

Pakistan has no conflict of interest with the USA and the F16's will fly straight and true and perform their jobs that they were designed to do in a war with india---on either side of the border.

No american defence contractor would accept to see their weapons system taken out by the russian or any other weapons system in conflict.

If it does happen---then the american defence industry is doomed forever---no nation will trust it---and if the american defence industry is doomed---then the U S economy is doomed---.

Worst comes to worst---with any conflict even with the U S----still these aircraft will perform to their best---100%---the U S may have the anecdote to jam the incoming missiles and transmission----other than that---they cannot do much---.

Come on!.. During 1971 war, the seventh Air Craft Career from USA never reached indian ocean which could have been game changer, despite the treaty.. even if there is 1% chance of betrayal from USA, is it worth risking and spending money on these F-16s? I don't think so..


The 7th fleet did not reach indian ocean intentionally---because the americans understood that it was a FIGHT BETWEEN TWO BROTHERS---nothing would have changed that outcome---but when india thought of attacking west pakistan---the message from Nixon was very clear---india would be nuc'd if it moved.
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so did russian Submarine which kept them at bay . but that was height of cold war and US needed Pakistan to stop Russia from gaining foothold in South Asia via Afghanistan . Things have changed a lot now :) . Like they say there are no constant enemies and no constant friends in geo politics .


No russian subs could keep them at bay----. It was for the reasons I have posted----simple and stupid----.

If there were any rusian subs in the area---they were tracked by the american subs---.

That ex army aviation engineer is an idiot of the third degree---. L M is a private industry and it does not take that kind of stupidities into consideration.

Pakistan has no conflict of interest with the USA and the F16's will fly straight and true and perform their jobs that they were designed to do in a war with india---on either side of the border.

No american defence contractor would accept to see their weapons system taken out by the russian or any other weapons system in conflict.

If it does happen---then the american defence industry is doomed forever---no nation will trust it---and if the american defence industry is doomed---then the U S economy is doomed---.

Worst comes to worst---with any conflict even with the U S----still these aircraft will perform to their best---100%---the U S may have the anecdote to jam the incoming missiles and transmission----other than that---they cannot do much---.


The 7th fleet did not reach indian ocean intentionally---because the americans understood that it was a FIGHT BETWEEN TWO BROTHERS---nothing would have changed that outcome---but when india thought of attacking west pakistan---the message from Nixon was very clear---india would be nuc'd if it moved.

i didn't really want to comment on it because somebody thinks it would kind of derail the thread. But again, he is idiot or not, we shouldn't be judgmental. .. point is NOT that LM wouldn't do that due to such and such and reasons.. point is can they do it? what i understand from here, the answer is yes.. !!! and for the worst case scenario, what are PAF's mitigation measures.. no answer till now. may be there are..
There is really a good chance of further F16 both new and MLU entering PAF, the US wishes to build up our forces - so as to make sure that the Pakistani Armed Forces are strong enough to forestall the Nuclear option, ie a negotiated ceasefire.
Master Khan

You live in surreal world if you think the threat of sanctions on F16s does not exist.

You dont undestand geo politics or you have buried your head in the sand.

Pakistan is no longer a usa ally that the americans trust and have confidence with. thanks to OBL raid.
USA is at war with ISLAM according to your own religion. Pakistan is a islamic state
USA india relations are very strong and indians business people are influential in washington


You buy them but in war with india USA will not rushing in supplies. They will not be sending in thie CBG as in 1971.

USA wil do what they did during KARGIL telling you to cease fire.

THEY have more clout over you guys cause you rely on their money and grant aid.

THEY WILL SQEEZE you harder.

TO STOP and they will deny you spares.

" THIS IS WHY THE MMRCS contestants F18 super hornets with AESA & F16 block 70IN DESPITE BEING CHEAPER by 50% was declined by the indian military"

our planners dont want this risk.

Israel & Russia will gurantee us spares in a indo pak war
China will gurantee you spares in a indo pak war
USA will not gurantee you spares
Master Khan

You live in surreal world if you think the threat of sanctions on F16s does not exist.

You dont undestand geo politics or you have buried your head in the sand.

Pakistan is no longer a usa ally that the americans trust and have confidence with. thanks to OBL raid.
USA is at war with ISLAM according to your own religion. Pakistan is a islamic state
USA india relations are very strong and indians business people are influential in washington


You buy them but in war with india USA will not rushing in supplies. They will not be sending in thie CBG as in 1971.

USA wil do what they did during KARGIL telling you to cease fire.

THEY have more clout over you guys cause you rely on their money and grant aid.

THEY WILL SQEEZE you harder.

TO STOP and they will deny you spares.

" THIS IS WHY THE MMRCS contestants F18 super hornets with AESA & F16 block 70IN DESPITE BEING CHEAPER by 50% was declined by the indian military"

our planners dont want this risk.

Israel & Russia will gurantee us spares in a indo pak war
China will gurantee you spares in a indo pak war
USA will not gurantee you spares

The US also knows that a relatively less strong "conventionally" armed Pakistan - raises the thresh hold for nuclear, as the Afghan war ends, the US will likely arm Pakistan to strengthen state power, and also balance india.

The Chinese will also do the same, alongside with indigenous efforts, don't forget the 4th Khushab Plutonium reactor is coming on line.

That ex army aviation engineer is an idiot of the third degree---. L M is a private industry and it does not take that kind of stupidities into consideration.

Pakistan has no conflict of interest with the USA and the F16's will fly straight and true and perform their jobs that they were designed to do in a war with india---on either side of the border.

No american defence contractor would accept to see their weapons system taken out by the russian or any other weapons system in conflict.

If it does happen---then the american defence industry is doomed forever---no nation will trust it---and if the american defence industry is doomed---then the U S economy is doomed---.

Worst comes to worst---with any conflict even with the U S----still these aircraft will perform to their best---100%---the U S may have the anecdote to jam the incoming missiles and transmission----other than that---they cannot do much---.


The 7th fleet did not reach indian ocean intentionally---because the americans understood that it was a FIGHT BETWEEN TWO BROTHERS---nothing would have changed that outcome---but when india thought of attacking west pakistan---the message from Nixon was very clear---india would be nuc'd if it moved.

Sir Jee, despite NSA bugging Cisco, Juniper routing products and firewalls (Top Secret National Security Agency (NSA) JETPLOW firmware persistence implant (backdoor) for Cisco firewalls

Microsoft, google, apple secretly helping NSA. AT&T and other Telco's allowing NSA to install secret boxes in their core. Have nation or nations trust dwindle on those corporations after Edward Snowden revelations how major tech companies helping NSA to spy on foreign countries or they are still buying american tech equipment despite knowing NSA could exploit their devices?

Tailored Access Operations of NSA is responsible for implanting bugs in devices and we have American senator on record assuring Senate hearing in 2006 that we will not allow F-16 to be used against the terms proscribed in agreement.
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