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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

USA can block the navigation system(s) or jam other electronics remotely, as and when required. GPS navigation can for sure, be blocked and it is possible technically. Let's suppose Pakistan has to attack some base in India with these F-16s and USA is not happy with that and black outs the F-16s then what is the use?

How true is that and what is PAF's counter strategy?
Admittedly not my forte but the few connected guys i have spoken to explained it in their own way. We hear of F-16s containing a certain ''chip'' but then even your mobile phone has a chip and if all above was true then who would trust and buy the American weapons considering they can be switched off by the Americans....wouldn't that mean reading last rights to the US weapon industry.

Hmm, i hope all six are D versions for wild weasel roles. Also what about acquiring more from Jordan and the 14 pending from USA? They should be enough to boost f-16 squadron strength to 6 squadrons!
I can confirm that the PAF officials were in US for a week, let's wait for the rest, however if confirmed then no doubt there will be ''D'' models as it's the most capable machine in the region.
Admittedly not my forte but the few connected guys i have spoken to explained it in their own way. We hear of F-16s containing a certain ''chip'' but then even your mobile phone has a chip and if all above was true then who would trust and buy the American weapons considering they can be switched off by the Americans....wouldn't that mean reading last rights to the US weapon industry.

I discussed this with an ex army aviation engineer, now days my colleague after retirement, and he confirmed this.. it is true that as soon pakistan crosses the red line (conflict of interests with USA) the F-16s shall not be of any use... i believe for this very purpose India don't use American jets..
I discussed this with an ex army aviation engineer, now days my colleague after retirement, and he confirmed this.. it is true that as soon pakistan crosses the red line (conflict of interests with USA) the F-16s shall not be of any use... i believe for this very purpose India don't use American jets..

Yes that is the reason . Even when we wanted to diversify from Russian Defense industry we headed for Europe not US.
I discussed this with an ex army aviation engineer, now days my colleague after retirement, and he confirmed this.. it is true that as soon pakistan crosses the red line (conflict of interests with USA) the F-16s shall not be of any use... i believe for this very purpose India don't use American jets..

Fighting with India, how does it affect US interests? Can you imagine the downfall of American defence exports when they find out that these expensive toys are no longer useful? With India, rest assured, they will work to their full capability.
Yes that is the reason . Even when we wanted to diversify from Russian Defense industry we headed for Europe not US.

hmm.. but if we know this shortcoming, i sure am PAF also knows it.. and have any counter strategy, like installing Inertial Navigation System etc ... but can somebody shed more light on this.. ??

Fighting with India, how does it affect US interests? Can you imagine the downfall of American defence exports when they find out that these expensive toys are no longer useful? With India, rest assured, they will work to their full capability.

Come on!.. During 1971 war, the seventh Air Craft Career from USA never reached indian ocean which could have been game changer, despite the treaty.. even if there is 1% chance of betrayal from USA, is it worth risking and spending money on these F-16s? I don't think so..
I discussed this with an ex army aviation engineer, now days my colleague after retirement, and he confirmed this.. it is true that as soon pakistan crosses the red line (conflict of interests with USA) the F-16s shall not be of any use... i believe for this very purpose India don't use American jets..
Sir, what's the red line which Pakistan can cross in near future ? What's the worst case scenario?
Hmm, i hope all six are D versions for wild weasel roles. Also what about acquiring more from Jordan and the 14 pending from USA? They should be enough to boost f-16 squadron strength to 6 squadrons!

See that is one big hassle looking for more Aircrafts as most of other fleet are on the verge of obsoleteness [F-7P], The foolishness of Musharraf lead to this, slashing F-16s Numbers from 77 to 28/32. Today your fleet would have been around 130 strong. US honored the contract they were eager to sell unlimited number of F-16s in early-mid 2000s. Now who is to be blamed?
I discussed this with an ex army aviation engineer, now days my colleague after retirement, and he confirmed this.. it is true that as soon pakistan crosses the red line (conflict of interests with USA) the F-16s shall not be of any use... i believe for this very purpose India don't use American jets..
Dude what would an PAA guy know about an F-16 Biology, PAF waited and pursued for the Vipers for some 15 years, If there was any such doubt, you think those at helm would risk those hard come billions.
Sir, what's the red line which Pakistan can cross in near future ? What's the worst case scenario?

I wanted to discuss some technical details but we are getting indulged into a hypothesis of Red Line... I already gave an example that attacking India with these F-16s might be a red line, as per the history and America's interest in India's .. or attacking an Afghan base in case of aggression from western front... or OBL type operation by USAF.. there are n number of possibilities..

Dude what would an PAA guy know about an F-16 Biology, PAF waited and pursued for the Vipers for some 15 years, If there was any such doubt, you think those at helm would risk those hard come billions.

he has worked with PAF on secondment as well, which is common in military.. so we assume that there is no risk albeit USA can black these F-16s out as per requirement... i don't buy it..
[quote="MM_Haider, post: 5734184, member: 34932"
Come on!.. During 1971 war, the seventh Air Craft Career from USA never reached indian ocean which could have been game changer, despite the treaty.. even if there is 1% chance of betrayal from USA, is it worth risking and spending money on these F-16s? I don't think so..[/quote]

This has been debated to death. PAF wouldn't invest in an asset that it can't use against India. So please don't derail the thread here.
[quote="MM_Haider, post: 5734184, member: 34932"
Come on!.. During 1971 war, the seventh Air Craft Career from USA never reached indian ocean which could have been game changer, despite the treaty.. even if there is 1% chance of betrayal from USA, is it worth risking and spending money on these F-16s? I don't think so..

Can you please share the link of that thread in which it was discussed. Thanks.
Come on!.. During 1971 war, the seventh Air Craft Career from USA never reached indian ocean which could have been game changer, despite the treaty.. even if there is 1% chance of betrayal from USA, is it worth risking and spending money on these F-16s? I don't think so..

so did russian Submarine which kept them at bay . but that was height of cold war and US needed Pakistan to stop Russia from gaining foothold in South Asia via Afghanistan . Things have changed a lot now :) . Like they say there are no constant enemies and no constant friends in geo politics .
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