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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2


From what i've heard, he is a formidable commander and would certinly add to the firepower of the 5th squadron.
@Aeronaut, remember the guy who performed F-16 display in Turkey, I think it's W/C Ali Naeem, he was the stand by pilot for when Haseeb performed on Pakistan day parade, anyways, you wouldn't believe what's he's involved in these days. BTW, the job allegedly assigned to him is to be the next base commander.
@Aeronaut, remember the guy who performed F-16 display in Turkey, I think it's W/C Ali Naeem, he was the stand by pilot for when Haseeb performed on Pakistan day parade, anyways, you wouldn't believe what's he's involved in these days. BTW, the job allegedly assigned to him is to be the next base commander.

@Windjammer I thought mr Naeem was posted in Saudi Arab for couple of years..

Lower fuselage of F-16 being inspected at F-16 upgrade cell. After MLU of entire
F-16 fleet in 2014, the aircraft repair and modification status of such facilities shall be upgraded too.

Since I sat in this F16 728 I just can get not enough pictures of this plane. I think this was just a few months before Turkey. Man, I would rather sit in this '85 produced plane then any other brand new plane from any other nation...
Quote of the Day

I'm waiting to be told how cobras, hooks, or vectored thrust help in combat. They're great at air shows, but zero energy is a fighter pilot's nightmare. Shoot your opponent down and his number two will be on your tail thinking it's his birthday - a target hanging there in the sky with zero energy.

-- Ned Firth of Eurofighter at Farnborough '94
Quote of the Day

I'm waiting to be told how cobras, hooks, or vectored thrust help in combat. They're great at air shows, but zero energy is a fighter pilot's nightmare. Shoot your opponent down and his number two will be on your tail thinking it's his birthday - a target hanging there in the sky with zero energy.

-- Ned Firth of Eurofighter at Farnborough '94

Well, this is marketing of EF2000. It can keep better the kinetic energy and stay extremely agile with even heavy load. But what is so important on agility if opponents have HOBS or AIM9X derivatives... Or AMRAAM/AMRAAMSKI? And even if they have EF2000, how come the plane is blown out of the sky in DACT in Turkey/Saudia while flying against 1 generation older F16 with PAF pilots?

;) I love pilots but they are often blinded with what they fly.
Quote of the Day

I'm waiting to be told how cobras, hooks, or vectored thrust help in combat. They're great at air shows, but zero energy is a fighter pilot's nightmare. Shoot your opponent down and his number two will be on your tail thinking it's his birthday - a target hanging there in the sky with zero energy.

-- Ned Firth of Eurofighter at Farnborough '94
Just like to add that these fancy maneuvers have repeatedly been mentioned as crowd pleasures since they are executed at a very low speed, imagine trying to pull a cobra at combat speed. !!!
Just like to add that these fancy maneuvers have repeatedly been mentioned as crowd pleasures since they are executed at a very low speed, imagine trying to pull a cobra at combat speed. !!!

Just like to add that these fancy maneuvers have repeatedly been mentioned as crowd pleasures since they are executed at a very low speed, imagine trying to pull a cobra at combat speed. !!!
These are not just fancy maneuvers for crowd pleasures but each of it demostrates aircrafts flying abilities.. for example cobra demonstrate aircraft's pitch control authority,
high angle of attack (AOA) stability and
engine-versus-inlet compatibility, as well as
the pilot's skill.
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