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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

America cannot transfer F-16's to Pakistan without Congressional approval. So there is like zero chance of F-16's being transferred to Pakistan by the American military.It does not work that way.

For the sake of argument, hasn't Congress already approved the F-16 sale?
US is a bad enemy but a worst friend indeed we should not look forward to get more F-16s from US they keep delaying it cost us money and we risk our National Security US has keep us crying about these F-16s i am really glad that we have JF-17 now we should rather proceed in more development of fighter Jets projects with France,UK,Russa and China.PAF's current inventory is weak in terms of technology although its 50/50 depends on the pilot and the machine our F-16 are from the 80s so Mirages and F-7s we should look forward replacing them with SU27,J-10 and JF-17 because the world is changing very quickly and i find Pakistan in big big mess

Pak army has already showed serious commitment and application in the swat valley and waziristan to the surprise of many---.

Over the years the army has been telling the taliban not to provoke them and not to corner them where they have to strike back in force.

The taliban were looking at the un-committed u s army in afghanistan in small numbers---they were clueless as to what the result would be when a 100 thousand strong millitary moves into your area----now theye are learing very fast what a 100k pak troops can do to them and their cause----and still the pak army has been too kind to the ttp.

For that reason---it would be next to impossible for the u s congress to delay the delivery of the F16--52---unless india can pull a rabbit out of the hat---the blk 52's will be landing pretty soon. :pakistan::pakistan:
Pakistan needs a big amount of f 16 falcons . just turkish airfoce they have almost 250... i guess we have below 50...
i think we had 36 before US falcons now i think it should be about 55-60
Did not say it won't happen but there will be no secret transfer as been hinted here...it does not work that way in the US.

I took it with a fistful of salt as well..Its not like the US delivered Equipment to Israel in 73 without congressional approval.
For the sake of argument, hasn't Congress already approved the F-16 sale?

originally posted by FATMAN
yes it has
well sir i am sorry but this is not the case. the US congress have delayed the debate on topic uptill 2010. many quote it as the deleivery date being delated to 2010 the matter will be re-discussed in congree in 2010!!
so we cannot be sure that US congress have approved the deal once and for all!


Pak army has already showed serious commitment and application in the swat valley and waziristan to the surprise of many---.

Over the years the army has been telling the taliban not to provoke them and not to corner them where they have to strike back in force.

The taliban were looking at the un-committed u s army in afghanistan in small numbers---they were clueless as to what the result would be when a 100 thousand strong millitary moves into your area----now theye are learing very fast what a 100k pak troops can do to them and their cause----and still the pak army has been too kind to the ttp.

For that reason---it would be next to impossible for the u s congress to delay the delivery of the F16--52---unless india can pull a rabbit out of the hat---the blk 52's will be landing pretty soon. :pakistan::pakistan:

this is a nce analysis and as some other members have also pointed that the transfer is not yet authorized by US congress and the matter will be taken up in congree in mid 2010. if the deal is approved then we will seen the palnes with us by end of 2012!

i hope this clears the situation and give you an idea why so many people are so much worried about this deal!
i mean if they can delay the deal set to be made in 2007 to 2010 then it mat face further delas and this wont bring us any good!
to hell with the falcon if they come by the time when we are flying matured FC20 and our enemy flying F18zz.
however i am not saying that the deal will be delayed for sure. i hope this never happens and everything go along smoothly!

well sir i am sorry but this is not the case. the US congress have delayed the debate on topic uptill 2010. many quote it as the deleivery date being delated to 2010 the matter will be re-discussed in congree in 2010!!
so we cannot be sure that US congress have approved the deal once and for all!


not true - the issue was transferring funds allocated for cobra upgrades to F-16 upgrades - and finally those funds have been released - kindly pls do your home-work! the planes are on the assembly-line for pete's sake - if the deal was not approved, the work would not have started.

its all posted on the forum - why are we creating this hysteria without providing any real proof / link - just because someone who lives in the US thinks he knows more than what we know - come on!

meanwhile, as mastan khan has indicated, much has changed!
Not the final approval..they will take it up only in 2010.So there will be no F16 transfer till then.

well sir i am sorry but this is not the case. the US congress have delayed the debate on topic uptill 2010. many quote it as the deleivery date being delated to 2010 the matter will be re-discussed in congree in 2010!!
so we cannot be sure that US congress have approved the deal once and for all!


And who told you that? I have posted every little detail about the F-16s on this forum yet we have people believe whatever they want. Please do your homework before spreading rumors.

Pak army has already showed serious commitment and application in the swat valley and waziristan to the surprise of many---.

Over the years the army has been telling the taliban not to provoke them and not to corner them where they have to strike back in force.

The taliban were looking at the un-committed u s army in afghanistan in small numbers---they were clueless as to what the result would be when a 100 thousand strong millitary moves into your area----now theye are learing very fast what a 100k pak troops can do to them and their cause----and still the pak army has been too kind to the ttp.

For that reason---it would be next to impossible for the u s congress to delay the delivery of the F16--52---unless india can pull a rabbit out of the hat---the blk 52's will be landing pretty soon. :pakistan::pakistan:

sir after a long time ive seen some optimistic comments from your side.

..not that i disagree with other comments..

the blk52 comming home, brought a smile on my face:D
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