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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Daily Express (4th January 2012) reports that US has blocked delivery of F-16's, the US was supposed to deliver atleast 6 Jets this year. Ah.....it was an insane decision to purchase the A/C from a tried and tested unreliable supplier and a covert enemy, I personally hope that those who opted for these Jets are court-martialed for their treachery!

Sorry to say .. this is not the first time...we hv been s--t by US......but our AF jst cant let the Falcons go.......
PAF was suppose to get the delivery in Dec 2011 if I'm not mistaken. US "aid" and the F-16 deal are two separate programs. Pakistan should certainly no longer trust US administration. Pakistan suspends their supply line and they suspend delivery of PAF's F16s sent there to be upgraded. What idiot in PAF thought it would be a good idea to send Paks F16s to US for upgrades, knowing the political climate.
That idea is by that traitor PAF Chief....He is the US lapdog.....trying to protect their interests.....:smokin:
No one was anticipating sudden crash of relationships. Don't forget Pakistan did not execute option for additional F-16s considering the same. 6 Aircrafts matter but not more than survive-ability.. but don't think Pakistan is on the verge of loosing these aircrafts.. we can trade them for the millions of dollar of sensitive US/NATO equipment which is stuck inside Pakistan.

PAF is in much comfortable position today and can afford loss of 6 F-16s of it has to be. I am sure our friends (China) will be looking forward to compensate and fill any gaps which USA's classical ridiculousness might cause.
there is no chance of suspension for providing these F-16s..US wount do such a blunder..however we might be refused for further f-16s as the sale will have to go to congress
there is no chance of suspension for providing these F-16s..US wount do such a blunder..however we might be refused for further f-16s as the sale will have to go to congress

Refusal for further F-16 sale would be the best thing that could ever happen to PAF. JF-17 happened only due to pressler sanctions otherwise we would still be relying on US. Sanctions can only make us more independent, strong, self reliant and prosperous as our investment will stay in the country and provide thousands of jobs to Pakistani's.
No one was anticipating sudden crash of relationships. Don't forget Pakistan did not execute option for additional F-16s considering the same. 6 Aircrafts matter but not more than survive-ability.. but don't think Pakistan is on the verge of loosing these aircrafts.. we can trade them for the millions of dollar of sensitive US/NATO equipment which is stuck inside Pakistan.

PAF is in much comfortable position today and can afford loss of 6 F-16s of it has to be. I am sure our friends (China) will be looking forward to compensate and fill any gaps which USA's classical ridiculousness might cause.

Yup thats the problem with us ....we dont learn from our mistakes and see to others to solve our problems ......
i wish that day never comes when we hesitate to look to china either ......hopefully i am clear enough....
Seriously, who the F*** gives the USA right to block our F-16s? If they don't want to MLU, thats fine. But they are property of Pakistani state. Seriously, time to start F***ing them over with their shipments. Send all those M4A1s and M16s to the taliban....

one of the most un-reliable media outlets in PK.
i think they stop the sale of next 18 f-16 block-52

No Dear ..Thank GOD PAF didnt opted for the next 18-F16s .....its the OLD F16s for MLU upgrade that had been "STOLEN" again by US

i think 4 F16s are in Turkey and 6 in US for MLU .........

i think we may be able to get the Turkish upgraded Falcons ......but how can turkey upgrade them if it dont get the kits for it ....
Yeah I think they still have one there for trial and testing, should expect it back in months I hope but not sure.

One? We all thought it to be one F-16D.
But Air Chief said it to be four Block 52s.
We shld immidetly go for JF17 BLK II & J10B's.....batter forget F-16's

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