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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Any trustworthy source for this? I mean it was posted on blog it can very well just be a rumor. And Where ACM officialy announced it? there is no such news in media

well there is always ACM Rao Qamar!
Apart from this PAF is also seriously considering buying two squadrons of Norway F-16AM/BMs, in is plan of operating a fleet of 100 F-16s combined for next 15-20years."

Sir, I do hope this happens but RNAF sources plan to retire the vipers in 2015-16, which is a worrying 5 years away. Further, some natives even dispute the whole thing...

Though, am looking forward to the next squadron of F 16Cs with CFT by end of 2012. And again, no news of 14 AM/BMs with USN...
i read these news on an other forum at f-16.net n the people there say that norway has no plans of selling its f-16
Khan sahab, too much wishful thinking..

Can't understand why there is always underestimation about IAF thinking..


Thank you very much for your comment-----thanks for conveniently forgetting my other posts regarding the IAF aircraft---. I comment without prejudice ( maybe some ) most of the time---if I can trash out the paf and bring out all the screw ups, that my other pakistani colleagues want to hide under the rug---then I think I can be equally fair with iaf----deploying the su 30 within two minutes of flying time from the border is an absolute screw up---.

Having air bases within 100 miles from the border---I don't get it----they will be the first ones to go---regardless whatever you have to protect them-----. You have so much space at hand----your aircraft have longer legs----your air refuellers can fly around without any threat---your aircraft can fly around for hours --- I don't want to say amymore at this time-----.
Having air bases within 100 miles from the border---I don't get it----they will be the first ones to go---regardless whatever you have to protect them-----. You have so much space at hand----your aircraft have longer legs----your air refuellers can fly around without any threat---your aircraft can fly around for hours --- I don't want to say amymore at this time-----.

Does not redundancy help ?

Don't foraward air bases help ?
Khan sahab, too much wishful thinking..

Can't understand why there is always underestimation about IAF thinking..


Thank you very much for your comment-----thanks for conveniently forgetting my other posts regarding the IAF aircraft---. I comment without prejudice ( maybe some ) most of the time---if I can trash out the paf and bring out all the screw ups, that my other pakistani colleagues want to hide under the rug---then I think I can be equally fair with iaf----deploying the su 30 within two minutes of flying time from the border is an absolute screw up---.

Having air bases within 100 miles from the border---I don't get it----they will be the first ones to go---regardless whatever you have to protect them-----. You have so much space at hand----your aircraft have longer legs----your air refuellers can fly around without any threat---your aircraft can fly around for hours --- I don't want to say amymore at this time-----.

brother these bases are old and well established. If you can look at the IAF inventory till the 90s they hardlyhad anything with long enough legs. SO there was sense in having bases close to the border. NOw that they have MKIs they base them out of harms way and assume that te MKIs will fly in to do the business. The other thing to think of in the Indo PAk scenario is that with progressively increasing range and accuracy of missiles and CMs , will any of the bases be safe?
Which basically translates into Indian aircraft being technically safe from attack..
MK's Idea is not wrong either.. the vulnerability of these bases suggests that it is time to either shut them down.. or turn them into FOB's.
And find more land further east from the border to convert to MOB's.
They can still use these bases for recovery and staging ops.
Khan sahab, too much wishful thinking..

Can't understand why there is always underestimation about IAF thinking..


Thank you very much for your comment-----thanks for conveniently forgetting my other posts regarding the IAF aircraft---. I comment without prejudice ( maybe some ) most of the time---if I can trash out the paf and bring out all the screw ups, that my other pakistani colleagues want to hide under the rug---then I think I can be equally fair with iaf----deploying the su 30 within two minutes of flying time from the border is an absolute screw up---.

Having air bases within 100 miles from the border---I don't get it----they will be the first ones to go---regardless whatever you have to protect them-----. You have so much space at hand----your aircraft have longer legs----your air refuellers can fly around without any threat---your aircraft can fly around for hours --- I don't want to say amymore at this time-----.


I saw lots of your posts where you upset your countrymen. I posted as a reply to your one post.

Reference to the proximity to the bases and Su30 deployment, we have 2 out of 3 main bases are deep inside the border.

With help of latest detection technologies, both forces will know immediately when the enemy jets comes even nearby the border.


I saw lots of your posts where you upset your countrymen. I posted as a reply to your one post.

Reference to the proximity to the bases and Su30 deployment, we have 2 out of 3 main bases are deep inside the border.

With help of latest detection technologies, both forces will know immediately when the enemy jets comes even nearby the border.


wats the need of sending aircrafts across the border in the start of war.let the missiles do their job in the intial phase
Does not redundancy help ?

Don't foraward air bases help ?


It would help---if you have a country 500----1000 miles + in depth----so they need forward air bases---like we do----otoh---when we are operationally only 5 to a 100 miles away---for what reason would the bases be so close to our border.

It is simply a threatening posture---and we welcome it very much----it just puts 1/3 to 1/4 of their strike force within easy strike range.


I was talking about the two sqdrns of SU 30's that were deployed in srinagar some 3 years ago------.

Now---if for some reason, india decides to pull back its main strike formations farther back---it would not look good---it will play havoc with the psyche of the public and millitary----. It would tantamount to admitting the mistakes foremost and secondarily admitting that the opponent to has sharp teeth----.

The situation is like swallowing your pride and praying for the best.

It would help---if you have a country 500----1000 miles + in depth----so they need forward air bases---like we do----otoh---when we are operationally only 5 to a 100 miles away---for what reason would the bases be so close to our border.

It is simply a threatening posture---and we welcome it very much----it just puts 1/3 to 1/4 of their strike force within easy strike range.


I was talking about the two sqdrns of SU 30's that were deployed in srinagar some 3 years ago------.

Now---if for some reason, india decides to pull back its main strike formations farther back---it would not look good---it will play havoc with the psyche of the public and millitary----. It would tantamount to admitting the mistakes foremost and secondarily admitting that the opponent to has sharp teeth----.

The situation is like swallowing your pride and praying for the best.

I agree with you- the deployment of the IAF MKIs in forward bases is more a political and provocative move than an actual tactical one however the IAF is aware of the risks of such foreword bases- this is why they initially let these bases go to waste until the recent revival process and it is why the IAF has stated the majority of their MKI fore will stay deep inside Indian territory. However I think the GoI/MoD/IAF felt that with constant reports of intruding PLAF jets and PLA patrols into Indian territory they needed to show a response and on a practical level in peace time the MKIs deployed to foreword bases can offer a very quick response to intruding PLAF jets that a MKI deployed further deeper in India can't provide. However given this job could be done by even Bisons or M2Ks it is clearly a projection issue- the latest and most capable plane in IAF's inventory deployed near their border should give them something to think about.
MKI is a long range air craft so it doesn't seem sensible of keeping them in sri nagar so close to the border.there will be little reaction time b/w the detection of PAF jets and in launching the MKI.the terrain tin that area is hilly and it will be even more difficult for the radars to pick up low flying enemy air crafts.
Bisons or M2Ks would be slaughtered if they ever tried to plan a strike mission INSIDE Pakistan.
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