I think there may be some misunderstanding -- the argument and points raised by distinguished forum member Araz, are all valid - and together they make a strong case for the F16 -- But these arguments do not account for the REALITY that the supplier has in place a policy which will continue to see relations between Pakistan and the US, deteriorate, in fact this is a given.
The Pakistan that US policy seeks to fashion is a Pakistan that the people of Pakistan will not accept, the geo-strategic environment that the US policy seeks to fashion, the eventualities it seeks to create, are not acceptable to the people of Pakistan and are in fact a mortal danger to the state of Pakistan.
The F16 is a marvelous aircraft, the PAF have experience with this ship, the infrastructure to operate and maintain this weapon system is already in place -- but what about US policy?
The argument that these aircraft offer a capability that engenders sobriety into an adversary - unimpeachable, no question about that - but what about the US policy?
And when this weapon system and the capability it offers is actually needed -- what assurance that we can actually avail these capabilities over the range of time we need them -- again, we come back to US policy.
It is time to be sober, lets not go for this pie in the sky -- lets not allow ourselves to be blackmailed into turning over our defense to those whose hostility towards us is manifest for all to see. Lets allow them to go their way, our interests are on parallel tracks, lets recognize that and plan to attenuate threats.