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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Why mods allow this f'ing Tejas to masquerade as a eurofighter is beyond me.

I live in Warwick
born and bred British
with the new blue british passport ......... lost the burgundy one in Dec 2020 lol lol
and work for Barclays bank in Finance
The location is 100% correct
As is my nationality
Err ............Your assuming a kill ratio of 100% .............Which is hillarious
You tried 4 or 5 Amraams in Feb 2019 ..............They all missed the su30mki

The average kill ratio in BVR combat is any where between 10% and 20% max.
This is why the west are concentrating on improving missles eccm and stealth and speed more than range . They understand the key is NEZ ie no escape Zone
Bolting on range is useless on its ownn.

Another arrogant almost foolish conclusion you made was that each and very F16 will wn every BVR engagment. The reality is the enemy has over 450 fighters everybit as good as the F16 or better
36 rafale with Reb2 Aesa radar Meteore & mica bvrs
45 mirage2000-5 with mica Bvrs
63 Mig29 upg with zhuk Aesa radar new R771 and R27E BVRS
270 Su30mki with Pesa Radar R771/RE27/Astra mk1 bvrs
25 Tejas mk1 with Derby BVR and soon Astra mk1 BVR
40 mig29k zhuk bvr R771/re27 bvrs

Those F16 numbering 75 planes may last 7-10 days by which time 70% will have crashed or become unusable due or fatigue maintenance or no BVRS ........... unless USA resupplys
Seems you were in a hurry to press the reply button.....which is understandable......so be a good boy drink some cold water, pause, take a deep breath and read my post again very slowly so you can absorb it.
The line up is very impressive for any air force but here after all we are talking about the Indian air force which has to create false bravado even for an exercise only to be ridiculed as some cricket jokers while back home they have to paint the wreckage of own MiG-21s in PAF colours and put them on display to keep the gullible Indians entertained. Something even a Sub-Saharan airforce would not descend to do.

only a fool would underestimate ones, enemy.
and in our case, one which is bigger, better armed, and backed by all your former circassian friends.
No one is underestimating anyone but then one doesn't need to be a genius to look at the past history of the two air forces and see who delivered when required that too under adverse circumstances.
As you yourself has said because of close proximity of the two countries , BVR weapons will never be the silver bullet and in WVR , indeed only a fool would ignore how PAF performed even against the likes of EFT.
Seems you were in a hurry to press the reply button.....which is understandable......so be a good boy drink some cold water, pause, take a deep breath and read my post again very slowly so you can absorb it.
The line up is very impressive for any air force but here after all we are talking about the Indian air force which has to create false bravado even for an exercise only to be ridiculed as some cricket jokers while back home they have to paint the wreckage of own MiG-21s in PAF colours and put them on display to keep the gullible Indians entertained. Something even a Sub-Saharan airforce would not descend to do.

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Your rank is an elite Member
Your post is reflects inexperience of the subject just paitriotic bravado

Did you really say 500 amraams = 500 kills of enemy fighters

Is this how you genuinely believe air war is effected.

D you expect 500 su30mki mig29 rafale anmd mirage2000 pilots to realistically just sit there on 500 occasions

Think about your post again
I live in Warwick
born and bred British
with the new blue british passport ......... lost the burgundy one in Dec 2020 lol lol
and work for Barclays bank in Finance
The location is 100% correct
As is my nationality

That doesn't excuse your simping for the Indian military. Its quite clear you are an Indian. Whether living abroad or not, u r or ur fam is Indian
Your rank is an elite Member
Your post is reflects inexperience of the subject just paitriotic bravado

Did you really say 500 amraams = 500 kills of enemy fighters

Is this how you genuinely believe air war is effected.

D you expect 500 su30mki mig29 rafale anmd mirage2000 pilots to realistically just sit there on 500 occasions

Think about your post again
And you being just a newbie, need first learn to walk before attempting to run....by conservative estimates the AMRAAMS have 80% kill rate.....hence i said 450 to 500......and every battle will not be a BVR encounter.
Also keep in your head that last time one single hit caused rest of your MKIs and MK2s to run for dear life and leave the battlefield.
Your rank is an elite Member
Your post is reflects inexperience of the subject just paitriotic bravado

Did you really say 500 amraams = 500 kills of enemy fighters

Is this how you genuinely believe air war is effected.

D you expect 500 su30mki mig29 rafale anmd mirage2000 pilots to realistically just sit there on 500 occasions

Think about your post again

You just mentioned that BVR will not be vital in indo pak theatre due to close proximity of conflict

Ok assume your correct .

In modern wvr those who have HMD rule the dog fight simply pilot moves head acheives lock on . No need for fancy moves agility etc or certainly not as much.

So guess what

All 500 if the IAF front line fighters carry HMD & HOBS missles


only the F16

no other fighters in PAF including Thunder to date has a HMD or HOBS .

IAF uses 3 different HMD and HOBS missles
R73 on mki and mig29
Asraam on Rafale & Mirage2000I
Python 5 only tested Tejas now after successfuly R73 intergration already.

In finance we have saying re stock market investment growth in future
"past performance is not accurate refection of future results "

In other words do not sit complacently just because a F16 shot down a rusty old mig21 bison in 2019
or good results in 1971 mostly on back of superior western platforms like the mirage 5

Today on paper especially with S400 coming and rafales here already the IAF is superior on all aspects bar numbers of Awacs
That doesn't excuse your simping for the Indian military. Its quite clear you are an Indian. Whether living abroad or not, u r or ur fam is Indian

No passport and birth suggest i am british ..........which i am and proud of too
And you being just a newbie, need first learn to walk before attempting to run....by conservative estimates the AMRAAMS have 80% kill rate.....hence i said 450 to 500......and every battle will not be a BVR encounter.
Also keep in your head that last time one single hit caused rest of your MKIs and MK2s to run for dear life and leave the battlefield.

So now your suggesting 4 out of 5 battles will be won by the F16 against Rafale Mirage2000 Su30mki Mig29

Another massive assummption

I say Rafale will 8 out of 10 engagements against F16 amraam or no amraam
And the others will 50 /50 at best
And you being just a newbie, need first learn to walk before attempting to run....by conservative estimates the AMRAAMS have 80% kill rate.....hence i said 450 to 500......and every battle will not be a BVR encounter.
Also keep in your head that last time one single hit caused rest of your MKIs and MK2s to run for dear life and leave the battlefield.

So now your suggesting 4 out of 5 battles will be won by the F16 against Rafale Mirage2000 Su30mki Mig29

Another massive assummption

I say Rafale will win 8 out of 10 engagements against F16 amraam or no amraam
And the others will 50 /50 at best
Yep, but given the critical role they play (and their legacy), I imagine the fighter next-up will be an NGFA from China or Turkey. I think -- despite being a carrier-ops design -- even the J-35 could be of interest because it'd offer salt-erosion-proofing, so it'd be of value for our maritime ops.
Only Salt Erosion Proof? Oh ok!
That doesn't excuse your simping for the Indian military. Its quite clear you are an Indian. Whether living abroad or not, u r or ur fam is Indian

And i notice your british Flag
I work with brits my entire life
They do not even know Pakistan has an airforce LET alone the Fighter planes
Rather ironic dont you think
You just mentioned that BVR will not be vital in indo pak theatre due to close proximity of conflict

Ok assume your correct .

In modern wvr those who have HMD rule the dog fight simply pilot moves head acheives lock on . No need for fancy moves agility etc or certainly not as much.

So guess what

All 500 if the IAF front line fighters carry HMD & HOBS missles


only the F16

no other fighters in PAF including Thunder to date has a HMD or HOBS .

IAF uses 3 different HMD and HOBS missles
R73 on mki and mig29
Asraam on Rafale & Mirage2000I
Python 5 only tested Tejas now after successfuly R73 intergration already.

In finance we have saying re stock market investment growth in future
"past performance is not accurate refection of future results "

In other words do not sit complacently just because a F16 shot down a rusty old mig21 bison in 2019
or good results in 1971 mostly on back of superior western platforms like the mirage 5

Today on paper especially with S400 coming and rafales here already the IAF is superior on all aspects bar numbers of Awacs

No passport and birth suggest i am british ..........which i am and proud of too

So now your suggesting 4 out of 5 battles will be won by the F16 against Rafale Mirage2000 Su30mki Mig29

Another massive assummption

I say Rafale will 8 out of 10 engagements against F16 amraam or no amraam
And the others will 50 /50 at best

So now your suggesting 4 out of 5 battles will be won by the F16 against Rafale Mirage2000 Su30mki Mig29

Another massive assummption

I say Rafale will win 8 out of 10 engagements against F16 amraam or no amraam
And the others will 50 /50 at best

You just mentioned that BVR will not be vital in indo pak theatre due to close proximity of conflict

Ok assume your correct .

In modern wvr those who have HMD rule the dog fight simply pilot moves head acheives lock on . No need for fancy moves agility etc or certainly not as much.

So guess what

All 500 if the IAF front line fighters carry HMD & HOBS missles


only the F16

no other fighters in PAF including Thunder to date has a HMD or HOBS .

IAF uses 3 different HMD and HOBS missles
R73 on mki and mig29
Asraam on Rafale & Mirage2000I
Python 5 only tested Tejas now after successfuly R73 intergration already.

In finance we have saying re stock market investment growth in future
"past performance is not accurate refection of future results "

In other words do not sit complacently just because a F16 shot down a rusty old mig21 bison in 2019
or good results in 1971 mostly on back of superior western platforms like the mirage 5

Today on paper especially with S400 coming and rafales here already the IAF is superior on all aspects bar numbers of Awacs

No passport and birth suggest i am british ..........which i am and proud of too

So now your suggesting 4 out of 5 battles will be won by the F16 against Rafale Mirage2000 Su30mki Mig29

Another massive assummption

I say Rafale will 8 out of 10 engagements against F16 amraam or no amraam
And the others will 50 /50 at best

So now your suggesting 4 out of 5 battles will be won by the F16 against Rafale Mirage2000 Su30mki Mig29

Another massive assummption

I say Rafale will win 8 out of 10 engagements against F16 amraam or no amraam
And the others will 50 /50 at best

In modern wvr those who have HMD rule the dog fight simply pilot moves head acheives lock on . No need for fancy moves agility etc or certainly not as much.

So guess what

All 500 if the IAF front line fighters carry HMD & HOBS missles


only the F16

no other fighters in PAF including Thunder to date has a HMD or HOBS .

IAF uses 3 different HMD and HOBS missles
R73 on mki and mig29
Asraam on Rafale & Mirage2000I
Python 5 only tested Tejas now after successfuly R73 intergration already.

In modern day air to air combat, they will be more than just HOBS and HMD. Those 2 factors will not win an air 2 air fight.

As per evident from the 27th of Feb, a jammed aircraft is a dead aircraft (unless you are sattar alvi which none of your pilots are). How can one expect to shoot an aircraft down if,

A) His radar has just been jammed?
B) His communications has been jammed?

Those 2 factors will leave an aircraft like the su30mki, m2k, tejas, rafale etc to be a sitting duck, waiting for an AMRAAM or sd10a to be rammed up its tail pipe. Just like what happened with your mig 21, which by the way isn't as old as you think.

Your mig 21 are mig 21 bisons which is pretty much a mig 21-93 which are from the 90s. So no, it's not old or rusty.

Your point about the r73e is moot. It was jammed alongside your r77 on the 27th of Feb. And considering how pakistan is constantly upgrading its EW tech and game compared to yours which is lacking, I wouldn't be too arrogant with your HOBS missiles or HMD. You need to see the target first.

'In finance we have saying re stock market investment growth in future
"past performance is not accurate refection of future results "' '

This isn't finance. Also Ww2, gulf war, Iraq war wants a word with you.

' or good results in 1971 mostly on back of superior western platforms like the mirage 5'

So... You are saying our mirage 5, which we didn't even have in 71, managed to win the air war of 71? Not the mirage III, which we did have in that war and performed a limited yet damaging role in the air war 5+-0 air victories against ur airforce, J6, f86 or the f104? None of those jets won the air War, but the mirage 5 did?

Come on dude. If you are going to troll, try harder at least.

Also please... You had mig21fl and Su7. Don't put this muh sooperior wistern tiknolugy best, just because we had and kicked your *** with it.

'Today on paper especially with S400 coming and rafales here already the IAF is superior on all aspects bar numbers of Awacs'

On paper...I wouldn't put your money on the S400 yet.... Just saying. And no it's not because of the sanctions are whatever.

'No passport and birth suggest i am british ..........which i am and proud of too'

You're British Indian. Deal with it.

'So now your suggesting 4 out of 5 battles will be won by the F16 against Rafale Mirage2000 Su30mki Mig29

Another massive assummption

I say Rafale will 8 out of 10 engagements against F16 amraam or no amraam
And the others will 50 /50 at best'

At best I would say the rafale will have the same impact as the folland gnat had on our air force. Aka little to none. Yea it will shoot down some of our jets, but in turn it will be shot down and even captured. Just like the folland gnat. Only this time round... There will be more rafale shot down than the rafale can shoot down ours :)
No one cares about the uprated engines or 35-ton MTOW. But if the PAF gets J-35, watch everyone demand that it transfer those to the PN and that PN get an aircraft carrier.
Come on Brother! YOU are a smart guy, Ignore the keyboard warriors, and think how a carrier capable a/c will fit into the paradigm without an a/c carrier.
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