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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

You know, some one might miss interpret your argument and will spread the rumor that Pakistan is buying J35...
Then someone will claim that he has seen it flying in Pakistan at a confidential place, and then we will have a thread of hundred of pages where Pakistanis will glorify J35 being a super doper aircraft and Indians will keep retarding the J35 as F35 illegal copy with copied Russian stuff...
Does this mean career based fighters such as j-15 also has a chance??? 🤔
And i notice your british Flag
I work with brits my entire life
They do not even know Pakistan has an airforce LET alone the Fighter planes
Rather ironic dont you think

This shows you actually know zero about Britain and you have just outed yourself as a fake and a fraud.

The RAF rate the PAF as a notch above the IAF, simply ask any RAF pilot or veteran.

Few things have led to this

1) Liasing with PAF during Afghan war
2) PAF flight instructors at Cranwell
3) Poor perfomance of IAF in exercises with the RAF, and the fact IAF then boasted afterwards they had got the better of the RAF
4) Feb 27th
It's not without precedent. The Super Bug is marketed to land-based air forces and naval air arms alike. There are additional support issues with operating such an aircraft (e.g., maintaining the carrier-specific parts), but I don't think it's infeasible, or even meant to be infeasible for land-based usage.
PN need to build solid fleet and strong air arm on priority, good thing that finally they are on track.. that will take 20 to 25 years

Suppose PN may consider carrier option after 20 years, but will depend on financial condition at that time, if in next 2 decades we have similar shit governments as we are having from past. then God help us
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Come on Brother! YOU are a smart guy, Ignore the keyboard warriors, and think how a carrier capable a/c will fit into the paradigm without an a/c carrier.
@Blacklight Carriers based aircrafts without having carrier.. interesting 🤔 ...

Only In case of chanda (free) , any thing will work
Right now PN need better multi-role helicopters and in good numbers for future ships and air arm role
Agree those high BVR kill rates by @Windjammer are for unmatched opponents and we can at best expect 20% kill rate in a multi-day war.

If BVR fails in a particular engagement and both parties remain committed that doesnt mean a merge will happen automatically. That was true with the old WRM that were only tail aspect, now we have all aspect WRM that will likely mean BVR tactics at close range (cycle of engage dis-engage without merging)

PAF F-16 dont have HOBS (9x) only HMD.
Jf-17 blk 3 on the other hand has proved HOBS with the latest pic, but no HMD&S so far.

Thank you for being brutally honest about defencies
99% of the posters including semior elite members would never dare say we dont have HMD or HOBS or the F16 will soon become outdated without massive USA intervention upgrade to keep them relevant

All we get china will do this AND PL15 means this , we have 128 Thunders . Yes but you have left out HMD/HOBS maws and Aesa radar. Now you get Block 3 you buy just 30 .. Not even 50

Dog fighting will be vital
Bvr will crucial but no one is taking out planes from 100+ KM away certainly not regularly .

Amraam SD10 PL15 v R771 R27E Astra Derby Mica Meteore .
PL10E v Python Asraam & R73
They understand the key is NEZ ie no escape Zone
Bolting on range is useless on its ownn.

Given the fact that a handful of those volleys made your entire air force run away to only watch the one Indian pilot with any spine fall from the sky in a big ball of fire, I'd say you are a little off the mark...pun intended.
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Thank you for being brutally honest about defencies
99% of the posters including semior elite members would never dare say we dont have HMD or HOBS or the F16 will soon become outdated without massive USA intervention upgrade to keep them relevant

All we get china will do this AND PL15 means this , we have 128 Thunders . Yes but you have left out HMD/HOBS maws and Aesa radar. Now you get Block 3 you buy just 30 .. Not even 50

Dog fighting will be vital
Bvr will crucial but no one is taking out planes from 100+ KM away certainly not regularly .

Amraam SD10 PL15 v R771 R27E Astra Derby Mica Meteore .
PL10E v Python Asraam & R73

Funny, by same logic no MK2 Tejas or more Rafales for IAF?

30 is initial Block III order. PAF have stated more will be orderd, just like they added another 14 Block IIs and 26 two seaters to the initial 50 plane Block II order. This has been clearly stated by PAF.

PAF have also stated all Block I/IIs will be upgraded to Block III standard.

Maybe try debating with facts?

Also Mods, this is clearly a multiple fake ID account of one of the many Indians banned recently. Joined in 2018, hardly any posts since then, and after a recent banning of a few Indians this account becomes active again....
Please shed light on it.


According To Alan Warnes, ''PAF's new F-16 MLUs Consistently Beat Saudi Eagles and Typhoons During Manoeuvres in Taif, RSA... PAF were asked to Fly Red and Blue Air. The Saudi Typhoon CO Was Allegedly So Hacked off He Didn't Go To Debrief.

PN need to build solid fleet and strong air arm on priority, good thing that finally they are on track.. that will take 20 to 25 years

Suppose PN may consider carrier option after 20 years, but will depend on financial condition at that time, if in next 2 decades we have similar shit governments as we are having from past. then God help us
Q&A with PAF Fighter Pilot, Kaiser Tufail - YouTube
Watch from 16 55 onwards regarding your post about Pak naval air arm. Kaiser answered it nicely and with logic. Air craft carrier is way too much expensive for a country like Pak to have and maintain.
Thank you for being brutally honest about defencies
99% of the posters including semior elite members would never dare say we dont have HMD or HOBS or the F16 will soon become outdated without massive USA intervention upgrade to keep them relevant
We have HMD on the F-16s (The helmets them selves double as a HMS as well), what we dont have currently is the HOBS missile to go along with it (Aim-9x), you are confusing a few things there.

All we get china will do this AND PL15 means this , we have 128 Thunders . Yes but you have left out HMD/HOBS maws and Aesa radar. Now you get Block 3 you buy just 30 .. Not even 50
MAWS are there since Jf-17 block1.

Dog fighting will be vital
Bvr will crucial but no one is taking out planes from 100+ KM away certainly not regularly .
Dog fighting will become vital in the subcontinent when we are equally matched. Currently F-16s outrange everything you have. This will change with meteor (or may be with the new Russian BVRs)

Amraam SD10 PL15 v R771 R27E Astra Derby Mica Meteore .
PL10E v Python Asraam & R73
Over simplistic analysis, what matters how many of the longest range missile platforms you have and how they compare to ours at a given point in time. Do that for second longest range BVRs and their platforms and so. Try doing this for each year for the next 5 or 10 years. Then you will see the true picture.

Best of luck.
Are the two from the same issue? which year/ month was it?

Do the blk 15 MLUs lack MAWS?
No the first encounter with Typhoons took place in 2008, before the arrival of the AMRAAMs....while the manoeuvres with Saudi Typhoons and Eagles happened much more recently....after our F-16s had gone through MLU . And i believe the earlier F-16s are very much equipped with MAWS.

No the first encounter with Typhoons took place in 2008, before the arrival of the AMRAAMs....while the manoeuvres with Saudi Typhoons and Eagles happened much more recently....after our F-16s had gone through MLU . And i believe the earlier F-16s are very much equipped with MAWS.

View attachment 739883

The outer wing also has rear receiver

View attachment 739898
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