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Pakistan Eyes T-50 as Trainer Option

SK can not supply ships with out permission of USA because most of systems on their ships are from USA.

That might be. Even T-50 is built with U.S. systems inside. Uncle Sam will not like to loose all the influence on PN and allow all its systems to be replaced by Chinese over time. They will clear those systems especially the ones which do not annoy India too much. Sure India will be annoyed and will be offered a more sophisticated system by U.S. It's a win-win for US. Korea will also be obliged by US. In the end all we should worry about is 'did we get enough bang for our bucks or not'. That's all we should focus on; to snatch the best deal.

The T-50 is the best LCA/advanced trainer around.
No, L-15 is the best in its class plus the twin engine grantee more safety and back up!

Using american engine is not good with political string.
Currently, trainees transition from the subsonic intermediate K-8P jet to the supersonic FT-7P, which "seems to be sufficient for now," he said, adding that the K-8P appears to be performing satisfactorily in the LIFT role.
"As far as LIFT goes, a training pipeline using the K-8 as the intermediate jet trainer and then pilots doing advanced jet training with a two-seat JF-17 would be one option. An alternative would be to use an L-15-class aircraft as an advanced jet trainer with pilots only doing type conversion on front-line squadrons to the JF-17, although again this could be done using a two-seat version. Using a two-seat JF-17 for advanced jet training would avoid introducing another aircraft type into inventory."
Justin Bronk at the Royal United Services Institute is also unconvinced of the need for a supersonic LIFT and said the "K-8's suitability for continued use will depend on fleet fatigue, life remaining and avionics fit, rather than performance characteristics per se."
Even possible acquisition of the Shenyang J-31/F-60 may not justify a supersonic LIFT.

All these points negate the LIFT requirement of any purpose. After K-8 its JF-17B who can assume role of LIFT if at all required. Even if LIFT aircraft not required in case of acquisition of likes of J-31 then why are we talking about any other LIFT aircraft? There might still be some valid reason to get LIFT aircraft but there aint any then I would suggest that save the money for something which really is need of the hour. My two cents are that we better start looking for new radars and MPDRs being too old and TPS-77 now being prone to sanctions after Mr. Trump arrives, we better think quickly before time runs out.
No, L-15 is the best in its class plus the twin engine grantee more safety and back up!

Using american engine is not good with political string.
It uses Ukranian jet engines?
But the T-50 is single engine, like all other PAF aircraft American engines are the best.
You sounds like a fake pakistanis flying Pakistan flag. With American component making it sanction prone, no pakistanis will claim that as good. Only bad and ill intent Pakistanis always want Pakistan to be tied under American control to do their bidding..
You sounds like a fake pakistanis flying Pakistan flag. With American component making it sanction prone, no pakistanis will claim that as good. Only bad and ill intent Pakistanis always want Pakistan to be tied under American control to do their bidding..
We operate 4 squadrons of the F-16.....frontline.
This is just a trainer aircraft, it will never be used to deliver nuclear weapons.
T-50 is definitely a very capable airplane. We should use them for trainer and light fighter roles.
We operate 4 squadrons of the F-16.....frontline.
This is just a trainer aircraft, it will never be used to deliver nuclear weapons.
Even PAF wants to do away from anything that is American. They used their spares as political weapon to force other countries to do their bidding. T-50 is out of question.
A very capable jet, and if it works out....it will be a great way to fill the gap for FCU at Mianwali, which thus can also help sending fresh graduates to F-16s.
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