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Pakistan ‘epicentre’ for global terrorism: Mike Mullen

America is getting ready to impart full blame for their many failures in Afghanistan on Pakistan. They can't lose face in front of their public and Pakistan makes an easy scapegoat for their ills. All they're doing right now is giving some history, some previous statements, so that the idea of Pakistan being a problem and a centre for terrorism is already in the minds of the people before full blame is laid at Pakistan's doorstep.

and America is the epicentre of global chaos.

The more they follow their policies, the more chaos there will be in the world.

Is it fair to ignore facts pertaining to our growing strategic partnership against the war on terror? Has the opportunity presented itself once again for a new conspiracy theory? Should we not instead applaud the sacrifices both nations continue to make in fighting insurgency? This logic prevails when one understands the magnitude of both nations working side by side! Allow not these terrorists who continue to seek cracks in this alliance against war on terror. On a cautionary note, when faced with failure have these terrorists not turned in desperation to lies, rumors, propaganda and indiscriminate violence?

Their terrorist attacks on schools, mosques, shrines and shopping centers prove the risk that the people of Pakistan face in everyday life! These inhumane acts of terror do not spare anyone and even women have been used as suicide bombers to spread fear. The freedom with which these terror attacks are planned requires government’s utmost attention and the fact of the matter is that the homegrown insurgency can no longer be ignored and Pakistan realizes that it needs to be tackled aggressively. The misconception which often appears must be put to rest and the reality must be accepted; both nations are serving the common good by fighting the common enemy. Does not the enemy have the blood of and carry the same hostility towards both nations? Would you not agree that the seriousness of this situation requires both nations to make challenging suggestions? The US wishes a safe and secure environment for Pakistan as it does for Afghanistan. Efforts made by the US and NATO forces in Afghanistan have put victory in sight by continuing to take back control from the terrorists (links below) and it’s no secret in that the Taliban and their counterparts view Pakistan as a viable option for their operations. Is it not a reasonable assumption that the extremist Islamization used by Taliban in Afghanistan can be turned on Pakistan?

Is it not enough that they openly and boastfully take the blame for most of their indiscriminate attacks on innocents? Should the US forget its role as strategic partner while Pakistan continues to bare the loss of its innocent citizens? The sensitivity of this situation requires both nations to leave no running ground for the Taliban, so this menace could be eliminated once in for all. Contrary to your opinion, the US continues to succeed in this war on terror and understands that Pakistan is an important strategic partner to help eliminate the seeds of terrorism. The threat of terrorism will continue to linger over both nations unless its growth is uprooted! Should we overreact every time a suggestion is made by either partner? Do we not want to put an end to all the terrorist attacks that continue to happen in Pakistan? Are we wrong for wanting to prevent another 9/11, which claimed thousands of innocent lives?

LCDR Speaks,

DET, United States Central Command

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No no, we remember India, as the chief sponsor of terrorism in Afghanistan against Pakistan.

We remember India as the hegemonic power, trying to bulley the region.

Indian suffering, is like a teenage girl in her mood swings,
A lot of Blah Blah, and very little substance.

India is a victim of terror, Pakistan is a victim of its own policies. The definition of a victim is when a external entity comes and drags you down, thats the case with India. With Pakistan, like many had predicted in the 70's, you have fallen prey to your own tiger, something that many of your own intellectuals had warned about. The Baluchistan and Afghanistan excuse is just another way for you to forget the core issue which still very much plagues your society. Imaginary enemies and a long list of complains have it seems become Pakistan's national stance on any issue.
India is a victim of terror, Pakistan is a victim of its own policies. The definition of a victim is when a external entity comes and drags you down, thats the case with India. With Pakistan, like many had predicted in the 70's, you have fallen prey to your own tiger, something that many of your own intellectuals had warned about. The Baluchistan and Afghanistan excuse is just another way for you to forget the core issue which still very much plagues your society. Imaginary enemies and a long list of complains have it seems become Pakistan's national stance on any issue.

There is no such thing as core issue as you have put it.
the correct term is core resolve i.e to resist India's hegemony, fully support Kashmir movement and to ensure our rivers keep flowing like before.

There is no such thing as falling prey, and the whole absurd picture you drew,
Apart from the miscreants the policy has proven to be great,
good enough to shake the world with minimum cost.
There is no such thing as core issue as you have put it.
the correct term is core resolve i.e to resist India's hegemony, fully support Kashmir movement and to ensure our rivers keep flowing like before.

There is no such thing as falling prey, and the whole absurd picture you drew,
Apart from the miscreants the policy has proven to be great,
good enough to shake the world with minimum cost.
But you must be willing to understand that your regional rivalry with the Indians pre-dates this terrorism. Even then you were rivals, weren't you? Fine by us. We could care the least for what you both have politically against each other.

However, the current situation in Pakistan as well as its volatile borders with Afghanistan is a cause of conern for everybody; be it us Europeans, the Americans, the Russians or even your strategic friends the Chinese. No one accepts that terrorism is a good alternative.

Taliban might be different from the infamous TTP operating inside Pakistan as most of your fellow nationals say; but the overall effect of both is the same. Disruption of normal life and anarchy. Again, since Taliban were a creation of American CIA as well as your military to combat Soviets, it is imperative that you both have to join hands to eliminate this evil, even if it is for the last time.

But to solve this problem of terrorism, you must first acknowledge that both these groups whether Afghanistan Taliban or the TTP are a menace to everyone. Only then there can be comprehensive steps taken to end them
Other than Pakistan (surprise), none of our neighbors complain, however 3 out of 4 pakistans neighbors say pakistan should stop their terrorism factory.

What about China?

Not to mention the rest of the world.

However, live in denial and read my signature.

You mean India + the west? Add another Indian to the list for whom India + west = whole world.
all i can say is temperatures are changing!
America has been a big failure in Afghanistan and they are to blame it for themselves...remember Hamid gul warning to american when they turned their back on Afghanistan and refused to provide the economic rebuilding they promised post war..if you cheat someone it will always come back to haunt..all the money and lives wasted in war could have been saved if rebuilding efforts and funding was provided post soviet-afghan war. Not only it betrayed the pro-US faction but killed the cause of going to war with communism and made them look bad among their own country men!
And what is this big failure?

Afghanistan is a war-torn nation with little infrastructure intact. Common Afghan citizens are poor and uneducated and are easily swayed by militancy and drug lords. In addition, Afghan culture is dominated by fuedalism.

To turn such a nation in to a functioning democracy seems too unrealistic at the moment. At least, America is trying now.

Also, after the Soviet-Afghan war ended; Several mujahideen factions started fighting each other to gain control of Kabul. How would have America controlled all this?

America would have had to send an army over there to get the job done. However, this move could be percieved as invasion of Afghanistan.

Sometimes I wonder that why Pakistani people are so much susceptible to propaganda and baseless theories.
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It is definitely an interesting angle to look at the news. Americans have a lot of pride and no matter if they win or loose or if the end result remains inconclusive, they still will claim victory.
The fact of the matter is that in today's time, Pakistan is indeed a haven for these terrorists. Do you seriously believe that once NATO leaves Afghanistan, everyone will drop their weapons and get back to normal lives? I doubt so.

Whatever may have lead to this situation, but at this time this is the ground reality and you guys need to tackle it head on.
How about you guys deal with your problems and let us deal with ours with a peace of mind?

The aggressive stance of your government towards Pakistan is only making things difficult for the latter (my country), as we are forced to commit lot of our resources to keep a check on Indian intrusion in to Pakistan under the garb of fighting terror.

How about your guys take care of Maoist insurgency, keep a check on extremists in your country, and stop funding anti-state elements within Pakistan?
Best solution is turkey take over Iraq's north , and Pakistan anax Afghanistan and connect it back to old borderlines

and lets setup a chinese russian embassy in there so russia can help setup some economy in there
Best solution is turkey take over Iraq's north , and Pakistan anax Afghanistan and connect it back to old borderlines

and lets setup a chinese russian embassy in there so russia can help setup some economy in there
You have quite an imagination, freund. :). Do you really think Afghans would cede their country to you so easily? Or for that matter Iraqis willing to surrender their province to Turkey?
yes it is soon going to happen...ummm:woot::oops:
Well, your confidence in this seems strong. But as your fellow member here mentioned about annexing Afghanistan, are you willing to take on all the liabilities of Afghanistan as well? Please remember that in modern times any disintegration or annexation of any country(s) does have international implications as well.

The same goes for Turkey if at all she has any intentions to annex northern Iraq as suggested here. Perhaps Mr.Jigs can clarify this.

As for your one line comment, I would suggest you to show me something that is relevant in indicating such a thing would happen. And please, no prophecies.
America lost 2973 people and Pakistan has lost more than 33000 of its people supporting America in a war that was not Pakistan's fault. Many of those people have been murdered by America. And yet America dares to continue its accusations against Pakistan? They dare to say we are not doing enough? Is 33000 people not enough for the blood-thirsty politicians and generals sitting in Washington?
I am reminded of Madeleine Albright in the 1990s saying half a million Iraqi children dead was a price worth paying to teach Iraq a lesson.
Best solution is turkey take over Iraq's north , and Pakistan anax Afghanistan and connect it back to old borderlines

and lets setup a chinese russian embassy in there so russia can help setup some economy in there

Taking over northern Iraq is not a smart idea.

One we would be at war with the Peshmerga forces there.

Two the U.S. would not allow it and really anyone for that matter.

Three how do you propose we deal with immigration ? There was a reason we stationed thousands of troops at the border when the U.S. started the Iraqi war. (Hint it wasn't to invade but keep the immigrants out)

Also the political pressure cooker would really tip over inside our country. This would really be exactly what the Kurdish Parties would want. They would generate much needed support from within the country.
Why should Turkey take over Iraq and Pakistan take over Afghanistan? Do you think either country wants millions of restive and rebellious citizens within their borders causing problems?
We must not forget that terrorism was the direct byproduct of dictators and monarchies US installed to fight off the soviet union during cold war. And religion was adapted as a tool of choice to convince the mass populace with glorification if fighting and attacking "godless kuffars" along with massive diversion of state funds from sustainable development to filling pockets of people.

Yes we are talking about figures like King fahad and zia ul haq who both came to power by murdering righteous leaders and shaping pro-american puppet policies under their regimes. Its is only natural that once the communist were out, the "jehadi" guns were turned..the tactics used by AQ and Taliban closely resembled to those taught by CIA for long term low intensity warfare against soviet union.

King fahad replaced a progress and development minded neutral leader King Faisal by murder and Zia ul Haq did the same by judical murder of Bhutto as well introducing his own jahel version of shariah!

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