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Pakistan embarrassed yesterday, India humiliated today and forever

Pakistan wasn't embarrassed yesterday either honestly speaking

How Pakistan has behaved maturely and defended its "waqar" is outstanding!!

Im so proud of my armed forces!!
No, they are no matched. The PAF AWACS is watching. The radar and missile of JF-17 are much more capable than what IAF can throw. PAF can bring war to 100km radius of India air skies, take out nearby airfield and bring India to kneels.

With all due respects, IAF is far better equipped than PAF--decades of Pakistani bad economy has ensured that. Also, on the day the Indians intruded first, crossing back to LoC to 'chase' them would have been a suicidal mission for PAF. IAF had the numbers, and they were ready. This was also stated by one of PAF retired Air Marshalls in a video in the Moeed Pirzada show yesterday--sorry, its in Urdu language though.
Pakistan is no USA or China or Russia. But, yes, against India, Pakistan is not some Lebanon to Israel either.
With all due respects, IAF is far better equipped than PAF--decades of Pakistani bad economy has ensured that. Also, on the day the Indians intruded first, crossing back to LoC to 'chase' them would have been a suicidal mission for PAF. IAF had the numbers, and they were ready. This was also stated by one of PAF retired Air Marshalls in a video in the Moeed Pirzada show yesterday--sorry, its in Urdu language though.
Pakistan is no USA or China or Russia. But, yes, against India, Pakistan is not some Lebanon to Israel either.
IAF looks good outside but their aircraft maintenance is very bad. Many of their aircraft are not able to reach its full potential. For example, most aircraft are not able to pull the required G. Many aircraft take off with 40% subsystem down. If IAF is really better. They will be sending more fighter jets now to take revenge for down of their 2 planes. Why do they stood down and swallow the humilitation? IAF chief brief the congress on the status of their Airforce and concluded they are unable to sustain the air war, not to even mention sending warplanes to Pakistan skies without risk getting shot down.

You are an american Pakistanis. Brainwash by western media to believe the hype of IAF. PAF air chief is just being humble to say those words. He know his airforce well.
IAF looks good outside but their aircraft maintenance is very bad. Many of their aircraft are not able to reach its full potential. For example, most aircraft are not able to pull the required G. Many aircraft take off with 40% subsystem down. If IAF is really better. They will be sending more fighter jets now to take revenge for down of their 2 planes. Why do they stood down and swallow the humilitation? IAF chief brief the congress on the status of their Airforce and concluded they are unable to sustain the air war, not to even mention sending warplanes to Pakistan skies without risk getting shot down.

You are an american Pakistanis. Brainwash by western media to believe the hype of IAF. PAF air chief is just being humble to say those words. He know his airforce well.

Over all a useful post. Kind of re-assuring!
But no need to include the 'brainwash' part. I still maintain that had the PAF chased the Indians two days ago into LoC then it would have been almost certainly a suicide mission.
With all due respects, IAF is far better equipped than PAF--decades of Pakistani bad economy has ensured that. Also, on the day the Indians intruded first, crossing back to LoC to 'chase' them would have been a suicidal mission for PAF. IAF had the numbers, and they were ready. This was also stated by one of PAF retired Air Marshalls in a video in the Moeed Pirzada show yesterday--sorry, its in Urdu language though.
Pakistan is no USA or China or Russia. But, yes, against India, Pakistan is not some Lebanon to Israel either.

It really drives me up the wall when simply the models of aircraft are used to justify superiority. Sure, they have some advanced jets, but I would argue the difference in maintenance, training and battlefield experience (PAF has been active, almost every day, in the War on Terror, even carrying out strike missions on Afghan soil) would make up for any hardware gaps.
Indian on twitter now .:D
Shame on Warmongers

Indian on twitter now .:D
Shame on Warmongers

I would take the deal.:coffee:
Pak was not embarrassed.
If the Pakistani poster says he was embarrassed who are you to call him a liar?
If the Pakistani poster says he was embarrassed who are you to call him a liar?

I am sure you must be feeling very sad right now :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
It a mistake not to chase. Bring the war to India air space and have a turkey shoot. IAF are no match for PAF. Bombed their airfield and burn all IAF aircraft on ground.
Pakistan did the right thing. Their AD might be ready. Also peace in Pakistan interest. Allah has helped Pakistan. Chankya lies unraveling. Indian machinization back fired.
They are so so quiet. You know who I mean by "they".
Delusions shattered
Bubbles popped
Expectations decimated
Boasts shoved down their throats.
Nowhere to hide.
Are we surprised "they" are quiet?
Delusions shattered
Bubbles popped
Expectations decimated
Boasts shoved down their throats.
Nowhere to hide.
Are we surprised "they" are quiet?
Not really. :D

But they should atleast participate in their own bashing.
Indian on twitter now .:D
Shame on Warmongers

these bastards think war is one wat traffic . they will go kill bomb hit Pakistanis and come back like going to picnic
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