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Pakistan drugged out on defense & debt

I am surprised why hasnt this troller Ares has been banned yet. All he has done in this thread is troll, i am yet to see a rational post from him. SMC my brother good try from you providing all the facts and logical arguments, but if you are arguing with a high school kid, you are only doing harm to yourself. So please take my advice into consideration and exit this thread, because arguing with a kid with a very low IQ will do you harm not him.
Sure, calculate the numbers if you can. But no, one does need reliable source to convince everyone.

I still won't take them on face value because I've seen you manipulate statistics before right on my face. So I'll still need some reliable source.

Are you demented or what?.
Do yo also need source for 2+2 = 4?..It is mathematics ..it speaks for itself.

It is a lengthy calculation ..so I won't do it ..unlless you do it yourself too ..because there is no way I can explain you, my calculations to you ..if you haven't tried them yourself..just like it took me days to explain you, your defence budget calculation..this one is much more complex.
The people of india and their inferiority complex, I think ares wan't to apply to our ministry of finance for a job.
The people of india and their inferiority complex, I think ares wan't to apply to our ministry of finance for a job.

Considering the state of your economy, unemployment, inflation..I would hate to take another job from your people.;)
Considering the state of your economy, unemployment, inflation..I would hate to take another job from your people.;)

Then why the obsession, ares was the god of war, not an obsessive stalker of Pakistan, lol we are a democracy - if the govt is hoodwinking the people as you so obsessively believe it will simply be kicked out of power in the election less than 2 years away.

By the bye see someone about the inferiority complex.
Then why the obsession, ares was the god of war, not an obsessive stalker of Pakistan, lol we are a democracy - if the govt is hoodwinking the people as you so obsessively believe it will simply be kicked out of power in the election less than 2 years away.

By the bye see someone about the inferiority complex.
Look I don't care about your govts(military or civilian) hoodwinking you, cause its been happening for a long time and is unlikely to change..

People in denial are not exactly enlightened ones and its not me, it your own economist trying to enlighten you...so pay heed.

As of now you spend 60% of your budget on defence and debt servicing..you can spend 100% of your budget on them..it would hardly make a difference to us ..because our defence budget is still be greater than your anual budget ..but question you need to ask yourself and your govt is what is the use of your nuclear deterrence..if even after having it you are spending more than ever before on defence?

PS : It would help if you don't try divert the topic?
Wonder why you guys get so ticked off when articles mentioning your own economists and analysts are posted here from your own sources. The moment this question is asked, people jump and take the name of Arundhati Roy and compare the two. Arundhati Roy is neither a qualified economist nor a strategic analyst. And she is perhaps the only lunatic of her kind.

Now tell me about the analysts that often write things that are not pleasant to most Pakistanis here; like that Hoodbhoy guy-- he is not saying that Pakistan should surrender to India. Neither are people like Najam Sethi anr Sherry Rehman saying so. All they are saying is the tactics on how you can improve yourself. What is so wrong and irritating in that?

And trust me, you guys have got bamboozled by more than one military general in your history. The way they portray us to you is as if we are a $ 100 trillion dollar economy having only 100 million population and have all the money and time on this planet to invade you at the drop of a hat. During cold war this was possible to certain extent due to the duopolist world, but what's with the going on of this nonsense post 1991? The sad thing is that still Pakistanis fall for this bait.

We also feel a threat perception from Chinese but we don't hand over the reins and command of our country to military intelligence. Every section of the society is equally important to building the nation including civilians. Now I know Zardari might not be the most loved man in your political history but I am speaking in general.

Many of you folks are accountants, engineers, doctors etc. You are as important to Pakistan as the Pak soldier is. Respect is something but worshipping the military is not good. Now think about what I meant and guys, this is not a troll or a sarcastic post. Its a serious one.
Why the obsession fella, we are a democratic country, we have a free press, all the opinions under the sun are expressed - and encouraged - so we have economists and columnists who criticize our economic or foreign and defense policy, in the long run - it will be beneficial for our society.
Speaking of drugs, we should sell all those Afghan herion we get to the USA still, but the army gets the money.

Pakistan benefits and so do the druggies of USA and Europe. Colombia did it in the 80s and thanks to it they became the 44th richest country in the World, when they used to be ranked 100 and something see the huge difference. :D
So it's been 4 days and I haven't received a reply from this expert. It's not looking too good. Like I said, I have no doubt that this guy has no sources because his figures haven't been seen anywhere else. There's plenty of ultra-liberal Pakistanis or Pakistanis who get involved in politics due to their personal reasons.
6 days since the email and counting...

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

Guy doesn't have sources.
6 days since the email and counting...

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

Guy doesn't have sources.

Makes me sad for Pakistanis..that they can't back up their claims.

But I did tell you din't I, just like 2+2 can be calculated if you know maths(you don't need an internet source for it).. it can be can be calculated if you know economics.
Well what we have here, ares making a diversion for 1,393,587,234,494 th time?

What matters is that this guy doesn't have sources, and the statistics he mentioned are false.

No, that doesn't mean Pakistanis dont' have sources, it just means this individual Pakistani doesn't have sources. But look at how beautifully ares goes about it. :lol: First he hypes up the guy to be some guru in Pakistan economics. Then when the guy doesn't give sources, he talks about how all Pakistanis don't give sources. What a way a divert.

As far as calculating this number is concerned, again, I'll wait for some reliable source.
Well what we have here, ares making a diversion for 1,393,587,234,494 th time?

What matters is that this guy doesn't have sources, and the statistics he mentioned are false.

No, that doesn't mean Pakistanis dont' have sources, it just means this individual Pakistani doesn't have sources. But look at how beautifully ares goes about it. :lol: First he hypes up the guy to be some guru in Pakistan economics. Then when the guy doesn't give sources, he talks about how all Pakistanis don't give sources. What a way a divert.

As far as calculating this number is concerned, again, I'll wait for some reliable source.

See this you being highly obtuse and an economic illiterate..I asked you do also need sources for 2+2 = 4 or 15*6 = 90..or will a calculator suffice?
What a schmuck :lol:

Comparing 2 + 2 to calculating this.

There's a hundred different variables that go into this that one doesn't know about. I am not gonna sit here and claim to be an armchair expert like yourself. Since it's so simple, why don't you do yourself and post results.
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