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Pakistan drugged out on defense & debt

What a schmuck :lol:

Comparing 2 + 2 to calculating this.

There's a hundred different variables that go into this that one doesn't know about. I am not gonna sit here and claim to be an armchair expert like yourself. Since it's so simple, why don't you do yourself and post results.

Just because you are an Economic illiterate..does not mean every body is ..all the variables needed for this calculation are released every year by your govt ..in something called an "yearly budget".

I will do the calculations but would believe the numbers I produce ?..It is better you do it along with me and then we can compare our work...so that you can't blame me for fudging numbers ..just like you are blaming your economists.
yeah I bet North Korea is not on war, neither is India, they cant even see the deference and call themselves experts
yeah I bet North Korea is not on war, neither is India, they cant even see the deference and call themselves experts

Question is have you been in a war throughout your existence because you surely have been a national security state since the day 1.

1.Overseas Pakistanis Have Savings Worth $200 to $300 Billion. Right Now The Interest Rate Set By
US Federal Reserve,Bank of England,European Central Bank,Bank of Japan and UAE Central Bank At Less Than OR 1%.Government of Pakistan Should Float Pakistan 'Patriot' Bonds Offering 3%.Right Now Pakistan's Total Debt Has Reached.Pakistan's Total Debt Has Reached $130 Billion.Refinacing This Debt Will Result In Interest Payment of $3.9 Billion.Under The Current Exchange Rate (Rs 91 to $1) This Becomes Rs. 354.9 Billion.Our Total Debt Servicing (External and Internal) Payment In FY 2011-12 Was Approximately Rs 827.42 Billion(Rs. 629.70 in Domestic Debt,Rs.68.38 In Foreign Debt AND 127.42 In Repayment of Foreign Debt).This Figure Is Going To Be Much Higher In FY 12 Especially Because Re Payment of $1.2 Billion To IMF and $800 Million in Interest Payments.
But Once All National Liabilities Are Refinanced With Patriot Bonds We Can Get Rid Of An Un Needed Burden Once and For All.The Interest Rate On These Bonds Which I Calculated Is Based On Current Rate Of Exchange Of Rupee To The Dollar.With The Heavy Capital Inflow From Our Diaspora Abroad The Rupee Will Definitely Appreciate Big Time Decreasing This Amount Even Further.Thus We Can Save Hundreds of Billions Of Rupees(Perhaps Even Trillions).This Will Greatly Help In Stabilising The Budget.

2.According To Senior Tax Lawyer and LUMS Professor Dr Ikram Ul Haq Without Imposing Any New Tax We Can Collect At Least Rs 6 to 8 Trillion.We Need To Take The Following Steps In This Regard
a)Restructure The FBR,Placing It Under A Professional Management De Bureaucratising It.
b)Automation and Computerisation inimising Human Interference As Much As Possible
c)While Keeping The Documentation and Administrative Functions,Revenue Collection Can Be Outsourced To The Private Sector
d)Simplify Tax Forms and Procedures
e)Quick and Effective System For Adressing Greviances of Tax Payers
f)Most Important,Stamp Out Corruption

3.Getting Back The Looted Money.This Should Be Made a Priority.This Is Now Become Lot Easier Due To The Swiss Banks STOLEN ASSETS RECOVERY(StAR) Initiative and The Swiss Government Newly Passed Law Return of Illicit Assets Act.NAB FIA and Other Government Agencies Have Got All The Relevant Information To Pursue Cases.I Am Sure That We Can Get A Substantial Portion Of Our Money Within 2-3 Years If We Put Our Foot Down.Some Estimates Are $500 Billion Some Are $200 Billion And At Least One Swiss Bank Director Has Said That There Is $97 Billion Of Pakistani Black Money in His Bank.

4.Appointing Professional Management In State Owned Enterprises.Appoint The Best Brains And Most Well Reputed and Honest People in The Cabinet.Appoint The Best and Most Well Reputed Bureacrats in The Senior Government Posts and Kick Out The Notorious Ones.All Appointments Should Be Made On Merit.
No sifarish.State Owned Enterprises Are A Huge Drain On Our Resources Right Now We Need To Plug It.

5.Following Chinese Pattern, Capital Punishment Should Be Introduced For Corrupt Officials.Also A Lesser Penalty Should Be Awarded To Immediate Senior.In This Way Not Only Will Officials Refrain From Corrupt Practices But Also Keep A Close Eye On Their Subordinates.

6.Re Start Privatisation Process State as Well As Military Businesses.This Will Help Attract FDI.

In This Way Within One Year Time We Can Stabilise Our Economy,Reduce Inflation and Start Our Pathway To Development and Prosperity
Pakistan spends 2.3% on defence excluding pensions only.
while it spends more on health and education
budget wise its little high about 16% of total budget but toal subsidy on electrcity and other sectors is more than all defence budget!!!!!

as usually indian guys living in dreams rather than simply looking at budget draft..

this year subsidy are expected to hit 400 billion vs defense budget of 540 billion..while govt co operation might eat another 50-100 billion (service like PIA,railway etc)
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