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Pakistan Day Celebrated In NASDAQ

:hitwall: enough said. This conversation has lost its value. Only if everyone knew how a stock market works, everyone would've made many, many millions!! Continue on with your understanding. It doesn't change a thing, nor does it change the topic or effects it in anyway. I can't teach what people can't fathom. Have a great night.

PSI's real size if 7 Ruppees, happy?? :rofl: And it still didn't change the Flag on NASDAQ's screens :lol:

Look its a good start for Pakistan to get into the big league over time, but don't kid yourself what the big league means is all I am saying:


Actually, it won't be more than three more years when it reaches over a trillion in volume. It has grown insanely year over year since the current Pakistani government took over 4 years ago. It quadrupled in size and investments from 9000+ points to over 40,000 + points with 700 billion volume. That's when the country has a lot of challenges. If you do a straight forward math, you'd know once the challenges are over, this market might quadruple again in 4 years, meaning it would grow well over a trillion in size!!

Why was Pakistan GDP growth rate lower than India then if its growing so fast?
Just a question that this gesture may herald a new era of economic relations between Pakistan USA and a shift from mainly defence to more economic since clever uncle Sam has realised that CPEC is there to stay so why not welcome it and use it for mutual benefit.. :)
I found a picture of you....sorry you look like this: :pissed:
And i found this pic of his :flame:
They will come back when Pakistani economy overtakes Mexico in the next 5-6 years.

I imagine you are talking about PPP terms (because Nominal there is absolutely no chance).

So lets look at PPP only:


In 2021, the IMF projection puts Mexicos PPP GDP at 2.9 trillion USD (average growth of 4.7%) and Pakistans at 1.4 trillion USD (average growth of 7.4%).

Its going to take a lot lot longer for Pakistan to surpass Mexico's total economic size I am afraid (by nominal or PPP)....and even longer to surpass per capita (which is what really counts from an individual standpoint).

Weren't you the guy that forgot to compound growth rates earlier and then loudly retorted not to question that because of some education at an "ivy league" school.

You are quite hillarious I have to say.
I imagine you are talking about PPP terms (because Nominal there is absolutely no chance).

So lets look at PPP only:


In 2021, the IMF projection puts Mexicos PPP GDP at 2.9 trillion USD (average growth of 4.7%) and Pakistans at 1.4 trillion USD (average growth of 7.4%).

Its going to take a lot lot longer for Pakistan to surpass Mexico's total economic size I am afraid (by nominal or PPP)....and even longer to surpass per capita (which is what really counts from an individual standpoint).

Weren't you the guy that forgot to compound growth rates earlier and then loudly retorted not to question that because of some education at an "ivy league" school.

You are quite hillarious I have to say.
Lol Viper really loves to dream big and stupidly.

Pakistan will never catch up with Mexico economy in his lifetime.
because Nominal there is absolutely no chance..

I stopped reading after this.....people like you used to tell me just three years ago how soon Pakistan will go bankrupt and be broken, and there was "absolutely no chance" for it to ever be a strong economy!! Well, its still there and NASDAQ is celebrating her independence day. So just like that, we'll talk when it crosses Mexico in trade. And that's just 5-8 years ago!!

Unlike Pakistan (connecting to China, Russia, Central Asia, the ME, Iran) and having a 200 million strong population, out of which, 110 million are young Pakistanis male, between the ages of 15-23 (30 years of working life left) and they have much more education and English speaking abilities, Mexico, doesn't enjoy anything like this. The only thing Mexico has is the NAFTA and that's the core of their economy. By 2035, you'll see Pakistan's GDP beyond Australia and I hope you'll be here to witness it. No other country after India has this strong of an educated labor population. There is no reason as to why Pakistan can't and won't become the top 10th economy in the next 2-3 decades. Just watch and be happy or sad, that's your choice :lol: :enjoy:. You can't stop a running train, if you try to stop it, it would hit you, its the same rule for Pakistan's growth. You can't stop it by writing these post. The train will continue to march :enjoy:

Pakistan will never catch up with Mexico economy in his lifetime.

I hope you have 10 years of life left in you because you are about to witness it in less than 10 years :enjoy:. Just stay tuned to reality and news.
No other country after India has this strong of an educated labor population.

Eyes glazed over the rest of your usual drivel (sorry I have more confidence in the IMF than a cheap internet fanboy when it comes to GDP projections)....but this has to take the cake.

Have you even looked at the UNESCO reports/statistics regarding Pakistans education? A full 50% of the cohort are not even in secondary school....and the quality perception metrics of maths, science and STEM in general are shockingly bad in Pakistan.

Its a major reason why Pakistans patent application at the USPTO is dreadfully low ....just 16 filed in 2015.


Just like some stock market indices you have quoted, the growth rate of that is great on paper (60% given the year before was just 10 patent filings)....but thats what we call the low-base effect...and thus it remains to be seen if it can ever amount to anything appreciable say within the next decade or so.

Pakistan has to drastically improve its education to get just to where India is now for example (not saying India's is a golden standard....but there is definitely a large difference according to the statistics and metrics).

Simply saying a labor population is "strongly educated" is not going to make it so, there has to be discernible sustained improvement in Pakistans education.....especially in secondary schooling where quality and quantity will determine the kind of jobs available to the blue collar masses in say manufacturing.

So just like that, we'll talk when it crosses Mexico in trade.

Thats going to be a ridiculously long wait.

This was our team's photo with Dr. Lodhi. She's very sharp and extremely well versed in economics and financial markets. Impressed to meet with her actually.

Interesting discussion
@Nilgiri - I dont think unless the GDP growth and other factors improve the basic sentiment of the Pakistan Economy, the KSE100 EPS per year will not improve much. If suppose i assume they hit 5% yoy then there is a chacne that EPS will improve which may give you a definite upswing for a short period but historically if you look from a 5 year or a 10 year perspective its already a bull market run. Thus beyond a specific forward looking EPS and P/E the upside will get capped unless there are other factors driving the sentiment up as well as earning being increased for KSE100.

if you see yoy excel sheet numbers also you see the same point i am making. the upside getting capped. Now unless there is a 38.2% correction under Fibonacci series, the next bull run full fledged support case wont build up. Thus investors would rather take out money during this peak and wait for a healthy correction to re enter and take it forward.

and without the bourses moving forward with the changing sentiments, the stock prices wont move up implying the market capitalistion wont increase in such a aggressive manner as being predicted.

Rest is all about economy and sentiments for attracting new money flows into the country's bourses.

WTF is this shiit???? You are using a Fibonacci algorithm, a P/E and and EPS on a STOCK MARKET :o:o_O!! And a "BULL RUN"?? WTF? This isn't a RUN we are talking about you genius, we aren't discussing Pakistani stocks in terms of growth through evaluations!!

The topic is the "SIZE" due to inbound revenue being invested by foreigners, majority of the discussion is around methods by which NASDAQ (a broker wholesale market) caters to her secondary brokers after buying from the primary one directly.

You are comparing Apples to Oranges. By reading a few things about stock trading, doesn't make you a Stock Market and Economic expert. This is where it becomes SO obvious and obnoxious at times with folks from India. Everyone thinks they know everything, its like a Car Mechanic trying to operate on human brain and claiming to be a brain surgeon!!

Oh by the way, on your little trend analysis about "every August", you could've just asked me simply :rofl: :lol: instead of acting like a "smart" Indian guy :cheesy:. Every August is when investors invest into it as the Fiscal Year in Pakistan ends in July :enjoy: SO simple was the answer. But you guys from India, make everything like its an effing Space Science!! This is exactly how you've over complicated the entire topic without having ANY idea at what level I am talking from!!

No investors will invest in a country with a high poltical instability.

Here, meet the "investors" who've already poured in over $ 300 billion into Pakistani index available in the US, ETF's and ADR's :lol: :tup:. This is NASDAQ's executive team and each of these guys in the picture manage over $ 10 billion of funds. And I am standing in this too, just smiling without having to do anything with any one of them :enjoy:


Did I just destroyed your post and got your rear hurting? Yea, I do that a lot sadly :rofl:
You guys can never say something truthfully, there is always lying and misconception in everything about Pakistan when any Indian person writes anything. Seems like a genetic disorder at times.

1) CPEC or no CPEC, the interest will be there. How many other 200 million population countries offer growth in every single sector of an economy? Besides Nigeria, Pakistan and a couple of other countries, there isn't much left. So sooner or later, the interest would come in. CPEC helped advertised it. But the fact is the same as it was for India, that is untapped resources and profit in a large profit promising market. India had over a billion, Pakistan has 200 million, and growing (6th largest I think).

2) Who is taking a "wait and look approach"? I don't think you have 10% of the knowledge of the markets the way I do, and this isn't a grandiose statement, its a fact. This is what we do. My day started by watching Ms. Yellen's speech, and preparing contingency plans for our investments, and it ended by knowing that NASDAQ is back to normal, while DOW and S&P 500 are lower and Oil is going further down, while Zinc related materials and businesses would go up (here, I just gave you a tip to make money and its public information, nothing inside, we just monitor everything).

So, no, no American investor is "waiting and seeing", big guys have already started to pour in plenty of money to MAKE money for themselves. Its not a charity or donation to Pakistan. Its pure business. Similarly, multi trillion dollar economic systems like the NADAQ, NYSE, etc, don't just put other countries flags on and celebrate their days :rofl: :lol:. What they are really saying is "Happy Independence Day Pakistan, May You Live Forever, AND, a BIG THANK YOU for the dozens of billions of profit you let us made from your market" and the celebration is to honor the partnership with one of the fastest growing economies and the best ROI market :tup:.

Welcome to your future trade and labor competition :enjoy:

Listed below is the amount of FDI inflows from US. From Pakistan's Board of Investment, and not sourced from some shady Indian source:


So far only $5.7 million of FDI has poured into Pakistan. Is this your idea of money pouring into Pakistan? You would think that if US made significant investment in Pakistan, we would hear about it.

But since you are the investment "expert" here, I'm sure you can punch up a graph on your Bloomberg Terminal to prove otherwise.

Here, meet the "investors" who've already poured in over $ 300 billion into Pakistani index available in the US, ETF's and ADR's :lol: :tup:. This is NASDAQ's executive team and each of these guys in the picture manage over $ 10 billion of funds. And I am standing in this too, just smiling without having to do anything with any one of them :enjoy:

$300 billion! What are you smoking? Please list these wonderful index funds, ETFs, and ADRs. I want to invest too.
$300 billion! What are you smoking? Please list these wonderful index funds, ETFs, and ADRs. I want to invest too.

Have you noticed he doesn't back up anything he says with hard data and sources?

I am starting to think he is trying to get people to invest in some scam....the classic "I'm in this picture somewhere thus I am a somebody" has a higher success strike rate than one would imagine unfortunately.

BTW what he is talking about would appear in FII flows not FDI flows. Do you have those numbers somewhere?
Have you noticed he doesn't back up anything he says with hard data and sources?

I am starting to think he is trying to get people to invest in some scam....the classic "I'm in this picture somewhere thus I am a somebody" has a higher success strike rate than one would imagine unfortunately.

I'm getting the same impression. Nothing in his post actually says anything of substance. He's like Zaid Hamid: he just makes outlandish claims.
Listed below is the amount of FDI inflows from US. From Pakistan's Board of Investment, and not sourced from some shady Indian source:

Keep going with that. One day, you'll wake up and will start asking the right questions. Sometimes, knowledge comes after you've gone beyond just google. There is a joke about a Donkey who got something on the third day. It applies here. Continue on with useless posts. I will now start to filter out crap :enjoy:

if US made significant investment in Pakistan, we would hear about it.

You ARE hearing about it. Why do you think NASDAQ is hosting Pakistani flag and having the whole entourage over? Wait, they just REALLY like the Green color. But not in the Pakistani flag, that happened later, first they liked the Green on Dollar bills. Many billions of $$ profit made them like the "other Green too", aka, the Pakistani flag!! :rofl:

QUOTE] $300 billion! What are you smoking? Please list these wonderful index funds, ETFs, and ADRs. I want to invest too.[/QUOTE]

You should. You'd get 20% more return than India for sure. Google the Pakistani securities available through FTSE, DAX and NASDAQ. You know how to type :enjoy::lol:
Keep going with that. One day, you'll wake up and will start asking the right questions. Sometimes, knowledge comes after you've gone beyond just google. There is a joke about a Donkey who got something on the third day. It applies here. Continue on with useless posts. I will now start to filter out crap :enjoy:

You ARE hearing about it. Why do you think NASDAQ is hosting Pakistani flag and having the whole entourage over? Wait, they just REALLY like the Green color. But not in the Pakistani flag, that happened later, first they liked the Green on Dollar bills. Many billions of $$ profit made them like the "other Green too", aka, the Pakistani flag!! :rofl:

QUOTE] $300 billion! What are you smoking? Please list these wonderful index funds, ETFs, and ADRs. I want to invest too.

You should. You'd get 20% more return than India for sure. Google the Pakistani securities available through FTSE, DAX and NASDAQ. You know how to type :enjoy::lol:[/QUOTE]


As usual your post offers nothing of substance. Not really a response, just :blah: :blah: :blah:. Responding to you is a waste of time. Lesson learned.
You should. You'd get 20% more return than India for sure. Google the Pakistani securities available through FTSE, DAX and NASDAQ. You know how to type :enjoy::lol:


As usual your post offers nothing of substance. Not really a response, just :blah: :blah: :blah:. Responding to you is a waste of time. Lesson learned.

You shouldn't respond then. But you have finger constipation so keyboard has to be pressed to release it :rofl:

He is the same guy that said if theres 7% growth over 10 years thats 70% total growth.

"Ivy league" education he claims.

At-least I didn't claim over hyped IIT where all the smartest people get educated from per Indian logic. Yet it hasn't invented a new bulb. Only Indian propaganda, whether its IIT or this post. Too many people without sense or knowledge have access to keyboards releasing finger constipation, it could show wonders to the world that don't exist :enjoy: :lol:

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