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Pakistan considers ban on import of Luxury cars & smartphones

Rizwan Alam

Jun 30, 2012
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A push on exports could generate up to $2 billion in extra inflows.

Pakistani economic advisors discussed banning imports of luxury cars, smartphones and cheese in a wide-ranging strategy session on how to avoid seeking a bailout from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), a senior government advisor said.

While no decisions were made, the floating of radical measures to tackle Pakistan's ballooning current account deficit by the newly formed Economic Advisory Council (EAC) underscores the new government's determination to avoid another IMF bailout.

The EAC held its first session last week, chaired by Finance Minister Asad Umar, who took office last month.

A lull in Pakistani exports and a relative spike in imports has led to a shortage of dollars in the economy, putting pressure on the local currency and dwindling foreign currency reserves.

That has prompted most financial analysts to predict Pakistan will turn to the IMF for its 15th bailout since the early 1980s. But new Prime Minister Imran Khan has criticized a culture of dependency and his party's officials have expressed concerns that the reforms and austerity the IMF might demand would strangle promised government spending.

Ashfaque Hasan Khan, a university professor who is one of more than a dozen EAC members, told Reuters that during Thursday's meeting, the focus was on outside-the-box ideas that would help curb imports.

"I didn't find any member (who) suggested that Pakistan should go to the IMF because there is no other alternative," he said. "We need to take some actions. 'Do nothing' scenario is unacceptable."

Umar could not be reached for comment on the EAC meeting. He recently told the Senate that while Pakistan needs to meet a $9 billion financing requirement, the IMF should only be a fallback option.

Khan said the more radical steps discussed were a year-long ban on imports for cheese, cars, cell phones and fruit that could "save some $4-5 billion". A push on exports could generate up to $2 billion in extra inflows, he added.

"You see how much cheese is coming in this country from abroad," Khan said. "Market is full of imported cheese. Does this country, which doesn't have dollars, deserve this, that it is importing cheese?"

Last year, the previous government hiked tariffs by up to 50 percent on 240 imported items, including cheese and high-horsepower cars, and imposed regulatory duties on dozens of new imports. But no outright import bans were issued.

The current account deficit widened by 43 percent to $18 billion in the year ended June 30, hit by a jump in oil prices. Pakistan imports about 80 percent of its oil needs.

To ease current account pressures, Pakistan's central bank has devalued the rupee four times since December, while interest rates have been hiked three times this year.


I think a good decision in the right direction.
banning some thing is totally ignorant...why not increase duties and taxes on it.........

and also take this duties and taxes on these specific luxuries in dollars.
banning some thing is totally ignorant...why not increase duties and taxes on it.........

and also take this duties and taxes on these specific luxuries in dollars.
Double the taxes on luxury cars and increase yearly taxes on on them
banning some thing is totally ignorant...why not increase duties and taxes on it.........

and also take this duties and taxes on these specific luxuries in dollars.
If we take duties in dollar, it will just circulate domestic reserve, no foreign reserve will be added!
banning some thing is totally ignorant...why not increase duties and taxes on it.........

and also take this duties and taxes on these specific luxuries in dollars.

Because it still means a cash flow out of the country. That is what they are trying to decrease, the trade deficit causing a net cash outflow from the country.
Bravo. This would be the best thing that is needed to be done. People here dont understand that even if you put 100 times duty on an imported item, The duty will still be in Pak Rupee and the amount of Dollars that will outflow from the foreign exchange reserves will remain the same. And Our people (Specifically with more money) are stupid enough to buy such useless things even if they cost 100 tomes.
We need temporary ban on many imports that we can live without. Specially we should target out the markets from which we have huge imports but we don't export much to them so that we are not in a situation of trade war with certain countries.
Luxury Cars, Expensive Mobile Phones, Used consumer Electronics and Tech , And Plathora of Cheap Chinese Electronics etc.
No more 1000 Dollar Cell phones in our country for 2 years from Our own foreign reserves. Whoever want some go ask your relatives abroad to send you one. Neither any used Junk from Japan nor expensive luxury imported cars.
Bravo. This would be the best thing that is needed to be done. People here dont understand that even if you put 100 times duty on an imported item, The duty will still be in Pak Rupee and the amount of Dollars that will outflow from the foreign exchange reserves will remain the same. And Our people (Specifically with more money) are stupid enough to buy such useless things even if they cost 100 tomes.
We need temporary ban on many imports that we can live without. Specially we should target out the markets from which we have huge imports but we don't export much to them so that we are not in a situation of trade war with certain countries.
Luxury Cars, Expensive Mobile Phones, Used consumer Electronics and Tech , And Plathora of Cheap Chinese Electronics etc.
No more 1000 Dollar Cell phones in our country for 2 years from Our own foreign reserves. Whoever want some go ask your relatives abroad to send you one. Neither any used Junk from Japan nor expensive luxury imported cars.

Yup, well explained.
Dont BAN for Gods Sake!!
What do we think we are living in? Stone age?

Tax should be increased, 100% 200% whatever but if you ban a certain article you are hitting your own market size. Increase taxes, especially on mobiles as every single one uses them. If it was up to me, i would call Samsung to setup some kind of manufacturing etc (if possible) and increase tax on iPhone. If that is not possible, simply increase import duty on all of them.
Typical Bureaucratic response. Basically they are trying to contract demand. Not something any aspiring economy should look for.

Banning Cheese and Smartphones is hardly going to please people.
Khan said the more radical steps discussed were a year-long ban on imports for cheese, cars, cell phones and fruit that could "save some $4-5 billion". A push on exports could generate up to $2 billion in extra inflows, he added.

What is the basis for estimating these figures?
Why? I think rather the tax should be reduced as more people will import, more tax will be collected..so I don't think banning will help. Increasing tax on smart phones will reduce the sale so let taxes and revenue.
Banning unnecessary items is good solution. As we are close to bankrupt we should reduce import as much we can. This is need of hour. When economy improve, GDP increases, then we can unban those items.
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