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Pakistan conducts a successful test flight of indigenously developed Fatah-1, Guided Multi Launch Rocket System

I expect the Fatah-1 to compliment the NASR so to speak.

NASR is more geared towards indian strike formation and therefore is more of a tactical army missile. The NASR is not the weapon you would use to strike at Indian forward operating airbases that are less than 200km from the border. For that the Fatah-1 is the perfect weapon.

I expect the Fatah-2 (Next Generation Ballistic Missile) to hopefully resemble the Russian ISKANDER or Israeli LORA :pakistan: which have the capability of hitting S-400s or airbases from deep inside Pakistan with a CEP of 5M.


Well we have been spoiled by turkish footage from their drones and other TV guided ones which seem to knock at the door of drivers compartment, but I guess in salvo these would cause sufficient damage, plus these would have larger warheads than what carried by drones.

Any idea on what kind of guidance is present? GPS type or something more dynamic like live Electro/optical or IR picture matching sort.
Once drones pinpoint the targets artillery, MLRS etc. can decimate them, while the drones are working as the cameramen....
That all depends upon what type of munition will be used within the rocket. This video has only demonstrated that the rocket can go that much long distance.....not the different types of munitions that can be stuffed inside that rocket...that is the main thing which our enemies should be worried about....

Taking an example, if this rocket is having something like DP ICM or cluster ammo, the result can be disastrous over a wide area...
  • They can give a heavy, indirect-fire cannon the ability to engage area targets, with the spread compensating for their inherent inaccuracy;
  • With DPICM, artillery can be used against armored and mechanized formations with greater effect, being capable of destroying armor without having to resort to PGMs;
  • Due to their combined spread and airburst, they are more capable against dug-in troops than conventional HE rounds.

We, as an army, know very well which all important Indian assets, both static and mobile, are within 140 kms range of the border.... Indian will have to make a major effort, such as camo, move, re-locate, passive and active defences... in order to safeguard their own assets.
Once you start using them under the “direction” and “camera work” of drones like TB2/3 or Anka, it’ll have a devastating effects on the enemy psyche....
Israeli LORA
I heard extensive research of it was done at Lund through Norsk voodoo.
I heard extensive research of it was done at Lund through Norsk voodoo.
Sorry i am a weak weak man
I heard extensive research of it was done at Lund through Norsk voodoo.

Sorry i am a weak weak man

If you neuter the warhead on the LORA, does it make it to the Kosher list.

I am a slave to my most darkest urges. Shame on me
Yes, long-range guided MRLS to fix a misguided enemy.

All Indian forward airbases are under MRLS range now. Our jets can prepare for deeper strikes as forward airbases are taken care of.
Sometimes I really get put off by these vanity statements.. just put the metering scale to the west of the boarder and see how many PAF bases are within the range of Indian rocket forces.. what will stop India from doing the same?
Sometimes I really get put off by these vanity statements.. just put the metering scale to the west of the boarder and see how many PAF bases are within the range of Indian rocket forces.. what will stop India from doing the same?
That’s what deterrence is. Gives one more reason why not to take the aggression option.
Sometimes I really get put off by these vanity statements.. just put the metering scale to the west of the boarder and see how many PAF bases are within the range of Indian rocket forces.. what will stop India from doing the same?

Nothing would stop India, but a single privithi or a few would not do much against Pakistan. Each Pakistani short range ballistic missile system brigade will likely have 6-8 launcher vehicles each equipped with 4-8 guided rockets. That is easily 24-64 guided missiles depending on the configuration.

Just 1 brigade would be enough to level every hardened hangar per airbase. Your jets would be smashed in their bunkers before even being notified.

Reality is your generals and RAW know our capabilities well.
The information from the video is that Fatah 1 has arrived.
While Fatah 2 with bigger warhead and longer range is in the pipelines.

The effects of these new developments would be as follows:

1- Modi: 56er gone to 46er after Fatah 1. After Fatah 2 he is going to be 36er.

2- Bipin: Laundry contract extended indefinitely or the time of retirement, which ever occurs first. ( I know, I know, indefinitely, but eh, we are talking about Indians.
Sometimes I really get put off by these vanity statements.. just put the metering scale to the west of the boarder and see how many PAF bases are within the range of Indian rocket forces.. what will stop India from doing the same?
And whole India is under the Pakistani BMs, range, so what??
Waiting that some Indian members to come in this thread and claims that this MLRS is clone of some Chinese MLRS systems
Pakistan is just widening the cap between them and India. It already had the advantage in 2020 but the cap will keep growing.
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S 400 has a range of 400 km. So if they put the system 250 Km away from the border that still leaves 400 - 250 = 150 km of Pakistan Airspace in danger.

If the No Escape Zone of the 40N6E missile is 300 Km, which is very impressive, than that leaves 50 km of Pakistani Airspace near the border as a no fly zone. If some Pakistani pilot dares to challenge this 50 km no fly zone, what are the odds that he will succeed considering the fact that the 40N6E travels at Max. target speed 4.8 km/s (17,000 km/h; 11,000 mph; Mach 14)?

Can any aircraft outmatch / outclass a missile traveling at Mach 14 speed?

The A 400 radars have a range of 600 km so they will be about 450 km deep into Indian territory and out of range of any Pakistan missile except SUBSONIC speed ALCM RAAD or Babur, which can be easily intercepted by Indian defences.

This 50 km no fly zone over Pakistani territory would be enough for Indian Army to launch an attack and occupy a big chunk of land deep into Pakistan, without fear of any Air attack by PAF.
Sometimes I really get put off by these vanity statements.. just put the metering scale to the west of the boarder and see how many PAF bases are within the range of Indian rocket forces.. what will stop India from doing the same?

OK, so Pakistan has equalised India on that. If this is what you want to imply? Except that Pakistan can strike 140KM deep and India can do so at 90KM, only a 64% deep as compared to Fatah-1. Your "Underdevelopment" Pinaka-III is still behind Pakistan by 20 KM, and Pakistan already has another 120KM long variant called A-100.

Everyone in the comment section is going crazy about just S400 and how Fatah-1 can get the job done.

Here is another application/scenario, imagine in future, Indian Govt. ends up doing another 'surgical strike' but this time they (IAF) are waiting and counting on Rafales to encounter PAF in the air.

Guess what! All the air bases within the range of Fatah-1 in IOK or across the International Border can be compensated with a barrage fire of rockets. Plus, PAF can launch standoff missiles to avoid any painful incursion in hostile air space.
Good news, more enemy targets come into range, as well as the ability to saturate assault air defences.

The Soviets had Stalin's Organ;

Pakistan has it's organ as well.
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