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Pakistan Certified To Repair SAAB AWACS

i am ashamed of this nothing to be proud here a major failure .

Without disagreement there are two aspects which you are merging together and matching apple with Oranges.

1) [Failure] PAF base got attacked despite intel reports which is obviously a failure.

2) [Must be appreciated] PAC managed to repair a much damaged aircraft which was declared damaged beyond repair. They showed their skills and knowledge and skills to save significant time and money of Nation and the OEM also got surprised by that. PAC had nothing to do with air base attack so their sincere efforts must be commended and appreciated.

So i believe that before jumping to the guns we must rationally assess all aspects and their respective outputs.
some people on this forum consider themselves scholars cm miltary tactitians and strategists, in fact they have knowledge of 2 % things they understand half of that and they react 200 times ...just plain stupid.
those who are so ashamed, for them...we were at war, what do you expect from war, rosses and plesentries ?? every country suffer casualities and meterial losses in war, ever heard of attack on camp Bastion in 2012 ??? yes about the same time when kamra was attacked...for your info 6 AV 8 Harriers someAppachis and an AC 130 were destroyed completely and many more were damaged.
On this forum there is a large number of claimants who boast about their insider's knowledge but most of the times they lack up to date info. May be a few of them worked a long time ago but now they are not aware of the stuff. Even retired generals who appear on media often claim that they are not up to date about internal working of PA and the new directions.
Every chief (COAS, CAS, CNS) brings his own team. Gen. Bajwa brought his own team and all generals on key positions were shuffled. So did Gen (r) Raheel Shareef etc.

You are confusing Minhas base Attack with PNS Mehran Base Attack. SAAB ERIEYE AWACS were Targeted in Minhas base at Kamra.
P3C Orion anti Submarine air crafts of Paksitan Navy were damaged in PNS Mehran Attack not SAAB ERIEYE
Yeah I always mix the two in flow of discussion because both were attacked. that was the worst time.. Thanks to Pervaiz Musharraf - the coward.
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Without disagreement there are two aspects which you are merging together and matching apple with Oranges.

1) [Failure] PAF base got attacked despite intel reports which is obviously a failure.

2) [Must be appreciated] PAC managed to repair a much damaged aircraft which was declared damaged beyond repair. They showed their skills and knowledge and skills to save significant time and money of Nation and the OEM also got surprised by that. PAC had nothing to do with air base attack so their sincere efforts must be commended and appreciated.

So i believe that before jumping to the guns we must rationally assess all aspects and their respective outputs.
Pac and paf are same org . We gice them 4 saab they destroyed 1 damaged 2 and then repaired 2 1 lost .so they are not hero hero
Consider the Kamra security laspe as part of our learning curve against guirella warfare. Have u guys forgotten so quickly that we won in the end?
I don't know why people must focus on past incidents. The thread is about PAC getting certification on a European platform. This is a huge moment for aviation in Pakistan. Let us review what a European certification implies.

Europe has stringent standards which every aircraft that flies in European airspace must satisfy. These include specifications for safe levels of stresses, aircraft behaviors during emergency situations, emissions ratings etc. Saab wouldn't simply hand over this certification. There has been much sweat and blood put forth by PAC personnel in the past few years that has led to this achievement.

And what are the implications? Does anyone remember the time when PIA aircraft were stopped from entering Europe because some changes were made to seats? This certification can be a first step that allows PAC to perform extensive overhauls on commercial jets, leading to saving of millions of dollars. Next, this may be a first step towards a production line for Saab 2000 aircrafts. That would be a huge thing for PAC because local production would enable an extensive fleet to be developed.

This, combined with opening of Leonardo office hints at extensive integration with European aircraft industry in the future. What I want to see is a Thunder integrated with Vixen 1000, Mica, and Meteor for the export market.
Calm down guys Sure those aircraft should never have been attacked in the first place but that incident was a huge learning curve for us and now we can rebuild and rebuild awaacs. Had the Pressler Amendment not slapped on us we would have no JF 17.
So dont be too hard on the PAF guys....Critisim is valid to keep them on their toes but not too harsh....
Whats with this amateurish attitude? He is right. You banged your car in the wall. Spend shit ton of money to repair it yourself. So will you be proud that yeah I gained skills to repair my own car ?
Yup that was amateur ...so I deleted that post for wording only but my stance and views are the same.
I don't know why people must focus on past incidents. The thread is about PAC getting certification on a European platform. This is a huge moment for aviation in Pakistan. Let us review what a European certification implies.

Europe has stringent standards which every aircraft that flies in European airspace must satisfy. These include specifications for safe levels of stresses, aircraft behaviors during emergency situations, emissions ratings etc. Saab wouldn't simply hand over this certification. There has been much sweat and blood put forth by PAC personnel in the past few years that has led to this achievement.

And what are the implications? Does anyone remember the time when PIA aircraft were stopped from entering Europe because some changes were made to seats? This certification can be a first step that allows PAC to perform extensive overhauls on commercial jets, leading to saving of millions of dollars. Next, this may be a first step towards a production line for Saab 2000 aircrafts. That would be a huge thing for PAC because local production would enable an extensive fleet to be developed.

This, combined with opening of Leonardo office hints at extensive integration with European aircraft industry in the future. What I want to see is a Thunder integrated with Vixen 1000, Mica, and Meteor for the export market.
Excellent post... If I could..I would have given you a positive rating
Thats how they used to park it before the terrorist attack


Bravo to whoever fed you the info. 1 destroyed and 2 badly damaged AEWC is testament to the fact

India is not parking their Su-30s near Pakistan boarder because there is no hardened shelter for them & here we are parking one of our most expensive equipment in a aluminum shelter in open. People in Pakistan have better parking for Mehran than this shelter. I hope they have already build an secure hangar for those after attack.
I don't know why people must focus on past incidents. The thread is about PAC getting certification on a European platform. This is a huge moment for aviation in Pakistan. Let us review what a European certification implies.

Europe has stringent standards which every aircraft that flies in European airspace must satisfy. These include specifications for safe levels of stresses, aircraft behaviors during emergency situations, emissions ratings etc. Saab wouldn't simply hand over this certification. There has been much sweat and blood put forth by PAC personnel in the past few years that has led to this achievement.

And what are the implications? Does anyone remember the time when PIA aircraft were stopped from entering Europe because some changes were made to seats? This certification can be a first step that allows PAC to perform extensive overhauls on commercial jets, leading to saving of millions of dollars. Next, this may be a first step towards a production line for Saab 2000 aircrafts. That would be a huge thing for PAC because local production would enable an extensive fleet to be developed.

This, combined with opening of Leonardo office hints at extensive integration with European aircraft industry in the future. What I want to see is a Thunder integrated with Vixen 1000, Mica, and Meteor for the export market.

Great post. I feel like Pakistan should buy the rights to the Saab 2000 much the same way it did with Saab Safari & use it to meet the domestic and international needs. This will create jobs and improve core competencies.
salute ay elite members di soch tey , itna intellectualism rakhne k bawajud , aythay aglay pentagon ko ni chorday , tusi minhas tey kamra nu rovo saray beh k, the war we fought was a gureilla war in which you cant really predict with whom u r fighting with, its not like you are 80 percent aware or the enemy is right in front of you....anyways i am supporting the narrative of pac being highly professional in repAiring these aircrafts...
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