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Pakistan Certified To Repair SAAB AWACS

I made this post almost a year back of the 03 SAAB 2000's we bought.
Based on the article from Jane's 360 (above), I have hunted down all 03 of our new SAAB 2000's.


View attachment 553627

Last Registration: SE-LTU
PAF Registration: J-062
Age: 20 Years



Registration: SE-LTX
PAF Registration: J-024
Age: 23 Years 6 Months



Registration: SE-MFF
PAF Registration: J-038
Age: 22 Years 8 Months

Pakistan takes deliveries of 3 SAAB-2000 Aircraft
URL: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/pakistan-takes-deliveries-of-3-saab-2000-aircraft.613850/
Oh and that PTI has already borrowed almost 50% as much loans as Nawaz two terms....
Guess what and where is the change?
What do you expect when deficit run at 7% and you have to also fix the current deficir..guess how you do that..normalize the interest rate..guess what happens than..your 33% spending is interest fixing the interest rate doubled that (from 6 base point to 13)...net result huge lending..

I doubt the amount of fiscal diasaster will be cleared in 2-3 years..

It took mushi 4-5 years to clear the disaster of 1998...

All models forecast that by 2023 we will be at the same place we were in 2018 in terms of net debt..but hopefully corrected other fundamentals (CAD/inflation/interest rate)
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