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Pakistan Certified To Repair SAAB AWACS

Taxes paid or not the money no matter from where it comes or even if it is borrowed is the property of the government of Pakistan and the government is a civilian body under which all the institutions come even the military and the ISI, but that's only written in the books not a practice here.
many other things are written in books, not being practiced here by people from all walks of life. it wa a sensitive issue no one in the worl make such inquiries public, not even if langley itself is attacked.
A bunch of guys with Ak-47s and few grenades destroyed assets of an air force those were suppose to be protected at all cost, yes its as tragic as 1971 and only shameless people will not accept the guilt of it.

I wont park my old car like that even if its useless look at back of the plane there is an open ground with bushes all around.

If there was an inquiry it was suppose to be known to the general public after all its there money from which such high end expensive weapons are purchased, and who ever did this and who ever neglected prior intelligence reports should be given appropriate punishment and well in the knowledge of general public

agree PAC did a good job.

Agree, no shame and what good a repaired machine can be?
even if they have managed to repair it it could not be as good as a factory default unit.

Our engineers did a good job no doubt i hope we learned some thing from it.

Its also their responsibility to safe guard the assets that they posses with what you can safeguard your airspace when you have nothing left?
Its a failure and they should learn some thing from it.

Imran Khan i agree with you, since 9/11 we lost our loved one's our soldiers and even our family members in this so called war on terror alliance but nothing gave me more pain then
PNS Mehran attack

The only thing happened good that day was the operation of the SSG of Pakistan army who killed a Taliban Sniper who was wild and free on a high point in the compound building shooting on every one including un armed civilians, firefighters and pilots.
But SSG teams reached the area when huge losses had taken place including people killed and assets destroyed.
According to Naval Intelligence, the militants were only targeting the aircrafts
It was reported that five Pakistan military personnel were killed and eleven wounded. The dead included one sailor, three firefighters and an Army ranger
The Navy reported that the SSG(N) teams successfully evacuated 11 PLA Air Force technicians and six USN military advisers
During this course, none of the foreign advisers, technicians, hostages, or even the SSG(N) members were killed
18 sailors were reported to have been killed and 16 others wounded. In all, it took approximately 16 hours to secure the base.
Now to sum it all up....
I must say that Pakistan's security forces learned some lessens here.

Following the attacks, Pakistan put its military facilities on highest alert.
Extra security measures were taken.
Suspicions also grew in Pakistan about the safety of the country's nuclear assets and security was increased accordingly.

Well nations learn from failures if we have learned some thing from that attack then those 3 destroyed planes are nothing but tin cans......

To say that the actual attacks both in Karachixand in Kamra one after the other were not security lapses and therefore shameful is playing with the truth. Playing with the truth always leads to more disasters. So we should unashamedly accept that the military apparatus itself failed to protect its assetts and therefore needs to take the blame and accept its fault.
The arm chair generals have further been infuriated by how the army apparatus hid facts from the Joe public. This is a strategic matter and to be honest one cannot pass judgement without listening to both sides.
HOWEVER, the subsequent PAC efforts to repair both the SAAB and the P3C are worthy of praise and applause. The capability of inhouse repair and subsequent placement of Radars on the newer platform is an added bonus and probably has made a huge saving for the nation. This saving alone could recover some if not all the cost of the original purchase. The capability itself is a huge plus. So there has been some positives and a lot of negatives. This thread is about the positive aspect of the whole fiasco so it should be appreciated.
I must say that Pakistan's security forces learned some lessens here.

Following the attacks, Pakistan put its military facilities on highest alert.
Extra security measures were taken.
Suspicions also grew in Pakistan about the safety of the country's nuclear assets and security was increased accordingly.

Well nations learn from failures if we have learned some thing from that attack then those 3 destroyed planes are nothing but tin cans....
I must say that Pakistan's security forces learned some lessens here.

Following the attacks, Pakistan put its military facilities on highest alert.
Extra security measures were taken.
Suspicions also grew in Pakistan about the safety of the country's nuclear assets and security was increased accordingly.

Well nations learn from failures if we have learned some thing from that attack then those 3 destroyed planes are nothing but tin cans....
after kamra and karachi many other attacks on airbases were thwarted in subsequent years, incl one major attack in Peshawar, in which some foreigners with bohemeth satanic tattoos were also killed, another attack was thwarted in quetta where tangos tries to attack 2 aviation basses.
after kamra and karachi many other attacks on airbases were thwarted in subsequent years, incl one major attack in Peshawar, in which some foreigners with bohemeth satanic tattoos were also killed, another attack was thwarted in quetta where tangos tries to attack 2 aviation basses.
Yes i remember that i believe now Pakistan's security is so much buffed up and we can take on any thing.
Yeh pti made it worse because they stop looting and tried to do right thing which will take short term impact but long term gain

Folks still believe in patwari and 10 %
Economy has been like this since 1960s and PTI made it even worst so can't do any thing about it.

It does not matter who is in charge. The economy is the bedrock of defense, and there is not much of it left. Any skyscraper built on sand won't stay upright for long.
Yeh pti made it worse because they stop looting and tried to do right thing which will take short term impact but long term gain

Folks still believe in patwari and 10 %
Oh and that PTI has already borrowed almost 50% as much loans as Nawaz two terms....
Guess what and where is the change?
Oh and that PTI has already borrowed almost 50% as much loans as Nawaz two terms....
Guess what and where is the change?
They have to pay back what U borrowed. 9 billion $$ repay each year not bad?
They have to pay back what U borrowed. 9 billion $$ repay each year not bad?
And please take more loans from new sources instead of doing something about it, like improving the economy which is ruined by PTI people are crying every where
They have to pay back what U borrowed. 9 billion $$ repay each year not bad?
the fouls dont even understand the basic of economy..obviously by end of 5 years in total amount PTI will have borrowed more key will be last years figures..will it stand at 8% of deficit(of GDP) like every other govt or 4~% which is manageable
i am ashamed of this nothing to be proud here a major failure .
You must realise that at the time Zardari was on the throne and PAF wasn't given 40% of their allocated budget . The sentries didn't have bullets to fight terrorists.
You must realise that at the time Zardari was on the throne and PAF wasn't given 40% of their allocated budget . The sentries didn't have bullets to fight terrorists.

"Sentries did not have bullets" is absolute nonsense. We were conducting major CT ops at the time so there was no shortage of ammunition for protecting vital assets. There was a security breach. Since then things have changed & bases are secure but please do not make a mockery of the incident by blaming it on shortage of bullets.
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