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Pakistan carries out airstrikes along AfPak border

Cheaper to just mine it. Leave the border crossings clean and mine the rest.
Bro Mushi wanted to do that back in 2004- the americans talked sense into him- basically we would be providing them free IED making kit- they would dig them out which is not that hard if they are careful
15 years too late, should have happened while RAW was running wild in Afghanistan.

Foreign Office briefing to the parliamentarians before the fall of Kabul war right: IEA and TTP are two sides of the same coin.
we should have bombed this meeting- you regret most the chances which were missed

Taliban basically telling TTP that they are under Taliban protection now. Now we will have to kill both TTP and IEA forces. Protect TTP with which air force Lol.

Pakistan needs to place a transit embargo on Afghanistan.. Iran is pretty pissed off at them.. so no reprieve from there either.
BREAKING: Local + militant sources report that tonight Pakistani aircraft have carried out simultaneous airstrikes against militant targets along Afghanistan-Pakistan border in Kunar, Paktika, Khost and along Bajaur belt. Militant sources say there are casualties.

Breaking News: Different sources confirm the Pakistani jet fighters carried out late night simultaneous strikes in the Afghanistan north-eastern Kunar and south-eastern Khost provinces, respectively, in "Chogam" and "Passa mela" remote areas sharing a close border with Pakistan.

@Sainthood 101 @PakSarZameen47 @Menace2Society @Pakstallion @Vapnope @Bleek @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox 1

Welcome to 110% US aligned policy again! Again being sucked into US war and wishes! Again waging war on poor Afghans based on questionable CIA intelligence. Turning Afghans against Pakistani state, turning Afghan Taliban against Pakistan, re-activating TTP, also providing reasons for IS and Al-Qaeda to re-activate and wage war against Pakistan! Seriously, I feel this current army chief is completely a US stooge and fully compromised! We are back to year 2000 when we are bending over in front of America. 100 Billion $ wasted, 80,000 lives lost. yet these generals are happy to start all over again! I am seriously pissed!! I'm hoping that I'm totally wrong, but folks it seems. Pakistan's deal has been done! We have been sold and sold cheap once again! We will become a complete puppet state of US, a lap dog, we were already 80% sold but had a little bit of ideology intact... I think Bajwa was the last nail in the coffin! Generals will say yes sir, state would say yes sir, we will reduce our army numbers, our nuclear program would be under watch - possibly reversed soon, we will get latest gadgets and toys for army but we will be completely neutered and gutless! I think Bajwa has appointed a US + India friendly, corrupt, weak, controllable government for this very reason. Khan wanted to be free, he wanted to have a free & fair foreign + financial policy based on national interest which has been historically ALWAYS controlled by the Army behind the scenes. USA didn't care about Khan as long as army chief was in their pockets. But they feared as the army chief retires in November. Khan MUST NOT have the opportunity to choose a like minded patriotic general! USA likes career generals, non -ideological, who just look for personal benefits. This regime change exercise was done because had Khan chosen a army chief of high acumen Pakistan's foreign + financial policy would have gone absolutely out of US control! Remember Khan did not want to go to IMF, his planning was all anti IMF. Army forced Khan to go to IMF to "restore stability". It was army which said we have a lot more to do, so please just accept IMF terms, stop negotiating and move along. 1st back stabbing from Bajwa came in form of economic policy take over as soon as Khan arrived. 2nd take over was about foreign policy that we just witnessed. The whole story is clear in front of the nation. Please contradict me, prove me wrong, I want to be proven wrong but the picture is now very clear. The problem lies with the establishment and top leadership of our army. The cancer has spread to the heart.
Welcome to 110% US aligned policy again! Again being sucked into US war and wishes! Again waging war on poor Afghans based on questionable CIA intelligence. Turning Afghans against Pakistani state, turning Afghan Taliban against Pakistan, re-activating TTP, also providing reasons for IS and Al-Qaeda to re-activate and wage war against Pakistan! Seriously, I feel this current army chief is completely a US stooge and fully compromised! We are back to year 2000 when we are bending over in front of America. 100 Billion $ wasted, 80,000 lives lost. yet these generals are happy to start all over again! I am seriously pissed!! I'm hoping that I'm totally wrong, but folks it seems. Pakistan's deal has been done! We have been sold and sold cheap once again! We will become a complete puppet state of US, a lap dog, we were already 80% sold but had a little bit of ideology intact... I think Bajwa was the last nail in the coffin! Generals will say yes sir, state would say yes sir, we will reduce our army numbers, our nuclear program would be under watch - possibly reversed soon, we will get latest gadgets and toys for army but we will be completely neutered and gutless! I think Bajwa has appointed a US + India friendly, corrupt, weak, controllable government for this very reason. Khan wanted to be free, he wanted to have a free & fair foreign + financial policy based on national interest which has been historically ALWAYS controlled by the Army behind the scenes. USA didn't care about Khan as long as army chief was in their pockets. But they feared as the army chief retires in November. Khan MUST NOT have the opportunity to choose a like minded patriotic general! USA likes career generals, non -ideological, who just look for personal benefits. This regime change exercise was done because had Khan chosen a army chief of high acumen Pakistan's foreign + financial policy would have gone absolutely out of US control! Remember Khan did not want to go to IMF, his planning was all anti IMF. Army forced Khan to go to IMF to "restore stability". It was army which said we have a lot more to do, so please just accept IMF terms, stop negotiating and move along. 1st back stabbing from Bajwa came in form of economic policy take over as soon as Khan arrived. 2nd take over was about foreign policy that we just witnessed. The whole story is clear in front of the nation. Please contradict me, prove me wrong, I want to be proven wrong but the picture is now very clear. The problem lies with the establishment and top leadership of our army. The cancer has spread to the heart.
Were you sleeping under a rock for the past few months?
Why whats wrong
Bro TTP has been killing 5-10 troops every week with the tactic approval of the IEA. What do you want us to do have our troops killed every now and then and dont retaliate? Im going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you were not updated as to what has been happening

So TTP has already been supported by local IEA commanders- wont make much difference. Also we haven't been supporting the Afghan resistance- two can tango this game- Would make IEA troops legitimate targets
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Also this is the time Pakistan should complete the Fence and build fire bases (with SH-15 artillery) and pill boxes in the most restive areas (especially with IK out of government) so that when/if he is back in office it doesn’t have to be under his watch (and he won’t be blamed by the Afghans) and will be a fair accompli when he is back.

The fence along the Entire Afghan and Iranian Borders.
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Bro TTP has been killing 5-10 troops every week with the tactic approval of the IEA. What do you want us to do have our troops killed every now and then and dont retaliate? Im going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you were not updated as to what has been happening

Bro TTP has been killing 5-10 troops every week with the tactic approval of the IEA. What do you want us to do have our troops killed every now and then and dont retaliate? Im going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you were not updated as to what has been happening

So TTP has already been supported by local IEA commanders- wont make much difference. Also we haven't been supporting the Afghan resistance- two can tango this game- Would make IEA troops legitimate targets

If Pakistani generals are serious of loss of lives, provide these soldiers with light armoured vehicles, Pakistan has enough armoured vehicles I'm sure. At best they are facing rocket launchers and AK47s. There is no high tech weaponry involved. Increase soldier strength, fortify their bases. Attacking another country is unacceptable, such decisions have severe consequences, they result in polarisation and divide in society. Already we have lost 100 Billion USD and 80,000 lives following the same policy, we have PDM and people like Mohsin Dawar who have inorganic but as well as organic support. Our generals thought they will be able to control it. They were never able to control anything. If these airstrikes are legit, then Indian strikes on Pakistani soil were also legit. Air strikes always have collateral damage. Collateral damage results in further fuelling of anti state sentiments and hence terrorism and civil wars are flamed which our enemies love to use against us. There were no such air strikes during Khan's time. And these have initiated as soon as Khan has left. Pointing that these are being done to please US on behest of Showbaz sharif.
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