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Pakistan carries out airstrikes along AfPak border

we don't have to negotiate with TTP, we should negotiate with the Afghan Taliban to eradicate TTP.

This has also been done. IEA are not cooperating. Most likely TTP are their blood relations and are refusing to push them to lay down arms. They should also recognise the durand line as an international border which IEA are refusing to do so.

I don't support killing families even of our worst enemies, this is against Islam.

The TTP fighters should stop going across the border to kill Pakistanis then. There is a consequence. This is an act of self defense.
This has also been done. IEA are not cooperating. Most likely TTP are their blood relations and are refusing to push them to lay down arms. They should also recognise the durand line as an international border which IEA are refusing to do so.

The TTP fighters should stop going across the border to kill Pakistanis then. There is a consequence. This is an act of self defense.
There is no visible engagement with Afghan Taliban for few months.
While the civilian casualties are unfortunate, IEA's duplicitous stance has this brewing for a while. You cannot expect to sabotage the gains made by our men and not see a response. I hope the message has been conveyed and that the regime in Afghanistan changes its ways or there are other ways of exerting leverage aside from strictly kinetic means
Agree, unknown gunmen was good way.
The problem with unknown gunmen is that at best you will only manage to get 2-3 at a time. With airstrikes, 50+ in an instant is possible, and that too with no risk to any of our personnel. Moreover, I don't think this airstrike is indicative of a new policy. Rather, it is most likely a show of force to twist the arm of the IEA to take action against TTP.
There is no visible engagement with Afghan Taliban for few months.
Because of this


Also read this - https://www.trtworld.com/opinion/wh...-demands-to-take-action-against-the-ttp-54507

I would suggest for you to research the list of their ridiculous demands. They must be crushed with an iron fist.
This has also been done. IEA are not cooperating. Most likely TTP are their blood relations and are refusing to push them to lay down arms. They should also recognise the durand line as an international border which IEA are refusing to do so.

The TTP fighters should stop going across the border to kill Pakistanis then. There is a consequence. This is an act of self defense.
The act of self-defense should have been the use of drones to eliminate all those who come to attack. This response is very counterproductive.

Because of this

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I would suggest for you to research the list of their ridiculous demands. They must be crushed with an iron fist.
Yes they must be eradicated but by engaging the Afghan Taliban, they are going against the Afghan Taliban by attacking Pakistan, if we can properly engage with the Afghan Taliban we can eradicate TTP once and for all, the problem is we are not engaging with Afghan Taliban.
The act of self-defense should have been the use of drones to eliminate all those who come to attack. This response is very counterproductive.

Yes they must be eradicated but by engaging the Afghan Taliban, they are going against the Afghan Taliban by attacking Pakistan, if we can properly engage with the Afghan Taliban we can eradicate TTP once and for all, the problem is we are not engaging with Afghan Taliban.

You cannot engage the IEA. They're high on their own power coupled with their Pashtun supremacy fantasies
We don't need to bomb anyone but help the Taliban to attack the Indian sponsored terrorists. Inviting the US to have drone bases will only invite more terrorists to attack Pakistan as we have seen the Americans crazily bomb and don't count bodies. Once it escalates it will allow the US expand it's grip and establish more bases and support the installed government in Islamabad who will use any means to stay in power. India will then run to Afghanistan and say to them that we told you so that Pakistan is the real enemy. Next thing we know Pakistan will be attacked by terrorists from all sides with daily carnage on the streets. Iran will be attacked with millions of refugees flooding into Pakistan, , Palestinian genocide will be finalised, India will offer us a Bangladesh type surrender terms, we will give up our nukes and then suffer a genocide on a scale not seen in human history. Once the PML have done the dirty work PA will then reinstall the PTI into power.
The act of self-defense should have been the use of drones to eliminate all those who come to attack. This response is very counterproductive.

Yes they must be eradicated but by engaging the Afghan Taliban, they are going against the Afghan Taliban by attacking Pakistan, if we can properly engage with the Afghan Taliban we can eradicate TTP once and for all, the problem is we are not engaging with Afghan Taliban.

All avenues have been exhausted. You are beginning to sound like a broken record and I suggest you do your research on this topic.

You cannot engage the IEA. They're high on their own power coupled with their Pashtun supremacy fantasies

I also believe IK has been sidelined due to a lack of progress with IEA/TTP compliance.

IEA were quick to go for the the Doha agreement promising to never attack the yanks again yet cannot make the same promises to Pakistan. The yanks dropped a MOAB on them which did the trick so go figure.
You cannot engage the IEA. They're high on their own power coupled with their Pashtun supremacy fantasies
No not true, they brought TTP to the negotiation table, and with more effort from our side, things could have been solved. you are confusing Pashtun Supremacists and Pashtun Nationalists with Taliban, PTM and the previous Afghan government were Promoting Pashtun Nationalism and wanted to break Pashtun areas of Pakistan into Afghanistan, those people are Anti Taliban.

All avenues have been exhausted. You are beginning to sound like a broken record and I suggest you do your research on this topic.

I also believe IK has been sidelined due to a lack of progress with IEA/TTP compliance.

IEA were quick to go for the the Doha agreement promising to never attack the yanks again yet cannot make the same promises to Pakistan. The yanks dropped a MOAB on them which did the trick so go figure.
There was no visible engagement with the Taliban in the last few months, we should have engaged with them on daily basis to stop and eradicate TTP.
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