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Pakistan ‘can’t see way forward’ for bilateral talks with India

India should not be on any level with Pakistan , on any platform. Close ties, Ban Bollywood music movies. Even if someone caught they should be prosecuted. India Pakistan should be worse then KSA and Iran. There should be no relations ,even remove embassy , this relationship should end for good. Even for 1000 years if it may be Pakistan should not even get a needle from them. Rest god will help those who help themselves

Son grow up, when you are an old and grey like me then you may realise that throwing toys out of the pram is not the solution but creates a mess and needs clearing up by others. You need to work to achieve what ever you want and that's needs planning, learning, developing and executing the plan. Definitely no half measures.
We have got the time and they have got the Kashmir. Either we go for a war like none before and all full frontal attack then whole world will be against us and no one can fight against the world and even Hitler lost. Other one is we can lit up the fires in all over India and fan them and little fires eventually join together. If India attacks us that may not be so bad idea after all and that may end on our will power. Enemy is in greater numbers then us, have been doing planning longer then us, accumulated more toys then us while we have been dodging the taxes and good at fighting with each other. Even at one stage I wanted the frontal war and my emotions carried me but that will not be sensible.
Lets all wake up to the reality and focus all our venom at the enemy and fight a smart war instead of emotional war. We need to come up with the ideas where we can hurt enemy constantly at each and on every platform, every where they go where ever they work, where ever they make money from.
For a start how about anywhere Modi goes one of us show up with Modi Hitler face banner, kujrat Killer. terrorist in Kashmir so he can stay house bound. Make a mission of hurting their economy in every shape or form so they can't spend more on arms. Give a bad reputation to their employees so Indian companies fail. Lets declare a quiet war which enemy declared on us a decade ago blaming us with every where for any unfortunate incident of terrorism. Lets make a start while our sleeping rulers decide what they want to do and how they want to fight this war. This is our war and we are all in it and we need to do everything we can.
Kashmir as a territory is a bilateral issue to be solved later. But for now, how we govern our state j&k is our internal matter. No one has any say in it. This is pretty easy to understand.
The most stupidest reply I have encountered. ..If the territory needs bilateral talks it can never be your state...

How many other states do you allow us bilateral talk for? Why only Kashmir?
At home, India calls Kashmir an internal issue while outside they call it a bilateral issue. India is not ready for bilateral talks. India can keep saying whatever it wants to. It will not change the truth,” Dr Faisal said.
The point India is making is that Article 370 is about Indian constitution and Pakistan has no say in it. The issue of Kashmir land is, however, a bilateral issue. This means as long as Kashmir is ruled by India, India will decide how to rule. Similarly, Azad Kashmir rules will be decided by Pakistan as long as Pakistan rules it. But there is a dispute on who should rule and that is a matter of conflict
The point India is making is that Article 370 is about Indian constitution and Pakistan has no say in it.
Removing or adding 370 has no impact on Kashmiri status! Because as you said it was indian problem...BUT that doesnt make Kashmir indian land...coz international disputed areas with international treaties are not indian problem but bilateral problems and cant be solved via india alone!

So no matter how much india lies, the point still stands that internationally Kashmir is a disputed territory that india was illegally occupying via 370 and now that is removed, the UN status of Kashmir still stands which was always there!

This means as long as Kashmir is ruled by India
When did this happen? INTERNATIONALLY Kashmir is disputed territory since British Raj left! So when did india rule anything but a peace of paper that states ANY decision regarding KASHMIR is a bilateral issue!

ANY and EVERY decision- including adding or removing 370...since it was added in indian constitution ...it has no impact on international status of Kashmir !

@Slav Defence
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Well initially when previous governments had a mandate or deals for "Bi-lateral talks" the intent was that India would , agree to a agreed voting in Indian Occupied Kashmir

However in absence of such framework , since India continuously stated they will not foster or arrange for voting the ground work never existed for last 40-70 years

Think about it folks what kind of talks need to happen to hold a simple vote in Kashmir ?
It takes 20 minutes to agree to vote
  • When one party namely India refuses to accept the rights of Kashmir (70 years)
  • When one party refuses international observers to be in Kashmir (70 Years)

How can the bilateral talks could result in peace

Pakistan has given every indication for peace however India has been never sincere which is why Pakistan has now moved towards a different stance the stance is inline with how Kashmiri population (12 million stuck in Indian occupied side are being treated)

Sincerity has been missing from Indian side

The problem has been India does not respects the will of Kashmiri People
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They want another round of the "Battle of Panipat"!!! They'll get one with the similar results....

you are 100% correct, hence the reason being humiliated all over the world.

We have put Allah behind us and trusting, begging and sar ghair Allah aur kuffar kay samnay jhuka diya hai......we trust USA, UN etc. more then Allah and ourselves.

saza to milay g na, when we became corrupt, corrupt rulers imposed upon us as punishment ad we suffered , suffering and will continue until we make necessary correction....

(We all can give nice lectures, but lake the will to personally do it, always expect other to do it for us)
Then, Allah-u Azimushshan tests by sending the enemies to the door steps!!! However, HE doesn't put burden beyond the capabilities of the given folks....
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