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Pakistan cannot win a war against India in my lifetime, says Manmohan Singh

Correction .

Pakistan Cannot Win a War against India , in its Lifetime .

Never underestimate your enemy, Mr Manmohan Singh. If you have RAW we have the ISI

And both are useless and not worth more than penny under Horseshyt . They are the relics of seventies/eighties .
nothings gona happen this latest episode or owtbrust by NS is to divert attention of pakistanies from load shedding , law less ness , curruption and terrorism and myhem in pakistan and pakistanies are more than happy to run after this so called "truck ki batti" :D
This is Election time in India, anyone and everyone will say things to get votes !! Sardar Ji has finally spoken about war and pakistan not suprised at all. Basically he is right Pakistan cannot win war against India, but what Morons (Indians) forget that , thats not the job of Pakistan Forces ,there job is to keep India at Bay and if they succeed doing that then they have achieved their goals !!!
If that is the case then can u plz explain what did NS meant when he talked bout 4th War starting soon. Why do you think India will need to even attack Pakistan since We have our very strong hold on Kashmir. Also do refer the latest Pak Army Doctrine. Your word seen so naive and out of context carring no facts on ground.
why make ppl relevant ? MMS should have ignored NS statement.This stupid indulgence of NS over Kashmir with an warmongering overtone aims at getting a response which should not have been given.

I don't think NS's tone was in line with warmongering, it was more like a serious concern that the unresolved issue may escalate to yet another unwanted war. And MM's response was quite stupid, I mean does he think he comes with a warranty of xx years??

Pakistans is in no position to fight a awar they are poor and on brink of collapse economically & politically they have no back up bar china

You are correct on the part that Pakistan is poor and might just be on the brink of economic collapse. However, that should be the scariest part for India since Pakistan does not have a whole lot to lose. And any country with a military capability like ours (moderate) with nothing to lose should be a nightmare for a fast developing country like India.

They already won the war on 26/11 Dr Singh and we did nothing about it but send paper files back and forth!

Actually, whether you realize it or not, it was a war that was started by your side, waged by your side and the outcome decided by your side......all we did was provide the players and that too without consent.

Finally, your government was able to pass stringent anti terror laws as well as portray Pakistan as an even rogue state then it is already considered. You won everything that you wanted while we were left stunned.
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I don't think NS's tone was in line with warmongering, it was more like a serious concern that the unresolved issue may escalate to yet another unwanted war. And MM's response was quite stupid, I mean does he think he comes with a warranty of xx years??.

I think even NS realises he went overboard. Hence this:

Sharif 'strongly denies' Kashmir flashpoint remarks
Islamabad, Dec 4 (IANS): Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif Wednesday strongly denied news reports quoting him as having said that Kashmir was "a flashpoint and can trigger a fourth war" with India.

In a rebuttal of a report that appeared in the Dawn newspaper, the Prime Minister's Office said Sharif never uttered those words.

The statement said: "Prime Minister of Pakistan never uttered these words and the news item is baseless, incorrect and based on malafide intentions. The said news reports are strongly rebutted."

"Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is of the opinion that any issue of conflict between Pakistan and India has to be resolved through peaceful means," it said.

The Dawn quoted Sharif as saying that "Kashmir is a flashpoint and can trigger a fourth war between the two nuclear powers at anytime". He was addressing the budget session of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Council in Muzaffarabad
This is Election time in India, anyone and everyone will say things to get votes !! Sardar Ji has finally spoken about war and pakistan not suprised at all. Basically he is right Pakistan cannot win war against India, but what Morons (Indians) forget that , thats not the job of Pakistan Forces ,there job is to keep India at Bay and if they succeed doing that then they have achieved their goals !!!

Maybe India does not even intend to use force against pakistan. There can be other ways. And what i can tell from this forum is that any such policy adopted by India would force pakistan to use her forces. So instead of keeping us away you invite us to be part of the action.
Further Correction:

Indian Dream: Pakistan Cannot Win a War against India, in its Lifetime.
point is brother we dont need to fight you you yourself are your own biggest enemies from within why will india has to attack you until your over zelous army genrals get advanturous again like in 1999 but the thing is unlike then you dont have US support and all we have to do is increase owr defences rest owrk you will do for us ...hope u got the point sir :cheers:
point is brother we dont need to fight you you yourself are your own biggest enemies from within why will india has to attack you until your over zelous army genrals get advanturous again like in 1999 but the thing is unlike then you dont have US support and all we have to do is increase owr defences rest owrk you will do for us ...hope u got the point sir :cheers:

We have been our own worst enemy, agreed. However, it was you who had US support and desired effect of that support in 1999, furthermore even then you could not dare attack us.
We have been our own worst enemy, agreed. However, it was you who had US support and desired effect of that support in 1999, furthermore even then you could not dare attack us.
why will we attak you when we can get owr job done and making your best assets turn there backs on you why should we make owrselfs look like agressors and give your nation a moral high ground and above all what is profit both in short term and long term to run over a country like pakistan which its own establishment cant control for last 66 years and why to unite you people agaist us ...these are some questions that we analysd when we had an option of attacking you and i guess ABV and jaswant singh + aur MOD was quite right as time has prooved it ...hope u get my point sir
why will we attak you when we can get owr job done and making your best assets turn there backs on you why should we make owrselfs look like agressors and give your nation a moral high ground and above all what is profit both in short term and long term to run over a country like pakistan which its own establishment cant control for last 66 years and why to unite you people agaist us ...these are some questions that we analysd when we had an option of attacking you and i guess ABV and jaswant singh + aur MOD was quite right as time has prooved it ...hope u get my point sir

Why foster hate at all? Why be the enemy? Why capture our land (occupied Kashmir) and hold our water? Why??
Why foster hate at all? Why be the enemy? Why capture our land (occupied Kashmir) and hold our water? Why??
well pakistanies love to hate india we are just trying to be safe thats all

well kashmir was never your land it was owrs and will remain like that yopu gopt power then get it back whos stopping you

as for holding your water lolzzz there is no force on this planet that can hold water ...check the facts we are still giving you more than what was specified in indus water treaty why there is carsity of water in paksitan ...well go and ask your officials they can explain you better
1.why is there no check on illeagel deforedtation which leads to soil irosion and then resulting in floods and water related problems

2. why dint your govt build dams & reserviours like we did in india for last 66 years

3. why is still most of your water gets wasted despite you inherited the superb canal and irrigation system made and designed by the british

4. why is there no water management policy and research institues in pakstan for better harnessing and managemnt of your water resources ....lolzzz first get yourself right then talk to us other wise you will keep on suffering for your own mistakes and blaming others
Why foster hate at all? Why be the enemy? Why capture our land (occupied Kashmir) and hold our water? Why??

Because what you think is your's, we firmly believe is ours.

And we ll defend it at all costs.
We have no design to change the said borders, whereas you believe you can force a nation several magnitudes stronger than you into making concessions on something they are willing to protect so desperately.
It was stupidity.

Indian and Pakistani leaders can talk to each other in less than 5 seconds.

If my Man Man-mohan singh had issues with Ganja sharif

Why the fork he didn't pick up the ph, confirm it and then make jingoistic statements.


Why Indian intellectuals are so gung hoe about their PM reacting to supposed news.


The stupdity was started by your PM. Our PM resoprocated it by answering Ganja sharif's statment.

Rest your 5 second rant is another example of stupidity. Pathetic.

Peach Fauji miah
The stupdity was started by your PM. Our PM resoprocated it by answering Ganja sharif's statment.

Rest your 5 second rant is another example of stupidity. Pathetic.

Peach Fauji miah

I am not sure about you flamingo miah.

But most of you boasters (both Indian and Pakistanis) on PDF would not survive one day on the border of Kashmir or even Punjab.

Pushing someone else's brother, son, or father into war is easy

When you all be $hitting in the basements, with phat phat pharts coming non stop, hai raam raam, hai raam ji.

Oh Miah

I doubt you have lived through a war where airplanes circle on your home, where your old grandma, and your grandpa, and your littler brother and sister are trying to have breakfast.

Listened to the 1000 pound bombs detonating one mile from your mom's kitchen,

Felt the ground shake under the home your dad put his life times saving,

Seen your future disappear in a minute,

your college gone and school collapsed.

then I'll see how jingoistic many of you will be, or simply and shamefully peeing in the pants.

So please let go of this boasting, even on a Pakistani forum.

Have something to contribute towards peace

Thank you
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